Prove to Your Kids that Santa Came to Your House!

Wouldn't it be great to be able to prove that Santa came into your livingroom and put gifts under your tree? Thanks to Capture The Magic this is all possible. The process is so easy even the most tech challenged mom could probably do it. You simply take a picture of your livingroom or wherever you want Santa to appear and upload it to Capture The Magic. Once uploaded you can choose from any one of the several Santas available to drop into your pic. Edit it to exactly the way you want it to look and voila! Once you have paid the nominal fee of $9.95 you are able to download the picture and display it on your computer or print it out if you like. I think that this is such a great idea to keep our aging children believing in Santa just a little bit longer. I know that my 6 year old is all ready having some doubts and hopefully this pic will dispell his curiosity about Santa for just a little longer.


Anonymous said…
That is such a cute idea!
What a fantastic idea! I was just discussing this topic with a friend over the weekend.. Her son is at that age and she is so upset! She will love this idea!!!