Friday, July 2, 2010

Take the broom and clean it

Can u see the spider webs everywhere?Take a good look. So many around here. 
Yeah..of course. Thats what u get when u left your blog un-updated. Well, u have to excuse me for the exams. Bullshit! Nonsense ! I once updated this blog the night before histology.

It seems like i lost the mood in writing. But i have so many things and tips to be shared. What makes me updating this blog right now? I'm forcing myself. I'm urging all the energy inside me while my left hand is holding my right hand to hit the keyboard.

Another 2 days i finally can raise my flag. My independence flag! Psychology is the last paper. 

Today i'm gonna talk about..ermmm...about...ermm... DAMN! i have no idea! completely no idea.
So, this entry is a crap! 

So, just enjoy this song.
Its an old song. But i recently sooo into it.
He has a very great powerful voice.
With a pair of dangerously handsome eyebrows.
Yup.. kening dia sangat kacak.
Tengok kening je dah cair..
But the lyrics, i dont like it.
its about cheating.
We should never cheat.

p/s ; heartless..