Wow! We heard some great news about one of the coonhounds we featured on the Tuesday's Tails Blog Hop! Sweet Charlie has found his furever home! Thank you Ken W2KB and Eleventh Hour Rescue!
Here's the comment left from Ken W2KB "Charlie traveled to NJ from Georgia over the weekend at my request and I adopted him Monday night. He is a fine southern gentleman! :-)".
Now hopefully we'll hear some good news about dear Nella!
Since we're giving thanks today, mom needs to thank Klout and Merrick Pet Care for sending us a Perk for our kitties!
We received the Merrick Purrfect Bistro and mom was blown away by how nicely it was packaged!
Inside was a sample of their dried food, 2 cans of grain free wet food, a couple cute of bamboo plates and spork. Mom thinks that the bamboo is purrfect for Wren & Sparrow. She's sure that there's a bit of Bombay in those two!
Our kitties loved their noms! Mom should have taken pictures, *shaking coonhound head*.
Also included were several $4 coupons for a bag of Merrick Purrfect Bistro. Even with all the kitties here right now, we'll never be able to use them all before the December expiration date, we'd love to share some with our readers! So if you have kitties or know someone that does, just leave a comment and we'll randomly select 5 winners after midnight Saturday, October 5th!
Thanks PepiSmart Dog for hosting the blog hop and thank you all for stopping by!