联系号码:0127069239 (Yap 叶)
出售产品Product Type: 富贵圆满契约(殡仪套装)Nirvana Funeral Service Package
套装名称Package Type:富贵吉祥 Deluxe
出售价格Selling Price: RM 19500 (Negotiable)
我们的价格低于市价,可议价:RM 19,500
富贵的套装即用价为RM 25,800 预售价 RM 22040
· 关于“殡葬配套”/“殡仪套装” About Funeral Service Package (FSP)
· 富贵吉祥 Nirwana Funeral Service Package Deluxe (FSP Deluxe)
我们手上能转让的富贵圆满契约(殡仪套装)分为三种,富贵吉祥FSP Deluxe是其中一份。
富贵吉祥 圆满契约 Nirvana Funeral Service Packages (Deluxe)
以低于市场价格出售 (价格可以商议) Sales below market price! (Negotiable)
Please contact me for further information in Mandarin or English:
Email: Possibility.number278@gmail.com
H/P: 0127069239 (Yap)
This Deluxe Package including services below:
两晚在丧府或殡仪殿堂的 奠礼服务,土葬/火化 (佛教/道教)
2 night service at home or at parlour, burial/cremation (Buddhist/ Taoist)
A) 遗体处理与入殓服务 Embalment Handling and Encoffin Service
1. 申报死亡、领取死亡与下葬证书 Report Death and Obtaining Burial Clearance/Permit
2. 遗体接送 Securing Release of Remains
3. 防腐与遗体化妆服务 Arterial Embalming / Dry Ice and Make Up Services
4. 进口优质入殓用品 (1套) Imported Longevity Costume (1 Set)
(i) 宝晶寿木 (1副)NV Deluxe Casket ( 1 Unit)
* 宝晶焚化寿木 NV Deluxe Cremation Casket (1 Unit)
* 云彩晶莹骨灰瓮 NV Deluxe Urn (1 Unit)
* 火化与拾骨灰服务 Cremation And Retrieval of Ashes
(* 只限于火化套装 Applicable for cremation package only.)
B) 奠礼准备 Preparation of Memorial Ceremony
6. 使用特色大棚 Use of Canopy ( 2 个Units x 20 尺ft x 20尺ft)/ 庄严殡仪礼堂 Parlour
.风扇 Hanging Fan (8 把 Units)
.灯 Light (10 盏 Units)
.桌子 Table (15 张 Units)
.桌布 Table Cloth (30 幅 Units)
.椅子 Plastic Chair (120 张 Units)
7. 使用庄严灵堂 Use of Majestic Altar
8. 相片放大服务 Enlargement of Photograph
9. 精饰相框 Decorated Photo Frame
10. 路向指示牌及灯笼 Location Direction Placards and Lanterns
11. 麻衣孝服 Mourning Garments (10 套 Sets)
12. 报丧服务 Dissemination of Notice (100则 文字短讯或电话通知 Up to 100 SMS or Calls)
13. 唁慰録 Memorial Record Book
14. 使用帛金箱 Use of Condolence Box
15. 使用追思屏风 Use of Memory Lane Rack (1 套Unit)
C) 治丧协调与奠礼进行 Coordination Of Funeral Service and Memorial Caremony
16. 专业治丧协调人员 Professional Service Team (1 组 Team)
17. 两晚殡仪协调人员 2 Nights Wake Service Worker (6pm - 2pm, 每晚1名工作人员 1 Worker per Night)
18. 佛教/道教诵经打斋服务 Buddhist/ Taoist Prayer Service (3 名僧侣Monks/尼姑Nuns)
19. 三天两夜往生者祭品 3 Days 2 Nights Offerings To The Deceased ( 水果与素菜 Fruits and Vegetarian)
20. 元宝蜡烛 Joss Sticks and Prayer Materials (1 套 set)

21. 附加灯饰的精工制作纸扎 Professional Handcrafted Paper Model with Decorative Lights (1 套 Set)
22. 糖果礼品 Confectionery Gifts (100 份 Pieces)
23. 饮料 Drinking Water (10 箱 Cartons)
24. 花生 Peanuts (20 包 Packages)
D) 举殡服务 Funeral Procession Service
25. 大殓封棺 Sealing of Casket
26. 女婿铭旗 Son-in-Law Flag (1 幅 Unit)
27. 专业音乐队 Professional Music Band (1 组Team)
28. 富贵精致纪念品 NV Souvenir (50 件 Pieces)
29. ^使用豪华高贵灵车 Use of Estima Hearse (1 辆 Unit, 单程 Single Trip)
30. 乘坐送殡冷气巴士 Use of Air-Cond Bus For Funeral Procession (1 辆多达44座位 1 Unit - Up to 44 Seats)(^ 任何由于某些无可预测的缘故或是发生任何超出公司所能控制的情况,致使指定的灵车或交通工具无法被使用,公司将有权以其他运输或交通方式代替,而无需承担任何责任。
^ The company shall not be liable for any direct or consequential losses in the event that the specified hearse or vehicle is not available as a result of circumstances beyond its control PROVIDED ALWAYS that an alternative mode of conveyance or transport is made available.)
E) 后续关怀 After Care Service
31. 追思相册 80 张相片 Memory Photo Album with 80 Pieces of Photo (1 册 Unit)
32. 致谢卡 Thank You Cards (100 张 Units)
33. 邮寄致谢卡 Mailing of Thank You Cards
备注 Notes:
a) 追思礼堂使用胥视其届时供应的情况而定 Use of Parlour is subject to availability.
b) 道教仪式提供客家(中坛)、广东(中坛)或福建(小坛) Taoist prayer service only covers Hakka(medium), Cantonese (medium) or Hokkien (small) prayer service.
c) 此富贵圆满契约 (旧称为"富贵殡仪套装") 不包括福地、骨灰灵位、神主牌及墓碑建设 The FSP excludes burial plots, cinerary urn compartments, pedestal for ancestral tablet and construction of tomb.
d) 行使富贵圆满契约 (旧称为"富贵殡仪套装")只局限在马来西亚境内最邻近的富贵殡仪服务中心方圆35公里以内(以下称此为“位置限制”) Exercise of FSP is restricted to the radius of 35km from the nearest service center within Malaysia (herein called the "location limit"). The company reserves the right to impose additional charges for cases exercised beyond the location limit.
e) 此富贵圆满契约 (旧称为"富贵殡仪套装") 的内容只适用于马来西亚半岛 The contents of this FSP package shall apply or be valid when called upon in Peninsular Malaysia only.
f) 无论在任何情况下,所购契约不能退回 No refund or return of the items in the package shall be allowed under any whatsoever circumstances.
g) 若需超过3天2夜的奠礼服务或者额外的物品,公司将附加收费 Additional nights and/ or additional items are subject to additional charges.
h) 如对上述规则与条件的中文译本,产生任何诠译上的争议,将以英文译本为诠译的标准 The terms and conditions in English language shall prevail over Chinese language should any conflict arise in the interpretation of the terms and conditions herein.
只要有关殡仪配套尚未被行使,买方可随时自行转让此配套之使用权。唯需呈上有关配套证书及签署一份转让表格并缴付RM 300 或根据产品销售价格之2%计算的转让手续费,视何者为高。
Purchaser is allowed to transfer the ownership after full settlement. Transfer fee at 2% of the product prevailing sales price or RM 300, whichever is higher will be charge to all transfer cases.
如对上述规则与条件的中文译本,产生任何诠译上的争议,将以英文译本为诠译的标准 The terms and conditions in English language shall prevail over Chinese language should any conflict arise in the interpretation of the terms and conditions herein.