Showing posts with label homeschool. Show all posts
Showing posts with label homeschool. Show all posts

Monday, April 30, 2012

State Symbols

Last week, I began to create a visual regarding birds, with the idea of incorporating states so that it could be used with my school-agers who are really into states right now.  However, I really could not find the photos to use for the preschool document I wanted and it was turning into a time taking frustration.  So I set it aside and completed the activity using other State Symbols.  I chose the state shape, state bird, state flower, and state flag as they are the most commonly taught.  We may go on and learn about the state trees and the many other symbols.  Our family is hoping to take a road trip from MI to CA after school's out so this will be a great interest to them, even more so than it is right now.  A lot of learning can take place using the topic of "the 50 States".  
I included a blank "mat" in case we decide to match various symbols to the state.  My plan is to laminate and cut apart.  If I use the blank mat I may add velcro.  If you download and use this printable, I'd appreciate it if you came back and commented about how you used it with your child(ren)/students.

A favorite game that the kiddos really enjoy is The Scrambled States of America.

This game was created to go along with the book The Scrambled States of America.