My Adik..
Sorry for the quarrel this morning,
really didn't mean to hurt you,
Really,it's my mistake this time,
My ego always turn me into a fool,
and it wins again this morning..
Intan Nur Amirah is my only sister,
She always listen to me,
She's my Shadow i guess,
i can say what she is today is because of me,
bacause i taught her everything.
Yes,we share everything..EVERYTHING!!
from a-z,'alif' to 'ya'..
i guess,i hurt her more tha she did to me.
i wish i can turn back the time and undo all the things that hurt you because i know you're very sensitive.
i'm the only one who understand you,trust me..
and trust me, I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!
p/s : Adik nak maafkan akak ke tak? Ingat senang ke akak nak mintak maap camni?
Baik maapkan je..kalau tak,,siaplah adik bile akak balik nanti!!!
Miss you!!
ape pnya kerek minah nih..
stat2 bacer nampk mcm dh insaf btul..
skali last ayat stat ugut balik plak..
kesian adik ko..
amirah,sy faham perasaan anda..
saya di sini mengalami juga pkara yg sama..(jangan pecaya)
gle touching mule2..
yp hampeh...
adoi sian mira dpt sis cm ko..
p/s;~mira jgn maapkan...lg baek..hahha
hahaha..better balik cpat skit..otherwise..i cant forgive you! sayang you sis..buat exam btul2..!
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