The pamphlet can be found here: Olives: safe methods for home pickling
This free pamphlet has all the detailed information you would need for a variety of different types of olive processing. If you choose to process olives be sure to follow their directions closely and carefully.
As for my finished product I would have to say it is pretty good and the experiment a success. I do think the olives are a little mushy and have a little bit of a washed out flavor though. Both of these are likely a result of brining for a few weeks too long. Next time I will be sure to stick close to the University of California methods now that I am familiar with them.
Here are my fresh olives soaking in a ~10% sea salt solution on the first day of the experiment. |
Here are the finished olives three months later soaking in a ~5% salt, 25% vinegar solution with the juice of two lemons, garlic and chili peppers added for flavor. |
Some of the finished olives. |