Friday, April 11, 2014

Last weekends progress

I'm getting worse at posting my weekend update aren't I?  Feel free to slap me if I do it again.

Very little progress was made last weekend because I had 2 small boys running round from Saturday lunch time and I was worn out Saturday night and just about managed to stitch the pale grey without nodding off as I stitched!
On Sunday while Teejay was napping Caleb wanted to help me so it took 5 times longer to do one stitch than normal but he loved it and so did I and between us we did 47 stitches (Caleb counted)

Fingers crossed I'll finish it this weekend


cucki said...

Don't worry dear..
Same happening here :)
Huge hugs and kisses x

Jacqueline Morris said...

We all understand! But your still here!!
Thank you for posting an up date... its really coming on.
Smiles for your weekend :)

Shebafudge said...

Given my progress lately, there is little chance of me slapping you. Progress is progress :)