Showing posts with label flameware. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flameware. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Hunt for the Elusive Flameware Egg Poacher

I've managed to come across quite a bit of pyrex flameware and I love it.  I use my teapot every day to fill my chemex and use my double boiler any time I melt chocolate or make hollandaise sauce (healthy, huh?)  But what I've been searching for and have never even heard a peep about is the clear glass egg poacher insert that fits into the double boiler.

It's listed in Barbara Mauzy's Unauthorized Collector's Guide and I've seen it mentioned on a few antique dealers' websites, but have never found one for sale in person or online.

Has anyone ever seen one?  Anyone own one?  I'm so curious now.  Do they really exist?  I'm assuming there weren't many made and perhaps a lot of them didn't survive?

The mystery of it all!  Big Foot, Nessie, the Bermuda Triangle, and now, the Pyrex Flameware Egg Poacher...

Chelsea @ Harriet and Quince

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pyrex Flameware

I love, love, love my various vintage, colored pyrex pieces - but the one thing that I literally use every day to fill my Chemex coffemaker (another favorite) is my flameware teapot.  I love the idea of not having to use a metal container to heat my water.  I came across it a few years ago for a very nice price at a local goodwill and have been on the lookout for a "spare" ever since.  Lo and behold, I finally found another yesterday (at goodwill again) for the low, low price of $2.99!  I'm having some twinges of guilt for not gifting it to one of my friends or family, but I figured that keeping it around as a backup will help ease the anxiety my husband must feel when I'm standing over him as he washes it to ensure that he doesn't drop it, crack it, scrape it, or bump it....(poor guy).  I guess I can rationalize the excess as 'marriage therapy'.

On another note, I often see posts from people who have found original vintage pyrex boxes with the inner contents in pristine condition.  Yet, in all my forays to the thrift stores, I've NEVER found anything similar.  I can't imagine that Corning/Pyrex managed to sell every piece that they produced back in the where, oh where, could the secret warehouse stash of brand new vintage pyrex be?

One can dream...!

Chelsea @ Harriet and Quince

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving Helpers!

Ok so I have no business giving you Thanksgiving tips. Our Thanksgiving was in October and mine super low key ( we prayed, gave thanks and hada seafood dinner, we were after all in Maine!)

So while leafing through my trusty Pyrex Prize Recipes book, I found some pics I just had to share with you!

No ideas for a tablescape? try this.

 You all need a flower arrangement in a Pyrex bowl! Yes you do! I love the little buns in the yellow large fridgie.
No pots left? Why not cook your whole Thanksgiving dinner in assorted Flameware tea pots or coffee pots?

My faves? The wieners, the corn of the cob and the telephone pole asparagus! Oh and the spaghetti, lol

The moral of this story? You can use your Pyrex for everything, the sky's the limit!

Happy Thanksgiving  my Pyrex friends!