Showing posts with label frigid weather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label frigid weather. Show all posts

Jan 16, 2009

Somebody turn up the heat, please!!!

Oh my gosh is it Cold!!!
We have gotten a lot of snow this week and now the temperatures are in the minuses. There has been a school delay or cancellation almost every day this week. That means that Grandma (thats me) gets to watch the 3 grandkids on those days, while the parents go off to work. I love it. I really enjoy spending time with the kids. They are growing older so fast & I know that someday they will be so busy doing their own THING, that I will be moved a little lower on the fun things to do list. This has put me a little farther behind on the cupboard painting though. I have got the crackeling done on half of them. If I get the roses painted on the door under the sink, then I can put the clear sealer on them & I will be halfway done! This weekend I should be able to get the other half crackled. Patience, that is what I keep telling myself. I should have some pics in a couple of days!!
The kids helped me take all of my stuff off of the top of the cupboards yesterday. Good Lord you almost needed an air mask with all the dust that was a flying!! LOL That took me most of the day to wash everything. Now to put it back up there & arrange it just right. whew!! Oh well, I think we might bake cookies instead. :)

I hope everyone else is staying warm!!!