Showing posts with label MUSEBOX. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MUSEBOX. Show all posts

Monday, April 11, 2016


Photo Credit: Kirstin McMillan
Greetings Creative Writers!

I LOVE dogs! And when I saw this puppy portrait, my imagination went wild. First of all, I wondered how the photographer was able to get all of these dogs to sit still. Then I wondered what kind of story I could write about this Canine Crew!

But I think I am going to leave that part up to YOU!

Here is you Creative Writing Challenge: Give each of these dog's a name. Then, decide what they want. Do they seek adventure? What kind of adventure? Who is the leader? 

Then, decide who is trying to stop this Canine Crew from getting what they want. A human? A storm? A CAT?

Speaking of cats, I'm reminded of one of my favorite dog stories, The Incredible Journey. The main characters include two dogs and one cat. The book was turned into a movie years ago called Homeward Bound. Take a look at the movie trailer below. 

Does that story inspire you to write your own canine story? I hope so! 

The possibilities are endless!

With Imagination,

Professor Watermelon

Monday, September 28, 2015

What if TREES could talk?

The Kile Oak Tree in Irvington, Indiana
(Believed to be as old as 450 years)
The Kile Oak is a bur oak, named after the Kile Family
who once owned the land where it grows.

Dear Creative Writers,

What if trees could talk? What would they say? 

Many writers have pondered this question, so let's go ahead and add ourselves to that list.

A few weeks ago I visited the Kile Oak Tree in Irvington - a neighborhood in Indianapolis. This tree is believed to be as old as 450 years. WOW! I immediately wondered what this tree has witnessed throughout its LONG life. Could it give us humans some advice?

In the Disney movie, Pocahontas, Grandmother Willow gives Pocahontas, a young Native American girl, some advice. In fact, many Native American people still believe that trees hold knowledge. Take a look at the video clip below...

When I visited the Kile Oak, I placed my hands on its trunk and was astounded that I was touching a living being that was older than our state...older than our country... older than the REAL Pocahontas. Yes, Pocahontas was a real person. She was born in 1595 and died in 1617. And the Kile Oak is believed to have sprouted from its acorn around 1565. WOW!

Speaking of acorns... Here is a photo of some acorns I picked up from beneath the Kile Oak Tree.

Could you imagine having a mom or dad that is 450 years old? That's what would happen if I planted one of these acorns.

This leads me to another question. What if acorns could talk? What would the acorns from a 450 year-old tree say?

Maybe this photo will help rev your imagination!

While these acorns do NOT come from the Kile Oak, you can still use your imagination and pretend that they do. 

Which leads us to our CREATIVE WRITING CHALLENGE! Can you tell a story through the perspective of a tree? It can be the Kile Oak or another tree from your yard or imagination.

Here are some questions to think about:

1. Did this tree witness a particular event in human history that it would like to recall?
2. Does the tree have some advice that it would like to give the human race?
3. Does the tree want something for itself? 
4. Is this tree a gateway to a different world? How does the tree take you there?


Create a world for the ACORN PEOPLE! Do they live is a town or city beneath MIGHTY OAK? What is the name of this town or city? What do the acorn people want? What are they afraid of? 

Feel free to do both challenges if you WOOD like! hehehe!

With imagination,

Professor Watermelon

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

What if DINOSAURS could READ?

Dear Creative Writers,

What if dinosaurs could read? Would they have their own libraries with books the size of billboards? Or would they read the books in OUR libraries?

If they read the books in our libraries, which ones would they check-out? Comic books? Cook books? Or Romance?

Its interesting to think about, it isn't it? So, let's take these thoughts a step further with a Creative Writing Challenge!

Create a book-reading DINOSAUR character. Where does he/she live? What makes this dinosaur extraordinary (besides being able to read)? What does this dinosaur want? Who is keeping him/her from getting what they want?

Once you have an idea, begin writing your story. If you need some inspiration, read HENRY AND THE BUCCANEER BUNNIES! In this book, bunnies can read. But they aren't ordinary bunnies - they are extraordinary PIRATE bunnies!

Here's the cover:

Happy Writing!

Professor Watermelon

Monday, August 31, 2015

Monarch Mystery!

Monarch Butterfly on Zinnia
By: Debbie Long

Dear Creative Writers,

It is the end of Summer, and the Monarch Butterflies will soon make their LONG journey to Mexico.

But how do Monarchs even know where they are going? Scientists have been baffled by the Monarch migration for years! Why? Because the Monarchs who had traveled North are the Great-Great Grandparents of the Monarchs who will travel South. 

Did Grandma and Grandpa leave a secret map etched in the Milkweed?

Or is there an ancestral voice on the winds?

It is a MYSTERY! 

But where there is mystery, there is imagination. And where there is imagination, there is a STORY! 

Are you up for the challenge, Creative Writers?

With your imagination, solve this MONARCH MYSTERY in your own creative way. Write a story and weave the revelation in your tale. 

And if you need some inspiration, take a look at this video.  

Happy Writing,

Professor Watermelon

Monday, March 16, 2015

Leprechauns and FISH Tanks?

Dear Creative Writers!

I went to feed my goldfish this morning, and look at what I found! A LEPRECHAUN!

What is he doing in my fish tank? Is he hiding his gold? Is he talking to the GOLDfish? What are they talking about?

I bet your imagination is going WILD! Can you take it from here and write a story?

Here are some more things to think about: Who is the main character in your story? The leprechaun? The goldfish?

What is your main character's name, and what do they want more than anything? Who is trying to keep him/her from getting it?

Good luck,

Professor Watermelon

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The KEY tooooooooo.........

Dear Creative Writers,

LOOK at what I found in the MUSEBOX! This is already no ordinary key. First of all, look at the quarter. Now, look at the key. It's HUGE compared to that little coin.

As a professor of MUSEOLOGY, I love to help creative writers turn these MUSES into stories. Below you will find a series of questions that are sure to help you uncover some fascinating ideas.

What is this key's value? You can think of this in at least three ways:
1. What is the key's monetary (money) value? 
2. What is the key's sentimental value? 
3. What is the key's magical value? 

If your imagination is not satisfied, try imagining this MUSE in a different size, color or formation? For example, maybe the key is teeny-tiny. Or maybe the key is GOLD. Or maybe the key is alive and can walk and talk.

Did this help you uncover a more exciting idea? 

Great! Now, start building your story. Let's say your idea is this: What if there are giant keys that are alive and can walk and talk? 

How does this idea lend to the setting of the story? 

My example: I imagine a haunted castle with a cupboard of giant keys.  

How does this idea lend itself to the characters of the story? 

My example: This is no ordinary cupboard of keys. A giant lives in this castle, and he commands his walking-talking giant keys to open and close doors for him.  

How does the idea lend itself to the plot of the story?

My example: The keys are upset with how they are treated by the giant. He never polishes them or treats them with respect. So, one evening when the giant is sleeping in his bedroom, the keys lock him inside. How will the giant get out? Will he make a mends with the keys? Or is he locked inside FOREVER???

This idea still needs a lot of work, but I have a direction for my story. Re-imagining the first three questions will help with this, too? 

Now, it's your turn!  

Happy Writing!

Professor Watermelon

Monday, February 23, 2015


Dear Creative Writers,

We all know that Earth is our home, and we share this planet with billions of people, plants and animals. When we write stories, we often chose Earth as our setting, and we create an imaginary human or animal as the main character of our story.

But what if our story does not take place on Earth. Can we create a new planet? In fact, can we create new creatures to live on this planet - creatures completely  different from human beings or dogs or cats or rabbits or jelly fish or... well, you get the point! Yes, of course we can.

And let's try it today! Here is your creative writing challenge:

1. Create a new planet, and give it a name. What makes this planet different than Earth? How is it similar?
2. Create creatures that call this planet home. How are they different than the creatures on Earth? How are they similar?
3. Choose one of these creatures as a main character for your story? What does the character want more than anything? And who or what is keeping them from getting it.

If you need some inspiration, use this cute little guy below!

Happy Writing,

Professor Watermelon

Monday, February 9, 2015

Story Starter: A Chocolate Owl...

Dear Creative Writers,

Are you looking for the MUSE? Here is a STORY STATER to help you!

"A chocolate owl lived in a castle..."

Happy Writing!

Professor Watermelon

P.S. Here are some things to think about... Who is the main character? The Chocolate Owl? Where is this castle? What other characters live there? Are they ALL made of chocolate? What is the conflict in this story? 

P.S.S If you need some CASTLE inspiration, watch the video below. Any of these castles could be used to build your story's setting

Monday, January 26, 2015

Here, Goldie, Goldie, Goldie...

Dear Creative Writers,

I am incredibly excited to report that I got a FISH AQUARIUM for my BIRTHDAY! And I am extremely excited to find some new fish friends to live at my home!

My favorite aquarium fish are GOLDFISH. I love all of their shapes and colors. (No, they are not ALL gold.)

Take a look at the video below to see some of these marvelous beauties!

Here is your creative writing challenge... Can you create a story where a goldfish is the main character? What is the goldfish's name? What does he/she want? Who is keeping him/her from getting it? What is the setting of your story? A goldfish bowl in a castle? A fish tank at a pet store? 

The possibilities are ENDLESS! I look forward to seeing the stories you write!

With Imagination,

Professor Watermelon

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

What about HER perspective? The Statue of Liberty!

Dear Creative Writers,

Watch the video above about the iconic Statue of Liberty, and when you are finished, imagine a story through the eyes of Lady Liberty.

If she could talk, what would she say? If she could walk, where would she go? Does she want something? Does she NEED something?

Let your imagination take charge! I look forward to reading what you come up with.

Happy Writing!

Professor Watermelon

Friday, November 21, 2014

Slinky Story Starter!

When it comes to great American toys, the Slinky is on top of the list. It can also be a great MUSE! After watching the video above, use this StoryStarter to create your own unique Slinky Story!

StoryStarter: It all began inside the Slinky Factory...

Use that StoryStarter to begin your story. Here are some things to think about:
1. Who is your main character? A Slinky? A young boy or girl? A wizard? A frog?
2. What is the conflict inside the Slinky Factory?
3. How is the conflict resolved?

Happy Writing!

Professor Watermelon

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Masquerade Mystery!

Greetings Creative Writers!

Have you ever been to a Masquerade Ball? These parties have quite a history, dating all the way back to the 13th and 14th century in Europe.

Today, they are most common around Carnival season (Mardi Gras) and Halloween. It is customary to arrive to the party wearing a mask to conceal your identity. Throughout the evening, people will try guessing who you are. 

Masquerades are different than other costume parties because the emphasis is on the mask. While people dress in formal clothing, they are not trying to resemble a character like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, Michelangelo from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or any other popular character. 

Below is a famous scene from the Phantom of the Opera. Notice the elaborate masks and costumes. Also, notice the dancing. Masquerades are known for formal dancing.  

Here is your creative writing challenge:

Use a Masquerade Ball as the setting for your story? Who is hosting this Masquerade Ball? Does it take place in a well known city? Or on a different planet? Maybe your characters aren't even human! Maybe they are mice in the woods or rats in the sewer or aliens on Mars. 

Now, who is your main character, and what does he/she/it want?

Now, create a conflict at this Masquerade. Does an uninvited guest appear? Does someone get kidnapped? Is the Masquerade interrupted by a storm, fire, flood, earthquake or SPACE INVASION? Be creative!

Happy Writing!

Professor Watermelon

Monday, October 6, 2014

It's the Great Pumpkin Barbershop Quartet!

Dear Creative Writers!

It is time to activate your imaginations. Above you see six pumpkins, but four of them have faces carved into them. Imagine that these four pumpkins are singing. In fact, they are a barbershop quartet. Do you know what that is?

Well, a barbershop quartet is a group who sings in four-part-harmony! They also sing "a cappella". That means that they are singing without instrumental background. No piano. No drums. No nothing! 

Below is a video of one man pretending to be a barbershop quartet. To be a real barbershop quartet, there would have to be four "real" people singing the four different parts. 

Here is your creative writing challenge: 

Listen to the "barbershop quartet" below. BUT imagine that the voices are coming from the pumpkins above. 

Now, it is time to write these pumpkins' story. How did the group meet? Who taught them how to sing? Where do they want to go? Who is trying to stop them?

This is going to be a treat! I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Have fun with this, and HAPPY WRITING!

Professor Watermelon

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Flying Purple People Eater!

Dear Creative Writers,

It looks like I have found the "One-Eye" of the Flying Purple People Eater. What should we do with it? 

Hold on, what if the One-eyed One-horned Flying Purple People Eater wants it back?


Here is your Creative Writing Challenge! 

Can you write a few paragraphs describing how the Purple People Eater lost its eyeball? Was it taken? Was it stolen? And who has preserved it in this plastic ball filled with solution? Does the Purple People Eater want it back? 

Let your imagination take the lead here! I can't wait to see what you create!

Happy Writing!

Professor Watermelon 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Orange Aardvarks? Purple Baboons?

Dear Creative Writers!

I have unearthed one of the neatest books! It's an Orange Aardvark by Michael Hall! Take a look at the book trailer. 

Aardvarks are fascinating creatures. Some think they look like the cross between a rabbit and a pig. Take a look!

Here is your Creative Writing Challenge!

Michael Hall's MUSE for his book was aardvarks. How did he take an ordinary aardvark and make it extraordinary? Well, for starters, he turned his aardvark orange! Then, he gave it blue pajamas...ect...ect...

Can you choose a creature and turn it into an extravagantly different color. Then, create a setting where this creature-of-a-different-color lives. Remember... think ordinary to EXTRAORDINARY!

Professor Watermelon!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Heroes and Villains: Peter Pan and Captain Hook!

We all know J.M. Barrie's Classic story of Peter Pan. He is one of the world's MOST beloved characters. 

But why is Peter Pan SO beloved and memorable?

Is it because he can fly? Is it because he never grows up? Is it because he is brave and conquers the fearsome Captain Hook? Probably all three.

Not only did J.M Barrie create a memorable main character (protagonist), he also created one of the world's favorite villains (antagonists), Captain Hook!

As you can see, our heroes and villain must both be memorable. How is Captain Hook a memorable character? Is it because he has a hook for a hand? Is it because he is terrified by the crocodile who ate that hand?

No matter what... both characters must be driven by what they want. What does Peter Pan want? What does Captain Hook want? And How does this create a conflict? Remember, with no conflict there is NO story.

Here is your creative writing challenge: 

We all know that Peter Pan conquers Captain Hook, but WHO has turned Peter Pan into a SALT SHAKER!? 

Is there a NEW villain in Neverland? Is it a character that we already know? Is it a new character? Who is it? What does he/she/it want? 

Looks like we have a new CONFLICT! Write a couple of paragraphs explaining this dire situation! Who knows, maybe you will be inspired to write the whole story! 

Happy Writing,

Professor Watermelon 

Thursday, July 24, 2014

MUSEBOX: Meet my Little Friend!

Dear Creative Writers,

It is my pleasure to introduce you to my little grasshopper friend. Isn't he the dandiest bug you've ever seen?

My friend is looking for adventure! Can you give him a name and send him on a quest?

I look forward to seeing where your imagination takes our little grasshopper.

With Imagination,

Professor Watermelon

P.S. Remember, all quests have a goal in mind. And many complications are faced before reaching this goal. What is the grasshoppers goal? Who is standing in his way? Good luck!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

MUSEBOX: Look at the puppy in the ripples!

Dear Creative Writers!

Look at the fancy haired puppy that I found in the ripples. What is it doing? Why is it sitting in the water?

All good stories have a conflict! Can you create a conflict with the visual clues that you see in this photo? Write a few sentences describing this conflict.

Here are some hints: Give this dog a name. What does the dog want more than anything right now. Who is keeping this dog from getting what it wants.

Good Luck and Happy Writing!

With Imagination,

Professor Watermelon

Monday, April 21, 2014

The Lighthouse's Keeper!

Hello Creative Writers,

Look at what I found in the MUSEBOX.

A LIGHTHOUSE! I think this little lighthouse could be the setting of your next story. What do you think? Here is your creative writing challenge:

Imagine that your main character is this lighthouse's keeper. Is the keeper a person? A wizard or witch? A mouse? A mouse wizard or witch? Heehee! A slug? A frog? An old lady or old man? You get the point... What does this lighthouse keeper want? Does the keeper have a secret? Is he/she hiding something in this lighthouse? What is it? Who wants it?

I think we are on to something? I look forward to seeing where your imagination takes us.

If you need a little inspiration, take a look at this video.


Wow! Maybe you can use some of that story to embellish your own!

Happy Writing,

Professor Watermelon

Friday, March 21, 2014

The MUSEBOX: Flamingos on a Stick

Photo by: Glor Barrett

Greetings Creative Writers!

Something arrived in the MUSEBOX this week, and I am incredibly excited to share it with you! What could it be?

My new book! FLAMINGOS ON A STICK! It's spookier and goofier than my last book, HERBERT! Take a look at the cover!

Flamingos on a Stick

I will tell you more about the book later, but I want to share with you my MUSE for this book. Can you imagine what it might be??? You got it! FLAMINGOS!

So, here is your CREATIVE WRITING CHALLENGE. Can you use FLAMINGOS for your creative writing MUSE? Let me help you get inspired. 

Watch a baby flamingo hatch from an egg. Is there a story here?

What about these DANCING flamingos? Is there a story here?

And if you are still stumped, take a look at how the creators of Sesame Street used a Flamingo as their MUSE. 

WOW, and opera singing FLAMINGO!

Now it is your turn to take an Ordinary Flamingo and make that flamingo EXTRAORDINARY! Create a main character. What does that main character want more than anything? Who is trying to keep the main character from getting what they want? 

The possibilities are endless! 

Happy Writing,

Professor Watermelon