November 1, 2010


Being the lazy mom that I am, Malynn and Easton were both baseball players for Halloween. Malynn really wanted to be a witch, but with the help of her brother she decided it would be fun to be the same thing. They both looked so cute walking into school together.

June 25, 2010

Summer must be here!

This is where Easton and Malynn have been sleeping since school got out. Hayden joined them one night, making it "three little pigs in blankets". He only lasted one night, and now sleeps in his bedroom, which is downstairs by the others. We just LOVE summer at our house!!!!!

April 25, 2010

Clark Planetarium

Over Spring Break we also went to the Clark Planetarium in SLC.

We all had a great time watching this ball maze and trying figure out where the balls would go next.

Hayden standing back watching the maze. You can also see the fun gift shop that we spent a long time in. Amazingly enough we didn't buy anything in it. WOW!

Easton is trying to figure it all out, and Malynn loves to pose for pictures.

Malynn enjoyed giving us the weather forecast for SLC. COLD was the forecast.

Since Easton also said the forecast was for more cold snowy weather we decided to head south to Moab.

I made Hayden get his picture taken giving the forecast.

April 23, 2010

A Day at the Air Force Museum

We had a great time visiting the Air Force Museum and learning about the different airplanes.

January 29, 2010

My Two Front Teeth

Don't you just love when they go from this .......

to this .....

This mom doesn't touch loose teeth. Malynn's teeth were just barely hanging on. The first one fell out just before Christmas. The second one took a hit from Easton's knee, sometime after Christmas, and came out. She was so excited her tooth fell out that she didn't care how it fell out. I just love hearing her talk and try to read words with the "s" sound. I love this look, the look before the too big teeth come in.

January 4, 2010

Another Amazing Christmas

Twas the Night Before Christmas

"Santa came"

"wait for me"

Malynn decided right before a Christmas that she wanted a jump rope, and Santa delivered:)

New PJs from Grandma

We had a wonderful Christmas. Days later Easton was still saying "this was the best Christmas ever".

October 19, 2009

Fall Photo Fun, October 2009

The kids and I decided take some fun fall pictures. We had a great time finding places to take the pictures. I just love this time of year. Hoping for some more nice warm days! Darin isn't in any of the pictures because he was off playin in Moab.