Was reading my Twitter Timeline when I saw this..
It reminds me of someone I once knew.. Someone whom I had mistaken for a "good sister in need" when she's actually a bitch in disguise..
Someone who stabs my family at the back not thinking that one day, all those things she had said to others about my family would eventually be told..
Someone who loves adding herbs & spices in all her "achee rempah" stories..
It's OK, she can say whatever she wants to.. Mulot tempayan like hers memang susah nak ditutop..
But I believe one day, Allah will show those people whom she had been sharing all her gossips & back-biting with, the truth about her.. Aib orang diye bentang seluas2 nye kat orang lain.. Aib sendiri diye perok baik2 dalam kocek tak kasi orang tahu.. Konon nye diye la manusia yang baik hati, yang slalu dianiaya, yang tak pernah buat jahat..
A bitch she really is..
To me, she's dead & had been buried deep down in the ground, her corpse being eaten by worms.. I don't wanna have anything to do with her & making peace with her will never be in my list..
Once bitten, twice shy..
It's best if she stays away from my family as far as she can.. Coz if she ever for once, try messing with my family again, I swear I will show her no mercy..
Believe me..