Showing posts with label horror. Show all posts
Showing posts with label horror. Show all posts

The Thing(s) In The Lake: Discussing Larry Fessenden's latest off-beat horror opus

Scout Tafoya Larry Fessenden's first film was a Super 8 remake of Spielberg's Jaws which included a pretty accurate miniature representation of the vessel The Orca. It's half parody, half-tribute, all proof that Fessenden was someone who got the details right and has his own way of doing things. When he started making horror films they felt real, every inch of them. They were horrific long before the monster showed up because he got the details of anxiety and aggressive behavior just right. The real villain of his film Wendigo isn't the violent and nightmarish forest-dwelling spirit at all. On top of being a unique director, Larry's also a singular presence on camera and of course one of the best indie film producers who's ever lived, so naturally when he took a break from directing I was fine with it because he was using his time admirably. That said I was more than a little thrilled to hear he'd once again directed a horror film and the more I learned about it, the more it became clear that he was returning to that little homemade Jaws parody with a bigger budget and a real monster. And that would have been enough, but Fess' is too interesting a filmmaker to leave it at that.
The joys of his latest, Beneath, are tactile. You can see the monster and the characters really touch it. That was a satisfaction I thought long gone from mainstream horror: CGI means you can have any creature you can dream up attacking your characters, you just can't prove it's there. If all this film's budget went into the mutant in the lake, then it was money well spent. But that sense of reality, of being able to reach out and put your hand on everything is also in the character design. At the start these people are shades away from cardboard cutouts (this is on purpose) but as soon as the first victim's blood fills the boat, they become real people with wicked survival instincts. If getting off the boat means everyone else has to die, then that's how they're going to play it. But it takes goading before the characters who seem primed to be the 'villain' take matters into their own hands. And characters who seemed fated to be heroic slowly prove they're less than meets the eye. It's a sort of slow-burner waiting to see who's going to snap and do something out of self-preservation. Their dialogue also has that weird, half-improvised feel of nervous people trying to seem imposing. It's just weird enough to be totally believable. And of course the film's best joke is that the characters can see the shore the whole time and the monster is kind of cute if you look at it the right way. They're only trapped because they keep damning themselves. I loved its old fashioned approach to the monster and loved the completely contemporary approach to the human dynamic.
 What'd you make of it? Did you want them all dead or were you rooting for someone to make it back to shore?

Lucas Mangum 
I'm glad you brought up character. I liked the issues the characters had with each other because it definitely helped make the film so much more than just a mere monster movie. Fessenden showed real competence by not limiting the conflict to two or three characters. Each person has some kind of secret beef with the other people on the boat and the tension escalates perfectly. I'd say it demands patience from the viewer, but the fact that they were also being attacked by a monster kept things moving right along for those of us with short attention spans.
And what a monster it was! I got really excited the first time it appeared on screen. It definitely conjured that enthusiasm I had as a ten-year-old seeing the shark in Jaws for the first time, or the squid in Disney's 20,000 Leagues.
 Did you have any issues with the film?

Well, in hindsight they don't seem like issues and seem more like purposely thorny edges. For instance, the fact that the female character who we spend the most time with has slept with everyone on the boat (with one exception) would seem like misogyny, but it's clearly Fessenden turning up the cliches to 11. What got me in the end was the way the film treats her character in the final act - without spoiling anything, I was disappointed, even if it was essential to sort out the fate of another character. I guess my concern was whether there was a way to get to the ending he wanted without taking the approach he did (I apologize for the maddening vagueries, but I do want viewers going in with a clean slate). The treatment of women isn't misogyny so much as a general misanthropy, which while perhaps purposely directed at a generation that won't have been old enough to have made the mistakes they're accused of making, it works because of the parodic look at the genre, but also because there are so many ways for people to be vicious these days. One thing Fessenden rightly acknowledges is that everything gets filmed these days, whether through cameras or cell phones, which means no one can hide their behavior anymore. The lake serves as a nifty little metaphor for their forced exposure to each other. They have nowhere to swim to - they're stuck with the truth and the people it pits against them.
Beyond that I suppose I couldn't help feeling it was a deliberately slight affair (the patient attitude of the monster drains a little tension from the precedings, even if that's probably how it'd go down - more reality hemming in on tropes). Wendigo, Habit and Last Winter have real gravity to them that this wants. Perhaps it's the character sketching but it's hard to bet on anyone because they keep infuriating each other. I liked them all, which is rare, but didn't love anyone so my stake in the ending was minimized. But of course there's so much to latch onto here (it strikes me as a most European approach to horror writing) that it hardly matters that there could have been a little more. Next to Maniac, The ABCs of Death and American Mary this still emerges as among the most thoughtful genre films of the year and certainly among the best American horror films for quite awhile. As with Fessenden's other films, Beneath was certainly made with care.

All excellent points. My gripes: I felt like the Johnny character was handled poorly. We were led several different ways on what his fate would be, and without giving away too much, the way he ended up wasn't what I expected. Not in the 'pleasantly surprised' way either, more along the lines of feeling lied to by the screenplay. Also, I am a bit burned out on, without sounding too judgmental, films where everyone is a bad person. Of course, I fully acknowledge that it served this story well, but I wanted someone to root for. Night of the Living Dead explores the same concept of people's ugliness coming out in a crisis, but we still had Ben as our character to follow and identify with. Now the tension is handled so well and the film is so damn strange (in that wonderful Cabin Fever kind of way; it actually reminded me a lot of Eli Roth's debut), it was very easy for me to look past all of that. I think, and I can't believe we're already far enough into the year to consider this, but I think Beneath is gonna be on a lot of top ten lists this year. It will almost certainly make mine.

As far as horror, yeah...this'll be on that list. No question. Even if we got ten great horror films between now and then, I'd still include it because it does so much so differently and there's too much right for me to get totally down on the few missteps. (I agree about Johnny, by the way, even if I had to admire the gumption of the script for treating his arc that way. Not satisfying, but twistedly believable, like so much of the film).

Oh yes, I have to give it props for not being afraid to be its own thing. It doesn't fit comfortably with any of the stuff that's come out in the last 5-10 years, and in my eyes that's a triumph. I mean there are pieces here and there like it's partly a found footage film, and the characters are your naughty kids in the woods (if three-dimensional) but even so it fiercely stands out.

As Difficult and Tedious as ABC

Horror anthologies are almost as old as straight-up horror. There are bonafide classics (Dead of Night) and worthwhile curios (Black Sabbath, The Asylum) throughout the history of genre films and now it seems they're making a comeback. Last year's V/H/S and The Theatre Bizarre rekindled our collective interest in watching masters and new voices alike tell tiny stories on a theme. Or just seeing how much depravity can be packed into a few minutes. The latest in the craze, The ABCs of Death, with 26 directors tackling a different segment for each letter of the alphabet, leans heavily on the latter, with critics finding it largely an endeavor worth forgetting. As fans of the craze, Lucas Mangum and I gave it a shot to see how it stacks up and what it says about this moment in horror.

 Lucas Mangum So at long last, I ask: What did we think of ABCs of Death?

Scout Tafoya Well, it's hardly worth saying anymore, but some segments make others look like utter dreck. No theme seems to link them and few do little more than embarrass themselves. Some do even worse. So what we'll more than likely wind up doing is picking a few we love and discussing the ones worth, allow me to start! I found the first three are mostly boring and started losing hope. Ernesto Diaz Espinosa does Nacho Vigalondo's Timecrimes, and Vigalondo does his own Extraterrestrial in 2 minutes.

Z has a warped early 90s energy that I half-heartedly applaud - I've seen it done better. X sort of gets there, but gets no points, what with its barely stomachable premise (PUNS!) and half-assed execution. I like director Xavier Gens' debut film (he's the only director who took the letter of his first name, if that counts for anything), even if he's struck out since then and was hoping for a glimmer of hope, that he'd return to being good at being bad. I got half of what I wanted...

Some of the folks I was most excited for supremely let me down. Angela Bettis, the only female director, seemed to have trouble executing her premise. The terrible CGI helped not at all. Andrew Traucki and Ti West, two legitimately great filmmakers, an actual fucking master in West's case, seem to have knocked theirs out in an afternoon. They don't exactly look worse for their involvement, but they probably should have politely declined, rather than get fans hopes up for something worth their personal touch. Ok, maybe West does look worse. The man made House of the Devil, for Christ's sake. He's a genius.

It was the work of Timo Tjahjanto, Hélène Cattet, Bruno Forzani, Ben Wheatley, Jason Eisener, Jon Schnepp, Jorge Michel Grau and Simon Rumley make the endeavor worth while. Tjahjanto, who we'll next see in V/H/S 2, at least does an awful lot of very convincing work with production design, performances and creatively gross nonsense. I'd rather have more to think about than less, even if I only like 2/3 of his ideas. Jason Eisener's isn't as good as it could have been, but I heartily applaud the art direction. Simon Rumley's is better and more interesting than his feature films. Schnepp's is hilarious and very off in a way I find appealing. Grau proves he's got more up his sleeve than just his marvelous debut, using texture just as splendidly as he did in We Are What We Are. Looking forward to his work on the sequel! Ben Wheatley's was far and away the funniest and most charming, the POV being put to devilish use and the writing and direction on par with each other; rare here. And you can't throw enough money at Cattet and Forzani for my liking. Those two are unstoppable geniuses.

The problem is...well, everything else. I mean, I guess expecting 26 films to adhere to the same standard of quality as its best is...foolish on my part, but with directors famous for movies that barely share the same genre (and fittingly, some barely qualify for inclusion in a film like this) it seems like a fool's errand packaging them together. How could anyone assume that fans of the Cattet and Forzani would like the Noburi Iguchi? The sensibilities are too off for it to ever work, even on paper, what possibility was there they'd work together? So between bright spots I was either bored, repulsed, or both.

Also, I genuinely think that encouraging Jake West and Srdjan Spasojevic is damaging to our culture. West thanks Adam Mason in the credits. He should have just handed him the camera and gone the fuck home.

Lucas I had a hard time viewing it all in one sitting because there was just so much content. By the last 45 minutes I was counting down how many films were left. Not because I disliked everything, it was just a little much to take. I think the filmmakers would've had more success breaking it up more. Maybe if it was a webseries...

I really enjoyed Adam Wingard's segment. It was fresh in the sense that it was funny and didn't involve dicks or toilets. Like you, I felt that A, B & C had their moments (C was at least interesting), but the first segment I thoroughly enjoyed was Marcel Sarmiento's Dogfight. The twist put a nice bit of icing on the cake for me. I also really dug the cartoonish H is for Hydro-Electric Diffusion. It was just too damn whacky for me not to get a kick out of it. Grau's segment was a truly unpleasant piece of film, but it was so effective for that reason. It was, after all, addressing a real-world unpleasant topic. I'd call it an ugly masterpiece. I felt the same way about L is for Libido, but I could've done without the little boys scene. As uncool as it may seem for someone so into horror, I do have my limits. Aside from that, I found it to be a twisted surreal journey through the world of sexual deviance. I respectfully disagree with you over Jake West's segment. It possessed a larger than life comic book style that I quite enjoyed and, while not original, I kind of dug that it was all some drug-fueled death dream. Vagitus was just really cool because it had that dystopic element to it that almost always wins me over when I see it. For some reason W & Z felt really similar for me, and I almost wished they weren't so close together. I guess that would involve fucking up the alphabet.

Scout You bring up an interesting point about pedophilia. Which is to say that films like this, and in their deliberately singling out directors known for extremity in its many forms, the curators must know and most probably hope for and encourage incredibly 'edgy' material from them.
 So my thought is, is there anything left to find in that direction? I can sort of hear "it's like Saw but with 12 year olds" being pitched in a boardroom somewhere. Like, at this point, 50 years after the invention of the gore film and 40 years after its apex with the Cannibal movies of the late 70s, and now with standards relaxed to an all-time low, what else is there? Tjahjanto putting kids in his movie is sort of like paying lip service to the big question mark hanging over the genre. If we can get away with that (and clearly we can), then what else is there left to do? 
I do sincerely hope this promotes a return to classicism and in some ways I can see it approaching (formal elegance saved Kiss of the Damned from being a total bore and the school of hyperactive Asian Frankenstein Girl movies has definitely lost the rabidness of demand it once had). 
I can only hope we get a slew of movies who count The Innocents, Cat People and The Haunting among their influences. Hell, I'd even settle for a new age of surrealism a la Alucarda or Messiah of Evil. The fact that among 26 movies by the world's supposed vanguard produced maybe a half dozen I'd ever consider watching again can't be a good sign.

I even feel like such subject matter can be utilized if the goal is beyond mere shock. Take a film like In a Glass Cage, for instance, in which pedophilia is a huge part of the plot. But that's just it, it's an ugly but complicated story about an ugly subject, not a thinly plotted story where such a sensitive subject is reduced to a gag for shock value's sake.

Scout Which to me is the paradox of the age we're in right now: Nothing shocks anymore, even if it churns stomachs, so why bother? I applaud Tjahjanto's inventive approach to every second of the film and the world he created, but the gag ain't much of a gag, and whether it's girls or boys, they don't mask the fact that he has nothing to say. Maybe it is meant as a commentary on our demand for the most disgusting things. If so, it's in terrible company, because no one else seems to be in an analytic mood. And frankly I'm not sure I'd buy it in Timo's case because of his gleefully sinking to the depraved depths in all their gory details. 

ABCs and V/H/S both thrive on objectification, so, even if their point is "Look how gross men can be," they're perfectly happy sinking into the shit along with them. It's not enough to say that you're pushing the envelope, because the envelope doesn't exist anymore and I think we're experiencing taboo fatigue. We get that you can show anything, so now let's please get back to understanding why we didn't settle for doing that for all those years.

 Even Men Behind The Sun had a point.

Lucas Yeah, I mean, as viewers we can only speculate. I'd love to see if Timo has commented in any way on what his intentions were for his film. Either way, ditto on the rest not being in an analytic mood.

Scout The propensity of actual onscreen toilets as plot points speaks volumes about collective ambition.

Lucas We're not the first to comment on that. You'd think the heads of this project would've said, "Um, we already have 3 toilet segments, sorry."

Scout Makes you wonder if they couldn't have searched a little longer for their contest winning T segment.


I think they should've used Maude Michaud's T is for Toothpick.

Me too. I only hope that guys like Larry Fessenden class up the joint in the next outing.

Definitely. I will say that I enjoy the fact that something this large was attempted and I think the potential for making something really great is there. A few five minute segments shouldn't have exhausted me as a viewer. It should've left me exhilrated and eager for the next ones.

And that is the tragedy of the endeavor. Some accounting of sensibilities should have been taken in the assigning of letters. The three in the front end shouldn't have been so similar, and then it's tonal schizophrenia from then on out.

 I get that surprise and diversity is a big part of the agenda. But it also shouldn't be the worst part of the film. 

The Heart of Salem

Rob Zombie is an anomaly. Not as polarizing, or as generally reviled as Eli Roth or Tom Six, as unfairly neglected as Greg McLean or Neil Marshall, nor as easily forgotten as James Wan and Darren Bousman, he is a horror filmmaker who has been nailed to many different crosses. Though most of us still remember when he made his living making metal music and the kooky videos that went with them, his switch from music to movies wasn't as inevitable (or, ahem, misguided) as the transitions made by Prince or Madonna, as enigmatic as David Byrne, nor as left-field and misguided as Fred Durst or Mr. Oizo. Zombie's a director without a steady cult, someone who's never made a film that we can all agree on. Unlike Roth or Wan his movies have gotten steadily better as he's steadied his craft and figured out what sorts of stories he wants to tell, even as he's often constrained by the demands of an increasingly horror-phobic studio system. But this past year, to my gratitude, the money was on his side, and he was given total creative autnomy on a project of his choosing and the result is Lords of Salem, a witch-burning film that despite clearly attempting to make it look and move like many others, speaks in a voice that could only be Zombie's. Mixing ghastly psychedelic imagery with disarming, effecting realism, Lords tells the story of a woman who falls prey to an ancient curse brought on by a coven of witches (played with Gleeful abandon by the always welcome Dee Wallace, Meg Foster, Patricia Quinn and a truly awesome Judy Geeson) and a satanic vinyl record. In other words, this movie speaks an old language. The question is, who's fluent these days? Lucas Mangum and I both gave it a whirl. 
Lucas Mangum So what did we think of Lords of Salem?

Scout Tafoya Even as I was aware of what was going wrong from a narrative standpoint, even as a few lines of dialogue struck me as Zombie trying a touch too hard to sound unforced and normal (which...what ambition!), even as he goes too far in his penultimate freak out into Altered States territory than the film can quite handle, I was equally aware that I liked the film too much to let the problems outweigh the overall effect. Or to put it simply, I'd decided I was going to love it and I did. I like Zombie. I like him as a person as well as an artist. 

I'll now refer everyone to my writing on Zombie's Halloween Films here only because Lords of Salem is the film I was wishing and hoping for when I walked out of Halloween 2. It's a horror film but the mean-spirit of his previous work has been channelled into something a little more watchable and understandable (drug addiction and sacrificial murder, as opposed to senseless murderings for the helluvit) and thus a more ambient, lived-in movie emerges. It's basically horror-as-status-quo, which is, far as I can see, kind of its own genre. The Witch Who Came From The Sea and Maniac are sort of up this alley, but they go from straight to crazy with no discernible attempt to shift the tone accordingly. Suspiria nearly achieves something similar, but I thiiiink that's because Dario doesn't speak great English or concern himself with, as he puts it, "Cartesian storytelling." Zombie is basically making an old-fashioned slice-of-life film, or maybe a better analogy is that he's making a 70s crime film, but he's replaced a heist with witch burning. Sidney Lumet efforts like The Anderson Tapes or Dog Day Afternoon jump out, because again, it's the lives of the robbers that makes the action worth watching.

I also share that piece above because I stand by the sentiments and think they apply to Lords, even if he has begun to learn from his mistakes. He's mostly maintained that beautiful unrehearsed acting style from his players, and given some of my favourite forgotten actors a chance to play it more or less straight - Ken Foree is perfectly cast, Bruce Davison and Maria Conchita Alonso don't strike me as the perfect married couple, but individually their performances are excellent and I liked the idea that Zombie thought they could convincingly play married. He's actually a far more romantic filmmaker than anyone gives him credit for - his depiction of married life is, when it's not relevant to show otherwise as in the case of Mr. and Mrs. Myers, idyllic and lovingly detailed. Also, dig the way he shows the hopeful romance/friendship between his leads. That wide shot of Whitey on the docks is heartbreaking, not to mention beautiful in that early John Boorman way.

And the Boorman quote brings me to the film's strengths. It takes its reference points in stride (the exception being the Ken Russell nods, which stick out more than they should, but, whatever, that's more a problem in mixing music video theatrics, Animation and Live action when the live action has been up to this point very well grounded - Zombie evidently didn't realize how well he'd been doing) and creates something purposefully familiar but also spins it in a way we've never seen. The compositions, those purposeful zooms, the truly bad-ass images of the witch sabbaths, we recognize them from staples like Argento, Carpenter, Coscarelli, Kubrick and Boorman (I love the shoutout to the Zardoz head!) but also lesser known influences like Mark of the Devil or Otakar Vávra's The Witch's Hammer. But the reason the appropriation works, for me, is because they're presented just outside the fringes of lives I buy, ones that involve flirtation, record players and NA meetings. He believes in his characters and their environments and sells them flawlessly. Even the villains are believably clique-y and lovable. That they're also played by genre regulars given straight roles to go to town with, the thing I liked best about his Halloween films, is icing on the cake. He's an actor's director, even if it looks like his images took years to dream up and choreograph. Just look at Dee Wallace and Patricia Quinn! They look like they're having so much fun! Wallace's hair alone is more shading than many characters get in their own movies. And how fearless is Meg Foster?! Furthermore, I feel like Sheri Moon, at this point in her life, wouldn't just take her clothes off just because - she's gotta love her husband and believe in his ideas. The space he gives his actors delivers a sense of his world view and what a giving director he is, to cast and audience alike.

In preparation for writing this I watched a film called Reverb, which takes a different approach to a similar idea. Made and shelved in 2007, it concerns a rock musician and his girlfriend given a cut-rate deal at a swank recording studio because a friend works there. They become obsessed with a song and in the wake of hearing it and falling under its spell the guy feels a creative breakthrough and follows his muse to strange ends. His girlfriend, freaked out by his obsession, finds out the origin of the phantom song and the creepy dude who wrote it. It's mostly nonsense, the studio's too clean except for a token echo chamber/kill floor, no metaphor emerges about the recording process (which is especially pathetic considering how easy that would have been) and the filmmaking's far too slick. In short, I don't know anything about the director from watching this movie. I know loads about Zombie from his few films and his muscular stylistic/grammatical evolution. He was out to provoke at first, but his worldview has since emerged through his constructions. I know the movies he likes, but I also know his opinion of people, his humanity, his ideas about what makes for a good life lived well, how far people can fall and still be up for forgiveness. And the more I learn about him through his movies, the more I like him. Plus...I mean, come on. Vinyl as the messenger of Satan? Witch burnings? Ken Foree as a DJ? Paisley wallpaper as a sign of impending doom? This thing was made for me.

Did you take to it as much as I did?

Lucas First, I have to mention that what stands out the most in the film is Zombie's adoration, not just of horror, but of film. From the wallpaper in the apartment to the camerawork, this is a guy who just loves the art of filmmaking. As much as I enjoy his music, I almost wish he would've devoted his earlier years to film, so we could have a larger body of work to explore. The dude is clearly educated on the medium and isn't afraid to show it. Hopefully we won't have to wait another four years for his next film.

I'm not sure if I like it as much as Devil's Rejects, because that film had so much to say about moral ambiguity and how a quest for revenge can really twist somebody. Lords of Salem, to me, was just him telling a story, which is fine because it was a damn fine story. If I don't like it as much as Rejects, it definitely comes in a close second. While his love of film and horror is ever-present, it never takes away from the story, never slides into being a mere tribute to the movies he likes. I'd dare say that the first two thirds are perfect. I liked the gray tint that the film has and even though I couldn't help but shake my head when I saw that Sheri Moon's love interest looks suspiciously like Rob himself, I really liked the two main characters and their dynamic. Their back and forth really revealed the complexity of their relationship and I felt like they were people I knew, which is a golden ticket for me whenever I'm reading about characters in a book or viewing them on the screen. Though he borrows liberally from Kubrick, Polanski, Argento, and even Paranormal Activity's Oren Peli (who also produced Lords of Salem), it never once feels derivative. Again, I think that's because of character, but that could just be the writer in me.

I had mixed feelings about the third act. I mean, I liked what I saw, but only because I'm a huge Rob Zombie fan. The freakout scene with the goat-riding, the grinding black metal dude, and the melting Jesus face could have easily come from any White Zombie video. So as a Rob Zombie fan, I liked it. As a movie fan, I'm kind of up in the air. At least when it comes to how everything played out in the end. I did like the final shot of Sheri though. There was something very humanistic about showing her that way after experiencing all the horror. It also gains points for being very deliberate, which a few years ago, his detractors would've surely said he wasn't even capable of pulling off. The three witches were great. The concept was fun. And the protagonists are likable, especially Sheri, who shows us that she is more than capable of playing a dramatic role. I'd say it's a winner.

I plan to watch it again and again, because there was something really refreshing about it.

Scout Agree, though this is definitely my favourite of Zombie's films, by a comfortable margin. Those compositions are...epic. Those alone place this in my tentative top ten for the year without breaking a sweat. As for your reservations, I concede that the Altered States style animation and the black metal dude were missteps that take us out of his leading ladies believable and perverse suffering, but these are forgivable sins, I think we can agree, because after all he's trying to unseat us. He just also accidentally unseats the narrative for a few seconds.

I think you're right to make mention of Peli. That guy evidently had enough money to produce a whole fleet of horror films (hence the slew of James Wans coming out left and right...jesus that man annoys me) and chose to fund a Rob Zombie in amongst the Chernobyl Diaries and Insidii (the plural of Insidious, of course). This is the smartest thing he's done since making Paranormal, and I like this film far better than Paranormal because I feel like that film took a little time and calculation and Lords took a lot of very specific detail and a very peculiar sensibility honed over many years. Again, I don't know shit about Peli from watching his movies, but I'm grateful that he chose Zombie to make something that ultimately has nothing to do with his particular brand of films. Brave choice considering how commercially iffy Zombie's been in the past and since it gave me this film, I'm grateful.

The more I think about it the more this film and its rhythms, sexuality drenched in hopelessness and the grainy look, the more it reminds me of the kind of outre desert horror films made in the early 70s. The title appearing next to the goat head is what first alerted me to the similarity, but the priest scene is a great example of capturing a feeling of hopelessness inherent in the films being made in the first place. The Wrong Way, Blood Freak, Bloodsucking Freaks, things that make Al Adamson movies seem not just professional but safe. Movies with no one who ever made another film in the cast, so there's no proof they weren't actually killed. I recently bought a Vinegar Syndrome double feature DVD whose A-side was The Suckers, the apparently legendary lost porn-version of The Most Dangerous Game. That film has the same kind of hopelessness but of course in the Zombie it's intentional, whereas in the past it's been because I've looked through the story (what little there is) and into the lives of the creators. There's always an edge to movies like that, like they shouldn't exist; like some bikers killed a guy for a camera and the resultant film was a confession.

Zombie captures a bit of that quesy magic here, more so than in Devil's Rejects, which is a little too production-designed to ever lose itself entirely in the mileau. No film with that ends with "Free Bird" could ever fool anyone into thinking there was any real murder in it. Lords has a kookiness to its images that occasionally takes you out of the professionalism and those delicious tracking shots and into the weird America of yesterday. You can't make a movie like The Suckers today because the danger and mystery of the production can't be faked. You cannot get lost in this country today; you're always accounted for. Lords harks back to a time when the 70s seemed especially long because movies would just appear in drive-ins and grindhouses with not a single name you'd heard before. It gets close to achieving that very much missed sense of despair that can sometimes come of watching American roughies of a certain vintage. And I think he gets there by not making this a routine scare-a-thon. He's not trying to scare us with his repeated image of topless, goat-headed women, or of witches flailing away by fire-light, he's just trying to fill our heads with evil, the way the catholic league of decency always assumed rock music did.

What do you think Zombie's ambition was for this film? Clearly it was sort of a commission, even if the ideas were all very obviously his, but do you think he was after something, a place in some particular canon?

Lucas I think he was going for something classic this time around. Not classic as in throwback, but I think rather than take the paths of more recent horror efforts, he was in it to give us a simple yet effective horror film. Horror over the last ten years falls into three categories for me. The first category is that of some sort of endurance test for the viewer; films like Saw and The Collection fall into this category, and Zombie himself has been guilty of it from time to time. The second category is the tribute/parody/remake where you have your Cabin in the Woods and Evil Dead. Then you have the low-budget stuff, which at best gives us Absentia and Paranormal Activity; at worst we get the stuff that just seems like a couple of drunks bought a DV camera and decided to run around an abandoned house with the night vision on. The most recent efforts that Zombie's film is comparable to would be Ti West's House of the Devil and The Innkeepers. I mention those films, because like Lords of Salem, they seem to really stand out from the majority of today's horror films. They look to the past, but rather than copy it, they pick up where the greats left off before the three aforementioned categories became such staples in the current state of the genre.

That's what I feel Zombie set out to do.

Scout And I think he achieved it, with flying colours.

Lucas You're absolutely right. It was a truly refreshing experience, and I think it will get even better with subsequent viewings.

Don't Read From The Book! Talking about the new Evil Dead

The Evil Dead remake is already a polarizing topic in critic and horror fanatic circles. There've been remakes before, but Evil Dead is the holy grail of low budget horror cinema. Friday the 13th and Halloween are movies of debatable quality, even if a tremendous affection or importance keeps them afloat, but the legacy of Evil Dead is one entirely of affection. Fans love The Evil Dead more than perhaps any other genre staple. People who love Friday the 13th do not love it the way we Evil Dead fans love the 1981 cult staple. The difference is that Sam Raimi's film is lovable by design, a winning, handmade tribute to horror tropes that were still developing and to the possibilities of low budget cinema. So a remake, even one produced and blessed by original director Raimi, star Bruce Campbell and producer Rob Tapert, is a dubious prospect to say the least. And now that it's here the debate rages. Here's a look into two fans (myself and horror maven Lucas Mangum) talking out the finer points of the situation.  

As usual, we spoil a little bit and as we both recommend it, it'd be good to see the new and the original Evil Dead first. Because also, seriously, the original's a goddamn masterpiece so get on that.

Lucas Mangum So, what did we think of Evil Dead? 

Scout Tafoya Well first things first: it was never going to be Sam's film. The Evil Dead and its sequel are the kind of phenomenon that don't seem to happen anymore (though perhaps John Hyams is the closest thing we have today). That is low-budge auteurs deciding to throw every goddamn trick they know at the screen to give audiences the ride of a lifetime while shackled to budgetary constraints and audience expectation. Evil Dead may have been made for 9 cents, but every one of them is up there on the screen scaring the hell out of you and making you laugh. Evil Dead 2: Dead By Dawn is that rare film where the budget increased but the entertainment value didn't drop an ounce. I grew up with these films, having seen Dead By Dawn in the third or fourth grade (I can't rightly remember which) and the original not long after. The first scared me so bad I had to turn it off toward the end and watch the rest when it was light out. So, the new Evil Dead is never gonna have anything like Raimi's ingenuity or wit (a mix of George A. Romero and the Three Stooges). But what it does have is a great modern visual sense, heavy on detail and texture. It has the same elastic approach to gore and torment. It has the same proportion of game cast members to not. It has a fab sense of pacing once the going gets, and is terrifying and almost unwatchably grotesque at times, but in a good way. In other words for a movie that has no good reason to exist, it's a pretty good time at the movies. I plan on seeing it again, and soon. 

Lucas Well-said, man. I don't know if I've ever had such mixed feelings about a single film. I felt as if it relied too heavily on melodrama and in-jokes (which, while appreciated, are starting to lose their flavor for me). My other issue was that the whole thing felt like a big metaphor for Mia's (Jane Levy) drug addiction. I'm not sure I dislike that aspect of it, but part of me feels that it makes the story more complicated than it needs to be. Maybe. That said, I read a review that described it's style as "a few shades lighter than the gloomy grunge of recent genre films," [Mark Olsen, LA Times - Ed.] and I couldn't agree more. It had a sense of fun that has been sorely missing from the genre as of late. There were some truly killer moments, the effects were top-notch and Levy did a great job as the lead. She managed to be both terrifying and sympathetic. I also liked how she ended up being the protagonist in the end when all along we were led to believe that her brother would be the hero. This was in line with the first film, where the blond dude (I forget his name [Scotty, played Richard DeManincor under the pseudonym Hal Delrich -Ed.]) has more heroic qualities even though Ash ends up being the sole survivor. I also keep remembering things throughout today that I liked, most of them having to do with nail guns, and can see many of these sequences being classic images for the genre a few years from now. Despite my mixed feelings about Mia's drug addiction, I will say that I appreciated the kids going to the cabin for a reason other than to party, because holy shit that angle's tired! I did all I could to not compare it to the original for the same reasons you didn't. Those films are so special to me and, you know, horror fans everywhere. So to compare Alvarez's film to Raimi's would've been unfair. Overall, it was a quality horror film and I think Alvarez has a bright future in the genre. We're lucky to have him. 

Scout I agree. As for the shades lighter angle, I completely agree and noticed something fascinating when I was walking out. The original Evil Dead has a balance of character versus terror that most films never achieve and it's a credit to Raimi that he manages a very specific feat. What I mean is, and I think it has everything to do with Bruce Campbell winking at the camera in the first seconds of the film, is that even when people are being chopped to pieces with an axe or stabbed with andirons or having their faces melted via stop-motion, there's never a sense of despair about it. In Saw, Hostel and other films, they want you to suffer for their characters' sins. So if someone gets shot in the face or cut to ribbons, it'll be like Brad Pitt call it in Killing Them Softly: they're going to beg and plead and call for their mothers. They're going to not have deserved it and the director would love it if you suffered right along with them. Kevin Bacon being killed in Friday the 13th's a good example - it feels rude and unfair that arbitrarily there's some fucking person under the bed who's going to stab him in the throat with an arrow. As in "how could they be ignorant of the person under the fucking bed?" As in "we don't even know this dude and now he's choking on his own blood and a fucking arrowhead!" As in "This isn't particularly entertaining." Raimi was after something else - these people are being killed in the showiest fashion imaginable and it's all part of a sort of carnival atmosphere. We laugh when Scotty walks into a bathroom, pull back the shower curtain, finds nothing there and then is beset upon by a demon hiding who knows where in the bathroom. That's obviously a joke, and it's a pretty fucking great one that for me hasn't lost any of its power over the year. Campbell winking means "don't worry, fellas, it's just a movie" and then tests the prehensile strength of the fourth wall with his incredibly goofy, yet often truly horrifying murder setpieces and shocks. You want to laugh but it's also both incredibly frightening and very, very unnerving. It's the most beautiful showmanship. 

Now, Alvarez doesn't have Sam's showmanship, but he does pull off the very endearing and impressive feat (at least he did for me) of killing people and not making it feel like Sophocles, to coin a phrase. And this is pretty impressive given that no one does anything like wink in the early going - as you say, Lucas, heroin addiction is as funny as...well, Heroin addiction. And yet Fede manages it by making his characterization loose enough that you don't wish anyone harm, but you're ok when they start removing pieces of each other. The last bit of business involving the shotgun made me appreciate that these characters had done something other than stood around waiting to get killed. They fulfill a kind of narrative/fright satisfaction. It's about making an impression in the scheme of progression, rather than as characters in a story. In other words Alvarez got the most out of them as pieces in a macabre puzzle, without making us feel cheated that we didn't get to know them better. But as far as characters go, I liked Levy and believed her waffling demeanor in the first act. I also loved her crazytown monologue to Shiloh Fernandez; she sort of reminded me of a young Brad Dourif and I think you and I know that that's a compliment. I dug that Lou Taylor Pucci kept getting almost murdered and then standing up and walking around. Also dug his hair and glasses. It's a bit more 70s than 80s, but I like that he and Levy (not to mention Alvarez and his gore effects team) were clearly going for something. 

Ramblin' 'bout Amblin: Jaws

Fox Its release was a watershed moment in motion picture history. In 1975 Steven Spielberg was a relatively unknown filmmaker. He was 26 and had one theatrically released feature film under his belt, the neo-noir The Sugarland Express. Dick Richards, who'd just put out his own debut The Culpepper Cattle Co. had slotted Jaws to be his second film but the producers dropped him for Spielberg.

I think they chose correctly.

Jaws became the first summer blockbuster in history and it's a bit of downward spiral from there as far as popular American film is concerned.

I've seen this film plenty of times but only in this most recent watch did I take a hard look at it for Spielberg's touch. And even so early on in his career he'd developed some of the key traits we associate with his shooting style. The full dolly pushes forward on characters at moments of revelation, really realistic performances despite the fact that Jaws is essentially a monster movie, and, probably the oddest touch for me, an overwhelmingly classical view towards the 
titular man-eating shark. Robert Shaw's Quint rapidly becomes Captain Ahab but at no point in the film does the viewer worry about Brody or Hooper's exposure to the man. Instead we're treated to a lot of laughter and camaraderie, accompanied by John William's oddly upbeat score as they chase harpoon-led barrels around the Atlantic.

Two main things stood out to me on this most recent viewing: John William's score and the narrative's focus. Williams is arguably the greatest film composer of all time. Almost every single theme known by the masses belongs to the man and Jaws is the birth of the legend. Many times I've heard anecdotes about how Spielberg laughed with incredulity at William's when he came to him with the theme to Jaws. "That's it?" was Spielberg's reply. Whether it's true or not is beside my point though. What got me about the score on this viewing was how jovial it is. Most of the film utilizes a really upbeat classical sounding score with very lively string arrangements. The famous theme makes plenty of appearances but Spielberg uses it the same way he uses his reveals. Most of the time the theme is used instead of the actual shark (Though this is due mostly to the malfunction of the shark prop). The first time you really see the shark is about an hour into the film. Spielberg plays it close to the chest and it makes the film so much better. And that's where the narrative comes in.

Now Spielberg didn't write the screenplay but his love of the novel was what got him into the film in the first place. And it shows.

The film's opening is mighty famous. Skinny-dipping teenager gets eaten by an unseen monster. With horror we watch as this girl gets dragged every which way through the water as her too-drunk partner passes out on land and can't possibly help her. The sequence is horrifying, though I couldn't help but laugh. The three minute sequence was definitely shot during at least three different times of day. The quality of light ranges pretty greatly throughout the scene. In fact this kind of error happens quite a bit throughout the film. Hardly an unforgivable mistake but it's interesting to think of films as legendary as Jaws having these kinds of continuity errors. And since I'm thinking of it the best error comes once the final trio are on the Orca late in the film where Roy Scheider is talking and the scene quite literally fades out mid sentence. It'
s hysterical.

What's interesting though is after this initial attack the film goes quiet. We get a really close look at the town on Amity Island and learn quite a bit about its economy and lifestyle. This is where the film shines in my opinion. Because of Spielberg's patience, this thriller's punches end up really packing a wallop. Spielberg makes sure there's real heart in this thing. Whether it be Roy Scheider's sheriff's son being in danger or the mother of one of the shark's victims slapping him in front of the whole town, Spielberg makes sure that at the heart of this film there's a real town with real people in it. This allows for him to not only stave off seeing the shark for so long but also to truly give the film weight that lasts long after people have left the theater.

I'll probably end up having more to say about Jaws when I take a run at Spielberg's earlier work (especially Duel). For now though I'll say that its a great flick and a perfect jumping off point for this project.

Emily D Tucker and I have recently been discussing what makes a good horror movie 'good'. We keep coming back to the same popular opinion that, of course, what makes a horror movie work is for the creator to remember that the film still needs to adhere to the standards of any other movie genre. It must have a fully developed story with equally developed characters; the horror element can’t be expected to carry the film alone. (I’m looking at you, Candyman).

One of my favorite ways that some horror films carry this out is to emphasize a character’s life outside of the main plot. This not only creates a more interesting and three-dimensional character, but also ensures that the character is not simply a vehicle for the plot. The Exorcist, for example, begins by showcasing Regan and her mother under normal circumstances before their new demon friend comes to town. As Regan begins exhibiting signs of trouble, Mom handles it in a realistic way by taking her to various doctors and psychologists, but their lives are not put on hold by Regan’s “illness.” Mom even holds a dinner party for her colleagues during which Regan takes a turn for the worst and pees on the carpet in front of everyone (come on, R, Get it together). By this point, we’re invested, and our understanding of the characters ultimately heightens the eerie sequences that infuse the remainder of the movie.

Jaws handles this technique pretty well. We first meet the main character, Brody (who I’m going to call Danny Tanner for the rest of this review), as he begins his new job as sheriff of a hip beach town. He’s got a cool house, a wife with fabulous hair, and two kids that are surprisingly not annoying. Things are looking up for ol’ Danny Tanner. Just as he's getting his feet wet (!), he and his deputy find a dead body on the shore. In this initial investigation alone, we learn about the main character’s moral code, his logical approach to solving problems and his primary obstacle in solving those problems: the mayor. What we gather about the character here informs our viewing of the rest of the film, as we’re not just watching a shark killing kids or whatever, but a man trying to keep those kids or whatever alive. In subsequent conversations with other characters, like his wife, we see the effect that the shark situation is having on his life. The shark isn’t just a menace, it’s an imposition.  

We have a similar opportunity to get to know Danny Tanner’s entourage, Captain Ahab and Mr. Holland. Captain Ahab, though the most two-dimensional character of the three, has a clear motivation and strong sense of self throughout the film. Mr. Holland, after explaining his reasons for assisting with the hunt (science!), even has to call out of work in order to keep helping Danny Tanner. A small detail like this really lends some realism to a creature feature, particularly after seeing the clearly-rubber shark flopping up and down the boardwalk. 

Parceling out time to explore these characters at the beginning of the film pays off, as it amplifies the suspense of the boat trip in the second half of the film. This would be the most boring movie ever if we didn’t care about or understand the characters, regardless of the fantastic boat attack during the climax. This part of the film is pretty much just a war monologue, a weird fade, and a lot of waiting – risky, but it works.

Though I’m not in love with this movie overall, I certainly respect and appreciate its storytelling ability. The main thing I want a movie to do is get me to care about what it’s telling me, which Jaws actually did. Although I could have used at least one urination scene. Maybe next time, Spielberg

Next up:

The Best Horror Films of 2012

In assessing the best horror films of 2012, I realized my scope wasn't as broad as I would have liked. I love horror, live and breathe it, but my confidence has been lately rattled. So I needed the opinion of someone who took chances and who still believed in the genre. So I asked Lucas Mangum, friend and author of Goblins and Abhorrent to augment this feature with his own list. I'm still a believer but I have doubts; Lucas' faith is unwavering, I trust his judgment and I'm thrilled to have his take to share with you! I love that our lists diverge so much. For my part there were scarier films this year (Snowtown chief among them) but I wanted to stay within the confines of the genre and so only chose out-and-out horror movies. Prometheus, for instance, has one of the most frightening and gruesome sequences of any film this year, but it's very clearly a sci-fi movie before it's a horror film.


10. Citadel

    - A slight thing, but i'ts the craft that brings this up to snuff. It's a small thing, but the score makes such a difference; a rich and beautiful thing that lends weight that might otherwise have slipped through the film's fingers. Not that it's not a harrowing experience, but horror movies made on the cheap need all the help they can get, because honestly, I've seen much of this before. Philip Ridley's very fine film Heartless covers the same territory, if perhaps less claustrophobically. Citadel doesn't reinvent the wheel, but you feel every blow, scrape and fall that our terrified hero encounters. And the ending is boss enough to make up for an underlying cruel streak I wasn't entirely on board with.

9. Theatre Bizarre

    - Rarely do horror films have teeth like this. Rarer still do you find an anthology worth watching back to front. Theatre Bizarre sustains its grim, unsparing tone throughout its many segments and never relents for a moment. It builds slowly until the things it shows you are well beyond decency and taste and exist on a sublime plateau of disgust, bile and otherworldly beauty. As a fan of Ken Russell and having nearly fainted after watching The Girl With The Golden Breasts, his contribution to the decent omnibus film Trapped Ashes, I'm well aware that portmanteau films are often forces to be reckoned with. I wasn't at all shocked to hear about the fainting spells and walkouts that greeted this movie wherever it played and even if those stories are apocryphal, be aware: Theatre Bizarre takes no prisoners. Standouts include those by fellow Emerson alum Jeremy Kasten, whose host segments are endearingly warped, and David Gregory, whose finale segment is gorgeously composed and, pun intended, more than a little sweet.

8. Sinister

    - Now look, I'm no fan of Scott Derricksen. His last two films were abominable and I've skipped his work on direct-to-dvd sequels because, well do I really have to explain that? And in truth he still fucks up an awful lot in this, which still must be his best film: the performances range from whatever to bad, the script is a classic example of a Roger Ebert 'idiot plot,' and I didn't give a goddamn about anyone in this movie and thus could neither enjoy nor lament the fate of its lead characters. That said, this film can be incredibly scary when it gets out of its own way. The demon at the core of the story is a terrifying creation and largely he's handled very well (a last-minute jolt appearance is really mishandled and dumb) and the ghostly children who enter the story at around the halfway point get some great moments. But what makes this worth watching is the found footage portion of the movie. I was supremely bummed out to discover that almost no part of V/H/S even pretends to be shot on VHS, but when I saw that this movie featured haunted Super 8 footage and they actually put in the effort to make it look the genuine article, I got real forgiving of the dumb shit making the plot happen. The opening shot of four hanged bodies is fantastic, a scene involving a lawnmower is far more terrifying than it ought to be, and any film that posits a hidden unearthly magic contained in celluloid's got my respect. If the film ever approaches art, it's in the making of those murder films.

7. The Bay

    - Barry Levinson started his career right as disaster movies were coming to a close. The Irwin Allen school of "replace dayplayers with football players and blow shit up around gone-to-seed icons"filmmaking was on its way out. Levinson was, for a time, more interested in three dimensional characters. So leave it to the man who made Diner to make one of the most comprehensive horror movies about people ever made. Levinson is one of the few people to do a found-footage movie right by treating every denizen of a town who ever passes in front of one of the many cameras he pulls from as a real person. No one is there to get killed, which makes them dying wholesale all the more horrifying. Best of all, he works the scares organically into his concept.

6. The Awakening
    - Rebecca Hall and Dominic West in the same movie, you say? I'm listening... It's a post-war anxiety ghost story set in a boarding school? Stop drilling you've hit oil! It could have a few more scares, sure, but between the tender performances, angrily broiling subtext and splendid period recreation, I had a fantastic time solving this mystery.

5. Kill List

    - Anyone who's seen Kill List will probably shutter at first mention of "the hammer scene."It's about a half hour or so in and at this point we know very well that our two in-name-only heroes are dangerous, unhinged and very bad company. What we don't quite know is what director Ben Wheatley's going to do to make sure we know how far down the blood-soaked rabbit hole we'll be going. They've tied some poor bastard to a chair and you know it's going to end poorly for him but we don't know how poorly until one of them grabs a hammer. In a feat of special effects I haven't been able to parse out (as it should be), his kneecaps are smashed before a quick cut to black saves our eyes from eternal damnation. The film is horror from this point on. It ends up going on a truly wild tangent that puts us in Wicker Man territory, but that visceral feeling of watching someone apparently beaten to death in front of our eyes for a split second never diminishes. Ben Wheatley's clinical viewpoint never gives into the violence he depicts, making it all the harder to watch because he's so firmly in control; he wants you to see everything. This film has guts to spare.

4. Livide: Blood of the Ballerinas

    - A slight affair, to be sure, and one limited by what was surely a tiny budget, Livide is nevertheless a stunning piece of filmmaking. I went on at length about how much I hated the directing duo Julien Maury & Alexandre Bustillo's last film, Inside, for featuring egregious violence to a baby (they later went on record as having had that thrust on them by producers, but that really wouldn't have saved the movie from being a pointless wallowing), but for whatever reason I was willing to give them a second chance. As we'll see below as well, this paid off handsomely. A riff on Suspiria that actually does something about its fixation on motherhood (albeit just as diffusely), Livide has an otherworldly story-within-a-story that makes it something like the horror film's answer to Tabu. Strange and dreamlike and because it doesn't invest its framing device with all that much intrigue, you don't mind when it goes deliciously off the rails and into the surreal and impressionistic.

3. The Tall Man

    - Speaking of second chances, the only french horror film I hated more than Inside may have been Martyrs, an artless slog through misery whose point was just that. Granted I'm not a huge fan of New French Extremism as a whole but I was really unfavorably inclined toward those two - the movements' best films are the ones that unimaginative critics lumped in there because they didn't know what else to do with them (I'm sorry but works of art like La Vie Nouvelle and Pola X do not belong in the same company as cinematic hatefucks like Martyrs and Irreversible, thank you very much!). The movie I enjoyed the most from this groundswell of French horror was probably Frontiere(s), for sheer lunkheaded entertainment value. So when these enfants terrible started turning in sophomore efforts, I paid attention to see what maturity might look like from the world's pre-eminent shock hawkers. The man behind Frontiere(s) went Hollywood with his risible adaptation of Hitman and then the truly abysmal and nihilistic The Divide. Bustillo and Maury tightened up with Livide, but the real evolution was in Pascal Laughier, director of Martyrs. His newest film, and English-language debut, The Tall Man starts off already feeling like a major aesthetic improvement. The camera work is heavy, strange and fleet. You can feel the despair in every footstep its lead characters take and every piece of debris littering the lawns of the pacific northwest town it's set in. Then the story takes off: someone or something called The Tall Man is stealing children from the destitute parents of this town. And just when you get a fix on who or what it might be, the story begins doing logical gymnastics until you're no longer sure what kind of movie you're watching. I was first intrigued, than captivated, then thoroughly impressed. This was no longer just a horror film in the traditional sense but a beastly morality play with no easy answers. Laughier finally found something worth saying and a sure-footed way to say it. My hat is off to you, sir, and I ask your forgiveness for doubting you.

2. Berberian Sound Studio

    - I'll save most of my breathless praise for this film in my master best of the year list, because believe me this movie is special, and simply say that as a horror movie about the making of horror movies, it's both incredibly cine-literate and genuinely unsettling. No other film like it this year.

1. The Woman In Black
     -I could go on and on about the resurgence of Hammer Horror and this being the first true example of a return to form for the company (what with the lavish art direction and period set design and so on and so forth); that they got everything so right for their return that they even found someone who looks like a cross between Ralph Bates and Shane Briant to play the lead. But really the reason this is my favourite horror film of the year is a matter of mechanics. Daniel Radcliffe walks into a room and a rocking chair is moving on its own. At this point the seasoned horror fan knows exactly what's going to happen - he's going to approach the chair, at which point it will stop rocking and something will then jump out and surprise him. Knowing this, the anticipation builds. What will be the thing that jumps out? From where? The waiting is sweet agony. It's stop being disingenuous - it's easy to jump out of a closet and scare someone and director James Watkins isn't going to deny that there's a man in the closet, he's just going to punish you for knowing about him by making you wait. You see the set-up, you know what must happen, and then it does and it's more frightening than you could have imagined. This is a horror film with all the gears exposed; I knew when and how I'd be scared, but I was still completely flattened by those moments when they happened. That is what I call great filmmaking.

Lucas Mangum

10. Deer Crossing

    – While much more of a crime thriller than a horror film, it has a pervasive darkness to the overall film that will really appeal to horror fans. Somewhere between Bad Day at Black Rock and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, writer/director Christian Grillo offers up the contents of his subconscious. And it ain’t pretty. Big props especially go to K.J. Linhein as the deranged Lukas Walton.

9. Paranormal Activity 4

    – Is the franchise getting a little old? Yes. However, in this entry, the filmmakers seem to recognize this. In addition to the usual jumps that we’ve come to expect, this entry is given a much needed sense of humor and self-awareness that keeps it from being tired. It’s on par with the third and more interesting than the second.

8. Amateur Night

    – V/H/S was a highly anticipated found footage anthology horror film that came out this year. There was a lot to love, but it just wasn’t the game changer I was hoping it would be. Maybe it was my fault for overhyping the film in my own mind. That said, it does feature some of the best work in horror this year. Case in point, Amateur Night from director David Bruckner. It’s a great execution of a wild night gone wrong and I dare anyone to watch it and not hear Hannah Fierman saying, “I like you,” in your nightmares for months to come.

7. Lovely Molly

    – After thirteen years Eduardo Sanchez (one half of the team that created The Blair Witch Project) gave us this atmospheric, creepy possession flick. The real star here is definitely Gretchen Lodge as the titular character. She manages to be both beautiful and threatening.

6. Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning

    – I know what you’re thinking. "What the fuck is a Van Damme movie doing on a horror movies list?" Hear me out. Director John Hyams took a lot of risks with this film. While it is a continuation of the franchise (sixth if you count the two made-for-cable sequels), he takes it in a dramatically different direction and ends up with the best film in the series. Relying on horror movie aesthetic and cringe-worthy realism to the fight scenes, he crafted what is essentially a twisted hero’s journey. By the end the viewer is left with a sentiment not unlike what he or she would feel after watching most contemporary horror films.

 5. 10/31/98

    – Yep, a part of V/H/S lands on this list twice. This time it’s the segment directed by filmmaking collective Radio Silence. You just can’t go wrong with this piece. It has characters that you give a shit about and is mostly set within a truly scary haunted house. I loved the hands coming out of the walls.

4. The Innkeepers

    – For some reason, I didn’t remember that this one came out this year. With The Innkeepers, Ti West knocks another out of the park with his brand of subtle, atmospheric horror.

3. Detention

    – Evan Dickson over at Bloody Disgusting described Detention as something like Scott Pilgrim vs. the World meets Scream. I’d probably add meth into the equation. This one has to be seen to be believed.

 2. Absentia

    – I saw a clip of this early in the year and was intrigued, but almost forgot about it until I saw it on Netflix one day. This film deserved better than it got. Relying on subtlety instead of in-your-face gore, Absentia recalls atmospheric greats like Phantasm and Jacob’s Ladder. Very little is seen of the monsters, the characters are achingly realistic and the film insists on taking itself seriously even as the outlandish details develop. I can’t say enough nice things about this film.

1. Cabin in the Woods

    – Anything I can say about this film has probably already been said. It is not just a study in the tropes that populate the genre; it recognizes the need for the genre to evolve, then demands that it happens. My hope is that every horror filmmaker or aspiring horror filmmaker has watched this and will take it as a challenge. The genre must try new things and the age of remakes must come to an end. Amen and amen.

**Disclaimer: I haven’t seen John Dies at the End, Kill List or Chained yet, so come February, don’t be surprised if my Facebook status update says something about one of them being the best of this year.**

You can find Lucas Mangum at and on twitter @LMangumFiction