Showing posts with label Buffalo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Buffalo. Show all posts

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Buffalo Tour Recap

As some of you know, I accompanied my illustrator husband Daniel on a mini-tour in support of the book he illustrated IS YOUR BUFFALO READY FOR KINDERGARTEN?  The author, New Jersey native Audrey Vernick was on hand for 3 of the dates.

First up was the Princeton Book Festival in NJ on September 11th.

Daniel and Audrey signed books and greeted fans.

Including these adorable twins:

Audrey poses in her Buffalo hat with Erica S Perl and her Dotty hat. (Love Dotty by the way!)

Afterwards, Daniel and I went out with my best friend from Jr. High, Laura, who I hadn't seen since she moved away the summer after 8th grade!  She's now engaged to another high school friend and it was amazing to see them again!

And then, on September 14th, Daniel and Audrey signed books at the powerHouse Arena in Brooklyn, NY. The turnout wasn't great because it was a Tuesday afternoon, but it was still fun to see Lauren, Chelsy, Jeff and Bemi.

Audrey poses in a Buffalo mask with Daniel and their HarperCollins editor Kristin Daly Rens (in Audrey's Buffalo hat).

Then, Daniel and Audrey signed books at Hooray for Books in Alexandria, VA on Sept 19th.  Lots of book bloggers here: Michelle, Jenn, Swapna, Deborah, James, Diana.  And irl friends Ann, Heather, and Margaret.  (I also have to give a shout-out to Michelle for the homemade lasagna!)

On Sept 21st, Daniel was the special guest for Watermark's Story Time Hour in Wichita, KS.  He read aloud from the book and made original drawings for the children in attendance, including Melissa's daughter.

And then on Sept 25th, Daniel was a special guest at Watermark's Teacher Appreciation Day.  He also read and signed books.  Biggest turnout of the tour!  Lots of family and my friend Rachelle. (And thanks to Josh for the excellent dinner!)

ETA: Just got word that IS YOUR BUFFALO READY FOR KINDERGARTEN? was #1 on Watermark's bestseller list this week! (#9 last week) Go Buffalo!

Thank you to everyone who came out!  It was great hanging out with you.  Maybe next year we can get more places.