The downside to this is that I keep putting off many of the fall chores on my long to-do list. I have planted a few bulbs, but I need to pull out some annuals to make room for many of the rest. But with the zinnias and cosmos still blooming alongside the asters, I can't bring myself to pull any of them out just yet.
Can you blame me for wanting to enjoy this beauty as long as I can?
Although I took this photo two weeks ago, there are still a few butterflies enjoying the 'Zowie Yellow Flame' zinnias, including a few late Monarchs making their way south.
They're not the only ones enjoying the late-blooming annuals. Frank and Coconut enjoy making the rounds of the garden with me in the morning and checking out how many cosmos are still blooming. And no, I couldn't get them both to look at the camera--my only photo with Coconut facing forward also had Frank lifting his leg to "water" the cosmos:)
There are bulbs to plant in the lily bed border, but heat-loving lantana is occupying that space right now and is looking so good, despite the cooler temps.
One small chore accomplished--the Dragonwing begonia has been repotted to bring in for the winter. This plant did so well in a container this year that I am going to do my best to save it for next year.
The nasturtiums apparently like the cooler weather--they've doubled in size in the last few weeks. They're on the edge of the veggie garden and not in the way of any bulbs, so they can stay for as long as they last. Another chore I haven't completed is cleaning up the veggie garden now that the tomatoes are done, but we've had so much rain lately I haven't been able to.
There are a few new blooms this October Bloom Day. For a couple of years I bemoaned the fact that the Japanese Anemone I had planted must have died, but apparently I needed to be more patient. It's had a few blooms the last year or two, but this year it has really come into its own, growing to nearly 5 feet tall with masses of blooms. A newer pink Anemone has a couple of blooms, so I hope it will also take a growth spurt next year.
And the appropriately named 'October Skies' Asters are covered with masses of lavender-blue blooms. They can be partially seen alongside the zinnias and cosmos in the first photo as well.
But most of the other perennials are ready for their long winter's sleep. A few stray coneflowers have decided to bloom, however.
And this Rudbeckia is a virtual Energizer Bunny--it just keeps going and going.
The cooler weather has encouraged the Knockout roses to put out a fresh flush of blooms. 'Radsunny' looks better now than in the summer.
If you read my earlier post on Lessons Learned, you might remember that I was waiting to see what this plant was. Earlier in the spring I thought it was some volunteer Amsonia and shared some starts with my good friend Beckie. Fortunately, hers didn't make it:) The Switchgrass behind the goldenrod, by the way, is Panicum virgatum 'Shenandoah.' I love the burgundy hues of this grass.
A surprise latecomer to the garden is this Cleome next to the 'Vanilla Strawberry' Hydrangea.
The hydrangeas are more typical of what is going on this October as most of the garden is putting on its fall color. The 'Vanilla Strawberry' blooms have turned a deep pink, finally more Strawberry than Vanilla.
The blooms of the 'Limelight' Hydrangea, on the other hand, have turned a much softer shade of pink.
Fall is when grasses really shine. The plumes of Miscanthus 'Morning Light' can be seen waving in the wind at the back of the Arbor Bed.
Another lovely example of foliage is the Amsonia hubrichtii turning to gold behind the Beautyberry.
One example of colorful fall foliage I'd rather not have is this. Mr. Procrastinator got a little carried away this summer with the weed-killer around the outbuildings, but somehow he missed this poison ivy.
The leaves have just started to turn in our area in the last week or two. This ash tree in my front yard is always the first to turn. I'm not looking forward to the first frost and its effect on my garden, but I am looking forward to the fall color show transforming my front yard to a display of red and gold very soon.
What's still blooming in your garden? For a look at what is blooming around the world, check out other Bloom Day posts at Carol's May Dreams Gardens.