Showing posts with label Ringed Plover. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ringed Plover. Show all posts

Saturday, April 05, 2014

Saturday 05/04/2014

It was a great morning in the park starting with the first Common Tern of the year which was flying around the main lake when I arrived just after 6am. It was still about when DK and JA arrived so we all got our year tick.
Common Tern
We also had 2 Common Terns over 100 Acre and by the time we got back to the Park there were 2 over the main lake which were still there when we left.

Highlight of the morning was the Red Kite first seen over 100 Acre and then again over the visitor centre and heading west just before we left the park.

Red Kite
Red Kite
Red Kite
 There was also a Common Buzzard over 100 Acre.
Common Buzzard
100 Acre also had a good selection of waders with Snipe, Oystercatcher, Redshank and the colour ringed Black-winged Stilt all showing well. There were 4 Little Ringed Plovers over on the earth works at Castle Mill and a single Ringed Plover.

Little Ringed Plovers
Ringed Plover
There were plenty of spring migrants in the park with a couple of Willow Warblers, plenty of Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs and a handful of Sand Martins. There was an Oystercatcher on the main lake island, all in all a pretty good morning birding.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Saturday 22nd March - The Sand Martins are here.

Quite a lot going on this week. I had a day off on Monday and helped the rangers install some artificial Tern nests on the main lake island. These consisted of some old tyres part filled with gravel. The Terns like a gravel base for their nests and the tyres give somewhere for the chicks to take shelter from both the weather and predators. Hopefully after the failed nests last year we might have some success this year when the Common Terns arrive. Let's hope they like our handy work.

The afternoon was spent planting up the hedge in the Sheep Pen and a few new trees to fill a few holes left after the removal of a few of the older trees. All in all a very satisfying day.

This week has also seen the arrival of the Sand Martins with DK reporting the first ones in the middle of the week and numbers building slowly from then. I arrived in the park early on Saturday morning and had a single Sand Martin in just after I arrived.

Record shot of my first Sand Martin this year

This was followed by groups of 33,7,5,6 and 4 all coming in from the north east, so probably a local roost over towards 100 Acre or Willington GP.

Another noticeable change has been the number of Chiffchaffs in the park. We have been fortunate to have them over wintering on the edge of the park but Saturday saw c20 in the park, a similar number to that recorded by DK on Friday morning. Many of these were found along the south side of the main lake with many none singing birds flitting around the scrub and tree tops. There are also plenty of singing Chiffies in the park, a sure sign that Spring has sprung.

While I was waiting for the groups of Sand Martins to come a cacophony of alarm calls alerted me to the presence of a Sparrowhawk and sure enough a scan of the sky picked up this female who flew into the tree next to me. She is a very different bird to the one we have been seeing regularly, the other being a much greyer bird also showing some pink flushing around the edge of the breast. We even thought the other was a male to start with, until the male arrived and they mated!

Female Sparrowhawk
As usual a wander over to 100 Acre was well worth the effort. The Black-winged Stilt was on the island. There were still a few Wigeon about but numbers a reducing now. Other highlights were the Oystercatchers, Redshanks, Buzzard and at least 3 Ringed Plovers on the Castle Mill earth Works.
Two Ringed Plovers
Ringed Plover
On Sunday TP reported a male Blackcap singing and showing well in scrub by the gap in the Long Hedge, close to the ringing area in 'The Rough'. The first one this year.

CS had 2 Shelduck on Castle Mill, viewed from the earthworks on the east side of 100 Acre.