My Boss said hes having a problem with the staffs. To him the staffs rarely come to him to discuss about work.
"I am not a difficult person. I can accept people's opinion. If you think I am wrong, you could come and tell me"
I was silent for a few seconds.
"Its not that they do not want to come and discuss with you. Even if they think they are right, they could never come and face you because they do not have some backings to support their views. You know how the attitude of some of the Malays are. Lets just take for example if we talk about Hadith. Its very rare for the Malays to quote a Hadith together with the "rawi" (the sahabah who originally trasmitted the Hadith). Most of us would only say that "Rasulullah SAW said this and that". Its very rare that we can relay the whole of the Hadith together with the name of the persons who trasmitted it, let alone the background of the Hadith and the calssification of the Hadith whether its Sahih, Hassan or Dhaif etc. And if another person were to argue the authenticity of the Hadith quoted by some of the Malays, they'd be stunned because the Malays only know only the text of the Hadith, but even then, some do not even know the whole text of the Hadith, they only know the gist of it.
Those who are knowledged and well versed would be dissapointed. How can you have a discussion if you do not know what you re talking about and come unprepared without doing your homework.
The staff would not dare to come to you, because most of them do not want (or perhaps lazy)to do their homework and they would feel lost when talking to you because you would definitely ask them :
Whats your authority ?" "
"Boss, I know this because I had on numerous ocassion discussed with you and I have learnt a lot not to come to you unprepraed and even then when I think I have prepared with all my ammunities, you could still shoot my point straight away without me taking out my "guns""