Wednesday, April 22, 2009

All’s Right.

The (pigeon’s) on the wing; pigeons

The (lambs are in the barn):Picnik collage

God’s in His Heaven - All’s right with the world.

Robert Browning (adapted *grin*).


Debbie in CA : ) said...

Something sweet to savor . . . just what I needed this day. Thank you, my friend.

Norton said...

Lovely blog.

Dawn said...

Awesome! Are the lambs yours???

Be blessed, friend!

grammy said...

Love your lamb pictures (o:

Unknown said...

>>Are the lambs yours???<<

yes they most certainly are!!! Long awaited, newly arrived. We are VERY excited.

jenni said...

Oh, the lambie pictures are just too precious for words...thank you so much for sharing them!!

Leanne said...

How exciting!!!!!!!

NanaNor's said...

Love the pictures. Blessed are we whose hope is in the Lord.
Hugs to you today.
Noreen said...

lovely photos!! what a great way to raise your kiddos :-)

Me said...

WISH we had lambs!
We have an Andrew and an Ella, who is also called Ellie and Eleanora. Way to confuses a kid, right?
How were your experiences with fostering? Dare I ask? I think I've heard a sampling of every horror story out there.

Unknown said...

How adorable!

Berry Girl said...

nicely put :)