Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Please tell me it's on purpose

I always find myself saying the word verification words out loud when I'm commenting on a blog. Today I had a really good one:

I said it kind of like: kerrrrreeeeeeeepeee like a really dramatic reading of creepy. And obviously I thought that was REALLY funny, maybe even funnier than the blog post I was commenting on (cough, not likely Carly, your post was really funny).

I hope the people that put the words together do things like that on purpose. It sounds like a funny job.


Erin said...

So funny

Madame Palmkey said...

My latest one was sulmate. I think I've found mine. Right now it is valon

Carly April said...

watch your mouth young lady.

Unknown said...

I do the same thing! Also, I heard they might start making these words an opportunity for advertisements. So instead of random letters, it might say something "Drink Pepsi."