Showing posts with label Bales. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bales. Show all posts


Tangled on Fabric.....

Last night was my first chance to tangle on fabric. What fun!

We tangled on Zentangle "Go Tangle" Wallets at The Queen's Ink.

This is a picture of my finished wallet. I love it. My personal challenge now is that I would like to make a clutch purse to tangle on.

Has anyone made or tangled on small clutch purses of any type?

Tangles: Bales, Bunzo, N'zeppel, and Splice.

The Queen's Ink is owned and operated by Patti Euler, CZT - 3. She is amazing! I found it so relaxing and enjoyable taking a class from a fellow CZT. There is always something more that can be learned.

Besides offering an incredible variety of Zentangle and Zentangle Inspired Art classes, Patti offers other classes as well. I challenge you to find such a warm and welcoming shop with artfully informed and talented staff. 

Patti also brings in wonderful artists such as Seth Apter, Dina Wakely, Joanne Sharpe, Pam Carricker and many more! We are so fortunate to have Patti and The Queen's Ink in our area.

If you are ever in Central Maryland check out her shop. Even if you are not, take a look at the line up of classes that are offered. We really, really, need to keep supporting small business owners like Patti who are indeed "Royal" treasures!

Hugs to you Patti Euler!