Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A few things on my mind

A couple things on my mind:
  1. I've decided I should take a cooking class. So, I'm going to take one when I'm done with my get fit, get skinnier program (cough, diet). Anyone out there interested in taking one with me? I think you shooooooould...
  2. I just looked in the mirror in the bathroom and realized I have a zit brewing right in the exact spot a bindi would be. What do you think people would say if I wore a sticker on my forehead tomorrow?
  3. I made a cake for my friend Erin's birthday party on Sunday and thought I'd show you a picture.

Things I'm looking forward to in the next few months:
  1. Hitting up Pennsylvania this weekend for a last hurrah before Debbie moves to California.
  2. Making a room change to the basement. With Deb moving I thought I'd mix something up in my life.
  3. House sitting for a coworker in a couple weeks for a couple weeks. I'll be a DC resident for a bit. I'm pretty excited about it.
  4. Going up to NYC to see The Hunger Games movie with former DC residents and awesome friends. (Bus tickets were purchased yesterday. We're so excited.)
  5. Going to California for Debbie's wedding.
  6. Going to Oregon less than a day after Debbie's wedding to see Emma who comes home from her mission!


laura said...

Um, that cake looks awesome. Good job. And I'm excited you're coming up! You'll have to let me know what showing you guys are going to.

Allison Barker said...

I wanna take a cooking class!