Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
This Is Too Funny!!
Hahahahahah!! You better be kidding if such a thing doesn't happen to you guys.. Hahahahahah!!
Those who kena, hands up please!! xD
Those who kena, hands up please!! xD
Monday, November 26, 2012
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Happy 6 Months Old My Little One..
Alhamdulillah.. You're getting cuter & chubbier each day..
You fill our lives with joy every single day with your smile..
You have 2 wonderful Abang & Kakak who will always take care of you whenever Ummi is busy doing chores & when Baba is not done with solat..
We love all 3 of you so much..
Thank you ALLAH swt for blessing us with a home to live in & children to cheer us up with..
We feel so very bless knowing that you are always there for us, guiding us, keeping us safe, loving us & showing us the true meaning of life in this world..
So very bless indeed.. Alhamdulillah..
You fill our lives with joy every single day with your smile..
You have 2 wonderful Abang & Kakak who will always take care of you whenever Ummi is busy doing chores & when Baba is not done with solat..
We love all 3 of you so much..
Thank you ALLAH swt for blessing us with a home to live in & children to cheer us up with..
We feel so very bless knowing that you are always there for us, guiding us, keeping us safe, loving us & showing us the true meaning of life in this world..
So very bless indeed.. Alhamdulillah..
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
This So Reminds Me Of Her..
Was reading my Twitter Timeline when I saw this..
It reminds me of someone I once knew.. Someone whom I had mistaken for a "good sister in need" when she's actually a bitch in disguise..
Someone who stabs my family at the back not thinking that one day, all those things she had said to others about my family would eventually be told..
Someone who loves adding herbs & spices in all her "achee rempah" stories..
It's OK, she can say whatever she wants to.. Mulot tempayan like hers memang susah nak ditutop..
But I believe one day, Allah will show those people whom she had been sharing all her gossips & back-biting with, the truth about her.. Aib orang diye bentang seluas2 nye kat orang lain.. Aib sendiri diye perok baik2 dalam kocek tak kasi orang tahu.. Konon nye diye la manusia yang baik hati, yang slalu dianiaya, yang tak pernah buat jahat..
A bitch she really is..
To me, she's dead & had been buried deep down in the ground, her corpse being eaten by worms.. I don't wanna have anything to do with her & making peace with her will never be in my list..
Once bitten, twice shy..
It's best if she stays away from my family as far as she can.. Coz if she ever for once, try messing with my family again, I swear I will show her no mercy..
Believe me..
It reminds me of someone I once knew.. Someone whom I had mistaken for a "good sister in need" when she's actually a bitch in disguise..
Someone who stabs my family at the back not thinking that one day, all those things she had said to others about my family would eventually be told..
Someone who loves adding herbs & spices in all her "achee rempah" stories..
It's OK, she can say whatever she wants to.. Mulot tempayan like hers memang susah nak ditutop..
But I believe one day, Allah will show those people whom she had been sharing all her gossips & back-biting with, the truth about her.. Aib orang diye bentang seluas2 nye kat orang lain.. Aib sendiri diye perok baik2 dalam kocek tak kasi orang tahu.. Konon nye diye la manusia yang baik hati, yang slalu dianiaya, yang tak pernah buat jahat..
A bitch she really is..
To me, she's dead & had been buried deep down in the ground, her corpse being eaten by worms.. I don't wanna have anything to do with her & making peace with her will never be in my list..
Once bitten, twice shy..
It's best if she stays away from my family as far as she can.. Coz if she ever for once, try messing with my family again, I swear I will show her no mercy..
Believe me..
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Just Saying..
Orang kalau dah mulot mcm longkang ni kan, memang susah nak berubah.. Mulot dah lah mcm longkang.. Hati pon busok mcm longkang.. Muke jer step pendiam, step baik..
Datang beraye rumah orang, sempat pulak mengumpat mcm Makcik Quarters..
Depan "A" buat prangai baik, dok mengate pasal "B".. Lepas tu bile dgn "B", buat prangai baik, dok mengate pasal "A" pulak.. Tak ke mcm mulot longkang?
Kesian betol tengok orang2 mcm ni.. Orang yang tak de life.. Tak habes2 nk menyebok pasal hal orang lain.. Diri sendiri punye hal blom tentu betol.. LOL
I pity you people lah.. No life la kate kan? So u find another way of life by gossiping & backbiting about others la.. Tk cukop dose agak nye korg ni sume.. Nk mintak Allah tambahkan dose.. Tsk tsk tsk.. Kesian.. =]
Tak gune mintak maaf kalau hati tetap busok..
Ade pulak tu yg nk step tegor org.. Prangai sendiri tak betol.. Org mcm ni, nk suro aku hormat? KORANG RILEK SUA!
Cerminkan diri sendiri dulu, sbelom mengate & nak step tegor org!
So stay away from my family business!!
A little reminder.. Kpale tu pakai tudong kan? So mulot tu harap2 kasi tutop skali dgn tudong.. Biar kasi seal mcm "The Mummy".. Jgn nk step mulot longkang 24 jam, tk de keje menabir mengate pasal hal org..
Datang beraye rumah orang, sempat pulak mengumpat mcm Makcik Quarters..
Depan "A" buat prangai baik, dok mengate pasal "B".. Lepas tu bile dgn "B", buat prangai baik, dok mengate pasal "A" pulak.. Tak ke mcm mulot longkang?
Kesian betol tengok orang2 mcm ni.. Orang yang tak de life.. Tak habes2 nk menyebok pasal hal orang lain.. Diri sendiri punye hal blom tentu betol.. LOL
I pity you people lah.. No life la kate kan? So u find another way of life by gossiping & backbiting about others la.. Tk cukop dose agak nye korg ni sume.. Nk mintak Allah tambahkan dose.. Tsk tsk tsk.. Kesian.. =]
Tak gune mintak maaf kalau hati tetap busok..
Ade pulak tu yg nk step tegor org.. Prangai sendiri tak betol.. Org mcm ni, nk suro aku hormat? KORANG RILEK SUA!
Cerminkan diri sendiri dulu, sbelom mengate & nak step tegor org!
So stay away from my family business!!
A little reminder.. Kpale tu pakai tudong kan? So mulot tu harap2 kasi tutop skali dgn tudong.. Biar kasi seal mcm "The Mummy".. Jgn nk step mulot longkang 24 jam, tk de keje menabir mengate pasal hal org..
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Baby Akil..
He's 2 months old already.. Alhamdulillah..
How time flies.. =]
My little "oyot-oyot masham-masham" baby boy..
How time flies.. =]
My little "oyot-oyot masham-masham" baby boy..
Monday, July 16, 2012
It's A Small World After All..
You can see it from my face whether I like you or not.. My face, it does tell..
But from your so-called smiley & friendly face, it tells another story..
> Hypocrite..
> Gossiper..
> Backbiter..
> Show-Off..
> Braggart..
> Copycat..
> Unsincere..
> One who envies other people's joy & happiness..
Everything about you.. Head to toe & from within..
I hate you.. I really do.. Both of you.. For what you said & did to my family..
Those rumors that you guys created & spread around to everyone about us.. Making all the other siblings believe every single word you said.. Making them despise us..
You even go around spreading those rumors to the "whole world".. Trying to make the "whole world" believe that we're the bad guys.. And those bunch of people are not even apart of our family tree..
And why is it that the whole world seems to know that I have a pet cat staying @ my mom's? Why is it that the whole world thinks that I'm gonna bring that cat to stay with me @ my own crib? Mulot kalahkan "makcik quarters".. Laki tak tolong cover belikan insurance..
Insya'allah, slowly but surely, people will eventually find out & judge by themselves. The truth will reveal itself to them.. And then slowly, one by one will stay away from you, knowing the type of person you both are..
I will never forgive you for the rest of my entire life, even till my last breath..
Forever hating you both to the very core of my heart for what you did to us..
P/S: Hidop jangan berbual "WORLD".., tak akan kemana pon.. Eventually what goes around, comes around..
But from your so-called smiley & friendly face, it tells another story..
> Hypocrite..
> Gossiper..
> Backbiter..
> Show-Off..
> Braggart..
> Copycat..
> Unsincere..
> One who envies other people's joy & happiness..
Everything about you.. Head to toe & from within..
I hate you.. I really do.. Both of you.. For what you said & did to my family..
Those rumors that you guys created & spread around to everyone about us.. Making all the other siblings believe every single word you said.. Making them despise us..
You even go around spreading those rumors to the "whole world".. Trying to make the "whole world" believe that we're the bad guys.. And those bunch of people are not even apart of our family tree..
And why is it that the whole world seems to know that I have a pet cat staying @ my mom's? Why is it that the whole world thinks that I'm gonna bring that cat to stay with me @ my own crib? Mulot kalahkan "makcik quarters".. Laki tak tolong cover belikan insurance..
Insya'allah, slowly but surely, people will eventually find out & judge by themselves. The truth will reveal itself to them.. And then slowly, one by one will stay away from you, knowing the type of person you both are..
I will never forgive you for the rest of my entire life, even till my last breath..
Forever hating you both to the very core of my heart for what you did to us..
P/S: Hidop jangan berbual "WORLD".., tak akan kemana pon.. Eventually what goes around, comes around..
Friday, June 29, 2012
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Muhamad Isyraq Akil..
Say "Assalamua'alaikum" to the cutest member in our family.. =]
Alhamdulillah, our healthy little one was born on May 17, shortly after Zohor..
Our lives have never been more happier with the arrival of our newborn baby boy..
Our sincere "Thank You" to those who came over for a visit, the warm wishes & gifts..
And THANK YOU Baba, for always being there through out the entire labor, giving me encouragement & support I needed, enduring the labor pain, although I know you're tired from lack of sleep & juggling with it, all @ the same time..
Truly I am bless to have you as my husband. May Allah swt award you for all your deeds as a husband to me & a father to our children.. Insya'allah, amin..
Alhamdulillah, our healthy little one was born on May 17, shortly after Zohor..
Our lives have never been more happier with the arrival of our newborn baby boy..
Our sincere "Thank You" to those who came over for a visit, the warm wishes & gifts..
And THANK YOU Baba, for always being there through out the entire labor, giving me encouragement & support I needed, enduring the labor pain, although I know you're tired from lack of sleep & juggling with it, all @ the same time..
Truly I am bless to have you as my husband. May Allah swt award you for all your deeds as a husband to me & a father to our children.. Insya'allah, amin..
Friday, April 27, 2012
Anxiously Waiting..
30 days to go till we all see our Lil Tumtum!! See how "bulat" my tummy is!! Like a ball!! Come out quick baby!! We all wanna see you!! ^_^
Monday, April 16, 2012
The Double-Faced Ones..
"The worst of all mankind is the double-faced one, who comes to some people with one countenance & to others with another countenance.." (Bukhari)
The above is the best reason why I can't be bothered to mix around with "some people" even if they are a part of my family members..
They are nothing but a tiny speck of dust.. Deserving no respect, not even a kind thought or word..
It would be good if they just stay away from my family business & from coming over to my crib.. (Korang kalau jenis muke tembok, muke tak malu, korang datang la..)
For the fact that "some of you" still don't wanna "wake up" & yet still wanna mix around with THEM, I say "All the best" to you guys..
Luar dalam sume ade pasal hal korang satu2.. Termasoklah hal aku sekeluarge.. Satu kampong dah tahu, termasoklah orang luar yang tak de kene mengena pon dah tahu..
I've learned my lesson.. I already know what type of person they are & all those shit they said & did to my family.. Once bitten, twice shy..
The above is the best reason why I can't be bothered to mix around with "some people" even if they are a part of my family members..
They are nothing but a tiny speck of dust.. Deserving no respect, not even a kind thought or word..
It would be good if they just stay away from my family business & from coming over to my crib.. (Korang kalau jenis muke tembok, muke tak malu, korang datang la..)
For the fact that "some of you" still don't wanna "wake up" & yet still wanna mix around with THEM, I say "All the best" to you guys..
Luar dalam sume ade pasal hal korang satu2.. Termasoklah hal aku sekeluarge.. Satu kampong dah tahu, termasoklah orang luar yang tak de kene mengena pon dah tahu..
I've learned my lesson.. I already know what type of person they are & all those shit they said & did to my family.. Once bitten, twice shy..
Friday, March 23, 2012
Nosy-Parkers.. When Will They Stop?!
I seldom blog nowadays unless if I have the mood to.. My latest craze is Twitter.. Micro-blogging made easy..
It's been nearly 3 months, now that we've moved back into our crib @ Taman Jurong.. It feels good to be back in our home.. Just us, living our lives, minding our own business.. (Senyap siket.. Tak de pompuan kepo dok heboh buat crite, jage tepi kain kluarge aku lagi.. Pakai tudong, muke step decent, step tak banyak bual.. Padehal, mulot kalahkan mulot tempayan.. Eeeeee.. Amit-amit.. And the best thing of all is, there's no more COPYCAT observing me from head to toe!) ^_^
People said that our crib is quite far & secluded.. Very "ulu" they said.. But I don't consider our crib "ulu", there're feeder buses & a walk from the MRT Station to our crib takes about 10 - 12 mins..
Kids are adapting very well in their new school, alhamdulillah.. New friends & teachers.. Although once in a while, they would eventually pop a random conversation to me saying how they miss their old school very much..
Maybe, just maybe, I'll bring the kids over for a visit to their previous school one of these days..
Just when we get everything settle down, news has it that there are still "people" who can't seem to stop bothering about my family life..
For peace sake, these people should really mind their own business & take care of their own problems, instead of being a nosy parker & bugging their nose into other people's lives..
Instead of going around asking others about us, why can't they just pick the phone up, dial our number & ask us personally about our well-being?
Some of them even have the cheek telling others to teach us ways on how to bring up our kids! Like seriously, they have kids of their own! They should be taking care of their kids & all those things that their kids have been doing infront & even behind their backs!
And I don't understand why, some don't even have the courtesy to even call up & inform us that they're coming over to our crib for a visit?
Halo?! FYI, that's OUR CRIB, we OWN that crib.. At LEAST before coming over for a visit (obviously we all know the purpose of their visit), they should have the courtesy to inform us in advance.. So where's the courtesy? Where's the thought? Whose crib is it anyway? Ours or theirs? Whereby message had already been passed down to them.. Should they feel like coming over for a visit, they should give us a call & inform us in advance coz it's our CRIB! IT'S OUR CRIB!
I'm very sure they don't even like it IF we were to come over to their crib without letting them know in advance.. I remembered clearly how they keep reminding us about the same thing, "Kalau nak datang rumah, call, bilang siang-siang.. Jangan main datang aje.." (I mean, halo?! Standard procedure lah! Whoever goes to whoever's crib, they should call the owner of the house earlier to inform about their visit. Budak kecik pon tahu siak ni standard procedure..)
So, it's OK for them not to call in advance & then came knocking on our door on the day that we happened not to be @ home? (Kan menyusahkan diri sendiri? Sendiri datang rumah orang tak bilang siang-siang.. Owner rumah pon tak de..)
So what makes them so special that we have to give them a call in advance whenever we feel like dropping by to their crib for a visit & they don't have to whenever they feel like dropping by to our crib?
Try be in our shoes! Having people putting their nose into your family business & coming over for a visit without even informing in advance.. THINK!
Sorry, but I don't think these type of people learned well enough on the things that they've been preaching to others.. Coz if they did, they won't be doing such a thing.. Make sense?
So as experienced adults who always love giving their opinion & advice to others, where are their manners & thoughts?
Tired of all these people & hearing every single "yaya papaya" crap that comes out from their mouths.. I really wish they would stay as far away as possible from our lives, every single one of them.. Coz frankly, nobody can tolerate nosy-parkers..
And if respect is what they seek, they've got to earn it coz I never show respect to a person who don't deserve it.. Sorry, if I'm being a bitch coz that's just me.. I'm just being me.. I'm not like some "FAKERS"..
Why should I give my respect to people who don't even respect me & the decisions that my family make? And who look down upon our "so-called" incapabilities & talk behind our backs?
If they think they have their rights over "certain things", so do we.. I wonder where have their brains gone to..
It's been nearly 3 months, now that we've moved back into our crib @ Taman Jurong.. It feels good to be back in our home.. Just us, living our lives, minding our own business.. (Senyap siket.. Tak de pompuan kepo dok heboh buat crite, jage tepi kain kluarge aku lagi.. Pakai tudong, muke step decent, step tak banyak bual.. Padehal, mulot kalahkan mulot tempayan.. Eeeeee.. Amit-amit.. And the best thing of all is, there's no more COPYCAT observing me from head to toe!) ^_^
People said that our crib is quite far & secluded.. Very "ulu" they said.. But I don't consider our crib "ulu", there're feeder buses & a walk from the MRT Station to our crib takes about 10 - 12 mins..
Kids are adapting very well in their new school, alhamdulillah.. New friends & teachers.. Although once in a while, they would eventually pop a random conversation to me saying how they miss their old school very much..
Maybe, just maybe, I'll bring the kids over for a visit to their previous school one of these days..
Just when we get everything settle down, news has it that there are still "people" who can't seem to stop bothering about my family life..
For peace sake, these people should really mind their own business & take care of their own problems, instead of being a nosy parker & bugging their nose into other people's lives..
Instead of going around asking others about us, why can't they just pick the phone up, dial our number & ask us personally about our well-being?
Some of them even have the cheek telling others to teach us ways on how to bring up our kids! Like seriously, they have kids of their own! They should be taking care of their kids & all those things that their kids have been doing infront & even behind their backs!
And I don't understand why, some don't even have the courtesy to even call up & inform us that they're coming over to our crib for a visit?
Halo?! FYI, that's OUR CRIB, we OWN that crib.. At LEAST before coming over for a visit (obviously we all know the purpose of their visit), they should have the courtesy to inform us in advance.. So where's the courtesy? Where's the thought? Whose crib is it anyway? Ours or theirs? Whereby message had already been passed down to them.. Should they feel like coming over for a visit, they should give us a call & inform us in advance coz it's our CRIB! IT'S OUR CRIB!
I'm very sure they don't even like it IF we were to come over to their crib without letting them know in advance.. I remembered clearly how they keep reminding us about the same thing, "Kalau nak datang rumah, call, bilang siang-siang.. Jangan main datang aje.." (I mean, halo?! Standard procedure lah! Whoever goes to whoever's crib, they should call the owner of the house earlier to inform about their visit. Budak kecik pon tahu siak ni standard procedure..)
So, it's OK for them not to call in advance & then came knocking on our door on the day that we happened not to be @ home? (Kan menyusahkan diri sendiri? Sendiri datang rumah orang tak bilang siang-siang.. Owner rumah pon tak de..)
So what makes them so special that we have to give them a call in advance whenever we feel like dropping by to their crib for a visit & they don't have to whenever they feel like dropping by to our crib?
Try be in our shoes! Having people putting their nose into your family business & coming over for a visit without even informing in advance.. THINK!
Sorry, but I don't think these type of people learned well enough on the things that they've been preaching to others.. Coz if they did, they won't be doing such a thing.. Make sense?
So as experienced adults who always love giving their opinion & advice to others, where are their manners & thoughts?
Tired of all these people & hearing every single "yaya papaya" crap that comes out from their mouths.. I really wish they would stay as far away as possible from our lives, every single one of them.. Coz frankly, nobody can tolerate nosy-parkers..
And if respect is what they seek, they've got to earn it coz I never show respect to a person who don't deserve it.. Sorry, if I'm being a bitch coz that's just me.. I'm just being me.. I'm not like some "FAKERS"..
Why should I give my respect to people who don't even respect me & the decisions that my family make? And who look down upon our "so-called" incapabilities & talk behind our backs?
If they think they have their rights over "certain things", so do we.. I wonder where have their brains gone to..
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Monday, March 12, 2012
29 Weeks & Counting..
76 days to go till we see you, Little One.. Insya'allah..
Can't wait for that wonderful moment of being able to give birth to our 3rd child..
I thank Allah for giving me this chance, yet once again..
Alhamdulillah.. =]
Nothing can ever replace the moment of a mother, battling her life, in labor.. Nothing can ever replace the moment of giving birth to your own child..
Nothing.. Not even wealth or all those worldly pleasures that some of us are busy chasing for..
Can't wait for that wonderful moment of being able to give birth to our 3rd child..
I thank Allah for giving me this chance, yet once again..
Alhamdulillah.. =]
Nothing can ever replace the moment of a mother, battling her life, in labor.. Nothing can ever replace the moment of giving birth to your own child..
Nothing.. Not even wealth or all those worldly pleasures that some of us are busy chasing for..
Monday, February 6, 2012
"Too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't want, to impress people they don't like.." - Will Smith
Monday, January 9, 2012
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