Thursday, June 16, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

Because I'm awesome I took tons and tons of pictures at Duck Beach... Nope. Not a single picture. I didn't take a single picture at Duck Beach.

So here I am stealing them off Facebook and other blogs (read: Chelsea's Blog)

If you're looking for me I'm in a white shirt on the left sitting on the back stair.

We had an awesome house. I loved my house. And when I say I loved the house I'm not just talking about the actual house, I'm mostly talking about the people in it. Everyone was fantastic. And the house house was really great too.

We really had a blast. One of the highlights was the run-and-jump-into-the-pool-while-catching-a-football-but-avoiding-all-the-other-things-thrown-at-you-game.

What you can't tell in this picture is that this was a football catching jump. I was one of like four people who managed to catch the ball while having a giant beach ball among various other things thrown at me. (No real pictures, but I'm still awesome.) Also, I have a great sunburn...

I'm such a ham.

Intense hot tubbing. This was more of a challenge to see how many people we could get in the tub. The water didn't cover the jets when we all got out.

Things not captured on film or recorded here:
Developing a love for The Biebs
Enjoying the beach
Late night swims in the ocean (no moon, it was dark and scary)
Awesomely Bad karaoke on the Magic Sing
Hot tub girl chats
Poorly executed dance parties (not thrown at our house)
Cheering for roommates in the volleyball tournament
Getting woken up by a bird fighting with his reflection (read: banging into our window over and over and over, at 5 am)

The weekend was so wonderful. I loved everything about it and felt much more comfortable and in my element than I did last year. (But that was mostly because I knew what to expect.) But that being said, I don't hope to go to Duck next summer. And if I'm still single (most likely) I plan on going somewhere tropical. Anyone want in?

(Also, a very special thank you to the organizers: Chelsea and Melissa! You were/are excellent organizers, cooks and friends. I love you both!)


chelsea said...

Thanks for the shout out!! It was such a fun week. When can be go back?

Kristen said...

this looks fantastic. and i love that "developing a love for the biebs" was first on your list!

your swimsuit is darling, p.s.