Calls For Prosecutor For Buddy Johnson Mess
The St. Petersburg Times editorial board is calling for a prosecutor to investigate Hillsborough County Supervisor of Elections Buddy Johnson.
The curtain is finally rolling back on the rot left behind by former Hillsborough Elections Supervisor Buddy Johnson, and it isn't pretty. The best way to clean it up is for Gov. Charlie Crist to appoint a prosecutor to investigate Johnson's handling of the public's money. A county audit and the elections office's emergency request for more cash raise serious questions about where it all went and why Johnson was so secretive about it.
Audit Director Dan Pohto told the Hillsborough County Comission that Johnson and his staff was stonewalling him.
"We were four days into the 14 days with three holidays and very little access to records," Pohto said.
Pohto could only verify $336,000 of Johnson's request.
Where does Johnson get the audacity to stonewall an audit ordered by the commision? Johnson failed to provide enough voting machines for the Marshall Center. Johnson is over budget by $2.3 million and refuses to go in front of the commision to explain his request for more funds. Johnson sent his attorney Kathy Harris and watched her presentation to commissioners live via video. If Johnson had the time to watch video then he has the time to explain why he needs an extra $2.3 million.
"I can't believe he's not here to answer our questions," said Commissioner Rose Ferlita, clearly infuriated. "It's inexcusable; it's unacceptable."
The audit failed to prove that $1.7-million went to Premier Election Solutions for new voting machines. PES says they have not been paid. Here is where things get fishy. The money for voting machines is gone. However, PES has not been paid. "The question is, what other expenses were paid for with the Premier money, and were those expenses legitimate?" said Court Clerk Pat Frank.
There is the matter of Johnson spending $200,000 of federal money on voter education. Those ads had Johnson's face front and center during an election.
Incoming Supervisor of Elections Phyllis Busansky has her work cut out for her.
“We have no idea as I stand before you, and I’m really amazed at it, how much money has been spent and what is left,” Phyllis Busansky said.
I agree with The Times. Appoint a prosecutor to sort through this mess. Johnson's lackeys will be compelled to testify under a subpoena.
Labels: buddy johnson, dan pohto, phyllis busansky, premier election solution, rose ferlita, s, voting