Showing posts with label COPY PASTE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label COPY PASTE. Show all posts


Dear All,

if you so happen to be KL area today, pls come join our Flash Mob at the Pavillion at 5pm TODAY!!

we are doing this in conjuction with the Merdeka Day. We are getting those who did KL Freeze last year to come too!

This is the flow of event:

1st gig: 3 beatboxers and 1 singer/rapper will lead the crowd to sing along. There will be no rehearsal required from the people who are present that day (just need to be responsive and interactive to the song/beats =)). The singer will guide the crowd. However, flash mobbers need to be SOMEWHERE NEAR the fountain area around 4:50pm. When the beatboxers start their freestyle/intro beatbox, crew members will need to crowd the fountain area very quickly. Rest of the public will follow.

2nd gig: We will stand straight (sorta like freezing) with arms by our sides and sing the Negaraku. If it doesn’t rain on that day, we will divide the crowd into 4 quadrants (around the fountain) and each quadrant will sing 2 lines from the Negaraku. There will be no modifications (i.e. tempo change, addition of beatboxing, etc) into this gig (both you and I know that it’s illegal). After this, we will just disperse into our own way/direction unsuspectingly. We will not clap (because it’s really weird for a flash mob to be clapping at their own gig).

1. Flash mobbers must dress in EITHER of the following colours T-shirts: (1) RED; (2) BLUE; (3) YELLOW; (4) WHITE
2. If flash mobbers have matching caps/hats/headgear, put them on as well.
3. For flash mobbers who choose to have the Malaysian flag painted on their cheeks or face, they’re highly welcomed. After all, we only get to do this once a year :)

For more info, pls click on these URL:

Come on peeps, support us-CausePlay.SPREAD THE WORDS!!

~Peace & Love

helping my cousin spreading this event to promote patriotisme n unity...


entry k3 & yg last yg dcopy paste...

thursday, june 07,2007

smlm p hosp putrajaya for check up..lama jugak kitaorg tunggu... tu la, dah ckp dgn syg mmg lama, dia nak jugak tunggu... smp tido bdengkur2 kat sana.. cih!! buat malu je ... mane xnye.. kitaorg smp dlm kul 9.15am, then kuar dr hosp around noon.. lama kan??tp normal la tu... hosp kerajaan...

fetus in fifth month

taken from . Fetal development in pregnancy week 19:Your amazing little baby is now around 10 inches in length!

tu la pic baby kami... tp seriously, aku pun xleh nampak bentuk baby tu kat sini... tp masa doc tunjuk kat screen, kitaorg leh nampak clear.. siap doc tunjuk heartbeat baby lg... laju wooo....1st time nampak heartbeat tu, xtau mcm mana nak gambarkan perasaan aku... bangga.. seronok.. tharu.. semua ada... he he... isk.. aku nak jadi mama la... he he...doc tunjuk la semua badan baby... tangan, kaki, kepala, full body... alhamdulillah, complete semua anggota...syg siap tanya, dah leh tgk jantina ke... doc ckp xleh lg.. sbb still to early...

btw, i thought of calling my baby "sugar baby", or "honey baby".. sbb x syok la pulak panggil "baby" je.. nak panggil "sayang", x leh la pulak.. nnt nak panggil hubbyku yg tsyg ape pulak kan? hu hu..... any ideas???

tanya la doc pasal baby yg selalu dok kat bwh tu... rupanya doc ckp perasaan aku je.. sbb baby mmg akan dok kat tgh2 perut.. he he.. sillynye aku...
aku pun dah diambil darah, timbang berat (btw berat aku 52.8kg), hmm... ape lg ek... tu je kot.. dgn diberi buku merah.. tu la la... next appt, bln 8... doc suruh aku p klinik memana utk rawatan lanjutan sementara nak tunggu bln 8 tu.. hmm kene p jugak sek9 nie..

then aku ajak syg singgah alamanda.. nak tgk kot2 kat sana ada modernmum.. nak beli pants baru la... n shoes kalau leh... luckily mmg ada pun kedai modernmum... aku just beli 1 long pants, 1 capri pants, 1 preggy t-shirt (xtau nak address mcm mana), 1 shoes (boleh la pakai dgn paju kurung or pants tu), & 2 bottles of lotion for stretch mark... dlm dok ada % pun, cecah jugak la rm300++.. gila tul!! sabo je la.. lari lari budget aku bln nie.. ingatkan nak save utk beli sunglasses.. hmm nampaknye bln2 depan la kot... sgt sedih..


nie copy paste yg k2 lak...

saturday, march 10, 2007

drama hari nie pulak...

anyway, lepas bsiap, kami pun p la Salam... smp je, nurse yg tahan kami smlm tu suruh kami p register dulu.. n dia siap tanya nurse: "akak p balik ke clinik ke?" aku: "haah" nurse: "patut la doc sama call sini balik" aku: dlm hati,"padan muka, tu la, ngape engko x kasi aku jumpe doc kat sini"

kat registration counter lak, 1st question yg dia tanya "byr cash ke?" huh!!!! giler tul hosp nie... tp aku xde la amik port sgt, sbb perut dah mula sakit balik.. lepas isi semua borg2, dia suruh aku duduk dulu n kasi 1 broucher nie.. mak ai!!! pakej bsalin rm1200.. giler mahal!!! miza bsalin kat PPUM dlm RM500++ je... tp nak kate ape, dah hosp swasta... so, kitarog pun tunggu...

.....still tunggu lg....

.... tunggu lg... aku mintak syg belikan roti + ayaq soya... lapaq beb.. he he..

.... tunggu lg...
... aku tgk jam... hai!!! dah dekat 1 jam aku tunggu nie!!! org pelan ramai... aku cuit syg, ckp kat dia, kalau dia x panggil jugak aku masuk bilik dlm 10 minit lg, aku nak blah la...

.... 10 minit berlalu... that's it... cuit syg, ajak kuar dr Salam... n d registration girl tu x halang or mayb x perasan yg aku dah kuar hosp... masuk keta, aku suruh syg drive p putrajaya... actually, syg mmg suruh aku p putrajaya je... tp dah doc clinic tu kasi surat suruh p jumpe kwn gynea dia, aku pun ikut la...

smp kat Hosp Putrajaya, kitaorg p kat wad bsalin. rupa2nya salah tmp. patutnya kene p kecemasan dulu.... he he... ade da... so, kitaorg p la kecemasan, n register... kene byr rm1 (singgit ok!!! murah giler!!!) then duduk waiting... ade la dekat 30 minit, then aku kene panggil masuk dlm.. syg xleh masuk, dia kene tunggu kat luar...

kat dlm aku tunggu lak dlm 10 min sbb doc dok cuci dressing ade 1 lil boy nie... then, doc pun masuk.. alamak... muda giler doc nie... lelaki punjabi kot... cute.. he he.... ade la dia tanya general question mcm
"when's ur last period?", "dah berapa byk pad yg u dah pakai?", "ada rasa nak demam x?", "is this ur 1 baby?".. question yg mcm tu...

tp 1 question dia yg aku rasa sedih sgt is
"u penah gugur b4 this"? ... aduh!! pedih aku dgr soalan tu.. tp aku try to remain calm... then dia suruh aku dok kat wad menunggu... aku pun dok la diam2... tp 1 benda yg aku observe kat Hosp Putrajaya nie, hosp nie clean la.. cantik lak tu... n x ramai org......

then 1 nurse nie mai, ckp yg aku kene p wad bsalin.. dia pun dah suruh syg tunggu aku kat sana.. dia suruh aku dok ateh wheel chair yg dia bwk tu.. aisey, xkan aku kene naik wheel chair kot, bukannye aku cedera parah.. tp nurse tu insist jugak aku dok ateh wheel chair.. aku pun dgn tsengih sipu dok la ateh tu... kelakar habis.. 1st time aku dok ateh wheel chair.. dulu masa appendix pun trus dok ateh katil bgerak, even lepas accident dulu pun, doc dah surub aku bjln sdiri...

anyway, aku pun p la ke wad bsalin dgn wheel chair yg ditolak oleh nurse yg baik nie. smp kat wad bsalin tu, dia suruh aku tunggu dulu, sbb nak amik blood presssure aku...

dah amik tu, nurse yg lain pulak suruh aku masuk this 1 room n tukar jeans to kain... n undies pun kene bukak sekali... aku check undies aku, hmm xde pun darah.... maybe sbb ubat tu kot...

so, aku tunggu la.... sah kene cuci nie... nangis dlm hati je la.... .... lama gak aku tunggu age gak la 1/2 jam... ala, nak ckp ape, kerajaan kan..... then aku dgr ade baby nangis... oo maybe doc lambat sbb kene sambut baby tu kot...

in between to mama call, call try to calm me down... mama ckp leh cuba lain kali.... WA!!!! SEDIH TU!!!! mama nie, xde cover2 langsung la..... tp aku xde la ckp lama dgn mama, sbb mama nak p kduri...

so.... tunggu lg....... then doc pun masuk.... memula dia scan balik perut aku.... dia pun marah sbb aku x admit masuk hosp... tah la doc oit, aku nie dah la dok seriau, yg p tanya byk2 soalan tu buat ape!!! duh!!!

then doc suruh aku selakkan kain sikit, n angkatkan punggung, then nurse tu suruh aku tarik nafas then... ..... tsentak aku, sbb ttiba ade benda sejuk "masuk".. then dia sentap balik benda tu.... .... then dia "masuk" balik, tp then dia tunjuk
"darah yg mcm nie ke?" aku angguk je... doc tu ckp kalau darah yg mcm tu, xpe.. maybe darah2 period yg sebelum nie yg x habis kuar... ooo baru aku tau... tp doc mmg dah warning aku, mayb darah akan kuar lagi, n when that happen, aku kene mai balik hosp....

aku pun tanya la doc balik.....
"doc, so baby sy mcm mana?"
doc: "eh, baby kamu ok.. dia xde ape2. kamu tgk ni, ini jantung dia.."
"ye ke?" *then aku sengih la...

syukur aku sbb baby aku ok... syukur alhamdulillah.....

aku dpt mc 4 hari, starting 2day... maknanya aku masuk ofis balik hari selasa la.. hmmm.. then nurse to ckp dah settle... la, aku dah boleh balik ke??? just byr rm1 je... he he.. murah pun murah, layanan pun ok... sah, aku bsalin kat Hosp Putrajaya nie... 1 mora thing, dr nurse ke doc, almost semua org aku tgk kat wad bsalin nie dok ngandung... mmg kene la dgn tmpnye.. he he...

so, kat luar, aku ckp la berita gembira nie kat syg... dia sengih smp ke telinga... aku pun happy bila tgk syg happy....

ok syg, kite jaga baby kite nie baik2 k....


intoxicated said...

babe, so sorry to hear that..i feel for u..
luckily it is nothing, maybe macam org tua2 kate, bunting rimau, nnt sampai 2-3 bulan kuar darah period lagi tp still pregnant...
u take care of the baby ok...jgn buat keje berat2 tau!


mrs shahridzad said...

thanx 4 ur concern... mmg drama habis jumaaat tu...

tp 2day dah ok.. dah x bleeding dah..

i pun dah x berapa buat keje berat. basuh baju pun shah dah bising, suruh basuh kat umah mak dia.. tp xkan undies pun nak basuh sana kan?? he he...

Azie N Arif said...

emma, ko buat aku takut je baca ko punye citer ni..buat suspend aje..he he he ..anyway I'm happy everything is ok. Tp you must take extra! extra! extra! care tau. Sbb awal2 pregnncy anything can happen. Bukan nak takutkan just to make you more concern on your bb.

About hosp putrajy. Azie memang bersalin kan both of my babies kat sana. Memang ok semuanye. Layanan memang bagus. Eventhough ramai org ckp yg menakutkan bersalin kan sana. I just put aside. Cuma yg menyakitkan kalo nak buat every month chekup kat klinik dia tu...memang lame gilerr tunggu giliran. Kekadang stay kat klinik dr pagi sampai ke petang...huhuhu.

mrs shahridzad said...

azie, aku pun x sangka aku nie lomah ropenye..ingatkan kuat la sbb dok telan segala tok nenek punye vitamin.. ha ha!!

berapa harga kos bsalin kat hosp putrajaya tu ek?? mahal x??

hubby emma mmg dah syok habis kat sana, sbb parking pun senang.. org pun x ramai..

tp lemah pulak la kene tunggu giliran smp ptg... nak buat mcm mana, kerajaan kan..

he he...


after a long thinking (eceh), mama decided to copy-pasted some old entry from another blog to this blog.... tp bukan semua... cuma entry yg related dgn ryan.... (grammer salah kan? sila beritau mama ye... leh mama betulkan... )

sila la jgn tanya url blog mama yg lama tu, dah selamat dprivatekan.. sbb.... biarlah rahsia.. (abaikan kepoyoan ittew)... lgpun bukan ramai yg baca pun...

so.. nie copy paste yg 1st ya...

friday, march 09,2007

xtau ngape, tp 2day aku tension sgt kat ofis... dlm dok tension2 tu, time nak balik aku rasa x sedap je, so aku pun check.. alamak.. KUAR DARAH!!!! aku dah x senang duduk dah nie...
call syg, mintak jumpe kat umah ma, sbb nak trus p clinic... xmo la aku tunggu lelama... then call mama... cite kat mama... WA!!!! mama kata mayb miscarriage... xmo la mcm tu... aku dah x senang duduk dah..

smp umah ma, pick up syg n ma then trus p clinic... doc buat scan, tp x nampak, sbb baby still too doc kasi recommendation letter & suruh kami p Salam Medical Centre sbb dia kenal gynea kat situ.. so kami pun la...

i tried to calm down, tp xde la nangis depan ma n syg.. tp dlm hati jek...
smp lak kat Salam, nurse tahan, ckp the doc dah balik & suruh kami mai esok.. well, aku pun rasa ok la kot, walaupun dah x senang duduk... lepak umah ma kejap sambil mkn bihun sup, then aku teringat pesanan doc tadi... dia ckp dia leh bagi ubat utk stop d bleeding... aisey, apsal la aku lupa...

so kitaorg p balik kat clinic...x pasal2 doc marah aku sbb x admit kat Salam.. la doc nie, bukannye salah aku, dah nurse 2 x kasi masuk, xkan aku nak redah lak Salam tu!!! bengong tul!!! doc tu trus call Salam balik n marah2 doc in charge.. dah lepak sesi marah2 tu, doc pun kasi ubat nak stop bleeding tu n suruh aku rest bebanyak mlm nie... n suruh esok pepagi aku p Salam balik 2 c her gynea friend 2....

blk umah lak, aku mmg letih + sakit perut... mandi pun nak kene mintak tlg syg preparekan ayaq hangat... time shi shi tu, alamak... darah still dok kuar lg la.... MAMA!!!! WHAT's HAPPENING 2 ME??? syg pun gelabah habis tgk darah tu... dia dok suruh p clinic balik, tp aku xmo, sbb doc suruh p esok pagi.. aku cuma calmkan syg, ckp xde ape2.. n hopefully, darah tu x kuar... lepas mandi (xcually, time mandi tu, darah kuar dua kali, tp aku xmo kasi syg takut), aku telan ubat yg doc tu kasi, then trus masuk tido...

n hoping for a better tomorrow..

insya allah......

sorry la kalau x brp nak paham time baca tu... tp entry kat atas tu pasal 1st time mama bleeding...

syg - ayah ryan
ma-nenda ryan

mama - tok mama ryan

sekadar gambar selingan
3x bleeding.. alhamdulillah ryan selamat...