Showing posts with label Rebel Minis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rebel Minis. Show all posts

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Going Pro in Modern Africa ... 15mm Western Mercenaries

For my modern Africa games, I wanted the stands to easily note the quality of the troops.  I decided on 4 militia to a base, 3 regulars, and 2 for professional/elite troops.  I also attempted to give the mercenaries an orderly look, but with small individualism between the figures.  This is the look I was attempting.

Note the variation in weapons, and slight differences in gear.

These are 15mm Rebel Minis Contractors.  They are more towards 18mm, but look great mixed with the true 15mm Peter Pig stands.

The rest are various lines of Peter Pig miniatures.

Some French Foreign Legion in berets - these were by far my favorite figures of the entire lot that I painted.


Here is a crazy close up.

No hat in this red-haired fellow.

The group picture.

I will post up the sniper team and HMG teams next week.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Putting a warlord in power takes time!

I have been working on AK-47, modern africa 15mm miniatures for a bit (years).  I have finished a mixed group of 15mm militia.  25 stands at 4 per stand turned out to be a fairly large job.  I have a mix of Peter Pig, Khurasan Miniatures, Rebel Minis, and a 2 Old Glory (Leader with machete and RPK on the same stand).

I painted them on stirring sticks attached with some blue/sticky tack.

Check out the shoes on these fellas!

After painting was finished it was time to base them.  I used Liquitex resin sand with paint added into the mix over Battlefront medium size bases.  I want the militia quality troops to be visible based on 4 miniatures per base, the regulars will have 3 per stand, and the elites will be 2 per stand.

I did score the bases, not sure if it was necessary.

Ready for the resin sand.

I used a color scheme I got from the Baron at  These lads are so dark that I went with high contrast basing, attempting to make the 15mm figs stand out.

The long, tedious process ...

And the final finished product.  I used Siflor Buffalo Grass Tufts to finish out the basing.  I sealed them with Krylon Matte and Testors Dullcote

Free elections this way!

I attempted to make the militia look dressed in a mix of fatigues and random civilian clothes.  Note the jersey, trucker hats, etc.

A John Deere hat here, must have been a donation from a church group.

The guy in the shades is on a walkie or a huge phone.

And here is a final group shot.

I am going to take pictures of the technicals I have been working on along with the boy soldiers and post them next week.  I am currently working on the elites.