THE OLERMPIKKS HAS FIYNALLIY ARRIVED!!! Waaaahooooooo! My Gooderness eet has been a longg tiyme commin n the preparrashun is awll long passt n tha traiynin has been owngowin, butt now tha tiyme is uppon us awll to show ower athflettik prowess! YEAH EEEEEEEEEEEES TROOOOOOOOO! heeheeheehee!
Now guys! Lemme just explaiyn a cuppel fings befurr we gett dis showw on da roadd! heeheehee!
Naymely dis PARAYDEY IS FREEKIN HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE! me n mummer has losted count owf da nummber owf entreees everytiyme we try n cownt heehee! But last count, therr was ovir 187 owf yoo giys pawtissypatting! How treemendus is dat??! Give yoorselves a huge patt own da bakk, okays!?
Anusser impawtint fing is dat, we has pets frum awll ovir da wurld pawtissypating so we mustt awll mayke eech othir feel welcomme so we can enjoy da paraydey okay!? Andd on that note we has awll differint types owf pets compeeting too, as yoo will see, yeah! So wun fur awll n awll furr wun okays!?
Also, da parayde was gonna be orgarniysed into sekshuns, butt too be honestt we arr awll furrends no matter owf ower nashunallity or speciees or wethir tha sun is shiynin or we arr paraydin in ower pyjamers, so we shall parayde intermingling, in troo Blogsville-Blogosphere paw-in-paw fashun! YEAH!
Pleees leeve me a commint at da end of ma paraydey kus I iz sssoooooooooo exciytered to hav a full guesttbook of furrends fur this HUGE event to tressure furrever!!
Last fing, the paraydey was ment to tayke part owtdoors on da grass butt a lot owf pets arr indoors or has had bad wether or live in a tankk (blah blah etc eksetera) soooo sum parts owf da parayde will tayke place insiyde n othir bits in da sun! Butt I'z'll givv yoo wether updates, only at strateeegic parrts owf da paradey okays!?
Nooow..... I is commentayterin da evint, LIVE frum PD News (Posie Dorg News), so givv me a sekund to gett intoo commentaytor mode, n thenn I'z'll kickk dis thingg owf!!!!!!
WOWSIES, I just peed myself a little bitt! heeheeheehee! Nervs or exciyterment,.. I dunno... I downt cayre... GULP! Arr ya's reddy!?
WOWSIES, I just peed myself a little bitt! heeheeheehee! Nervs or exciyterment,.. I dunno... I downt cayre... GULP! Arr ya's reddy!?
WUN TWOO, Teshtin Wun Twooo! |
Ahemmm, Laaaydies n Gentledoggs, Pussykats n Budgiees, Hoomans n Furrends n Compettetors, Athfletes, Hosts, Amphfeebiyans, Reptiyles, Mammels, Birdies...... EFURRYWUN!
Now, let's gett paraydin!
Sincce Mayor Frankie is veryy busiy tooday andd doin his Speechy n fings I wood love to say a big hipp hipp hoorah to his excerlency! Wee will starrt off da Paraydey wifth his half-bruther half-pet whole brother... erm.. HIS ERNIE, who is sportin his loverly USA Iams bandarna!
http://www.hounddogmom. is da bloggin homme of thfree byooterful hounds, n herre they arre n awll spruced upp for tha evint
Herre is Max n maggie Mae, look
Now lookie herre commes Hannah (of Hannah and Lucy blog), http://myblogoffurrycreatures.
Andd as well as Hannah we has Lucy frum da bloggie too
Eeeeets team Cat Wisdom 101 up nekst
Andd Henry has drove righyt in speshul fur tooday! heehee!
Lookie att Winnie hoistin da Union Jack andd compeetin fur Engerland! Yuupers! Oh n she blogs at http://winniethegreyhound.
Now wee haz thfree cats fromm http://wendys3-dcats.blogspot. com. Furslty ees Dante da red tabby male Maine Coon
Thenn we has Dylan, a creem male tabby
WOWSIES, is effurywun enjoyin da paraydey so fur?! Sooo manny handsum pets n pretty wuns n happy afthletic pawtissypants! EEes grayte! Andd too top eet awll owf I can see da sunshiyn commin froo n I iz gownna need to get ma sunglassers own....
Now, wherr waz I?! Got sun in ma eyes, needed doggles, ooh yess, parayde.. who is comin next?
Lassiter Chase & Benjamin the Shelties arr veryy excitiyted to be pawtissypants! Theiy say theyy arr "proud to be representatives of Team U.S.A." Aaaand ees Benjamin's 1st Birtfhday own Augusht 4th, andd theyr gonna sellybrayte wiv the "Keep Away" Blogville Olympic Event thatt daiy!
Magic ( http://www.lifeinthedoghouse. ) iz also supportin da UK and coodnt look morre paytreiotic and prowd heeheehee!
Ma furrends George n Tess herre, check dem owt
Shiloh'n Shasta arr lookin athfletic n rarin to go now
Nowz, http://annienpaulsworld. is home to da nekst two doggers
Thfree doggies frumm arr chompin att da bitt to get gaming Olermpik stylee! yeah!
Mason Kern (http://bigstinkydog.blogspot. com/) iz heer wiv us, liftin sum weiyghts in preparrashun fur da gaymes! YEAH!
Eeees Barnie ... dum di dum...
OOOOPS Sorry, I was erm...
Still lookin at Barnie... he's ma boyfurrend ya knows! heheehee! Kisses Barnie! heeheehee!
YEAH, ees ok, fur shure, I cayme preepared fur dis, yuppers!
HEY, now Corbin herre coodnt look morre afthetic iff he triyed hehee EES TROO
Sorry effurywun furr interruptin agen butt dis raiyn is gettin too mutch, I fink we is gonna hav too moove eet indoors furr a bitt, kus we will awll get soakerd, look
Willow of Devoted to Willow from http://willow-tortiewillow. is paraydin undderr an umbrella, kus "the UK has been pretty drizzly recently!" heehee!
So, Willow is armed wivv a brolly jusht incayse dat we go backk outsiyde agen! I fink if wether permitts we will hop bakk outsiyde n if it showerrs agen we will jusht have to comme in doors, we will tayke eech athflete as they comme eh?! In owt in owt shakey shakey awll abowt, n ya doo da hokey Posie n ya turrn arround, dat ees whot eets awll abowt, heeeey, ooooooh da hokey cokey Posie, Oooooh da hok....... erm sorriiiee agen, I'z gonna behaaave nows n carry on!
Now, Miss Mindy frumm http://hoodshappenings. hass been waiytin pashently furr da games to begin! EEs troo!
Here iz Guido furr Katz Tales at He reprezints the Malaysian cat team Au, Target and Guido! YEAH!
Now thees nekst athfleetes hav a fyoo bloggies, thees can be checked out here: Grab A Book From Our Stack (Always Looking Up) (Right Where We Belong) (My Funny Dad, Harry
Keisha says " O hai! I am Keisha, a spaniel dog from Flory-dah" So heer she iz
Annd we awll knows da nekst thfree, no!??! Well I cann tell yoo thatt they arre Chip, Anna andd Tasha
Heers fthree pawsum pets frumm http://alasandra2003.blogspot. com/ whoo arr herre tooday to joiyn in too
China Cat frumm is heer with Willow frumm both walkkin froo da paradey grass
Look how cyoot Buttons ees, frumm http://busy-buttons. heehee
Herre goes Big Dog Zola, whoo ees flyerin da flaggiy fur Grayte Britaiyn, yeah, ees troo! Annd her bloggy is
Lookie lookie at tha nekst 6 afthleets whoo arr awll frumm da sayme housey
Stoppin by tha mascots fur a kwikk pic we has Gracie frumm http://gabbygracie.blogspot. com/ andd her boyfurrend Tamir! heehee! Ees classic!
Mango n Dexterr arr lookin mighyty fiyne herre, theyy arr frumm http://mangosgreatadventures.
Ooooh we has sum nyoos jusht in...
WAIYT TILL YOO HEER DIS!!! Eees sooo impawtint dat yoo awll heer eet!
Oooh erm, sorriee, did yoo fink eet was sumthin parayde-relaytid, wooops, sorriy! heehee!
I'll get bakk to eet, n eet ma snorsages layter! heehee!
Wowsies, heer gows Savannah NanaMo frum da bloggy
We awll know The Florida Furkids and Lexi at www.friendsfurevercatblog. , riyght!? Weel, therrs sevenn afthleetes frumm theiyr bloggy in ma paraydey, so lets watch em....
Herrs Sweepy frumm da Philippines whose bloggy iz
Cinnamon iz showtin "TEAM USA" awll da way frum
Herre goes Norwood frumm
Eees ma furrends frum Andd ees a Speshul day fur little Dusty tha Borderr Terriorr, yeah, eees his Birfdaiy!!! He is gownna be tha BIG WUN!!! heehee! Yeah 1 yeer old tooday! Bless his little bordery facey! Happy Burfdaiy furrend!
Keisha is lookin awll snugg owt of that rain showwr therr!
And here's Garth Riley, Trick Dog/Philosopher frum http:// theworldaccordingtogarthriley. zoomin owt siyde as da rain stopps fur a minute!
Herre's Marley whoo iz ethnically German, but waz borned and raiysed in China, annd livvs with an American mom in India! Basikkly Marley's a worldliey dude andd iz wearinn red for China. He liykes red! hehehee!
Frum K9 Katastrophie therrs a fyew afthletes paraydin by
Lookin absolooterly pawfekkt in these nekst pics we has Knuckles and Bugsy frum da blogg
Lookie lookie, herre is a verri "fetch"ing paradey pose frum Goose
Ees nutt harrd to guess which countriey Susie n Bites andd Shaadow arr compeetin furr
Apperin now is Nicki the Canadian brown tabby and Derry the grey tabby frumm http://keas-fuzzy-tales.
http://www.jazzis-world. is da home of Jazzi, who is also herre fur da parayde, cleerly team USA! heehee!
The Mayor's first ladies arre herre in support owf Canadar, yuppers, ees Ruby n Penny
Wowsies, lissen up folks, furr teamm GB ees Ginger Jasper frum http://pughysgingerfurball.
Katy and Bailey frum http://sheltietimes.blogspot. com/ arr marchin along in ower athleet parayde
Buddy is awll smiyles kus ees parayde tiyme! YEAH!
Rubie frum http://rubieadventures. is awll snazzed upp fur tha parayde
Sincce Mayor Frankie is veryy busiy tooday andd doin his Speechy n fings I wood love to say a big hipp hipp hoorah to his excerlency! Wee will starrt off da Paraydey wifth his half-bruther half-pet whole brother... erm.. HIS ERNIE, who is sportin his loverly USA Iams bandarna!
Ernie |
Noww that Ernie hass kikked us owf, we has summ pussycats eeger to get across da paradey startin line, andd outsiyde! Eeees IZA, AYLA, and MARLEY
Iza, Ayla n Marley |
Bella |
Winston |
Amiee |
Herre is Max n maggie Mae, look
Now lookie herre commes Hannah (of Hannah and Lucy blog), http://myblogoffurrycreatures.
Hannah |
Lucy |
Eeeeets team Cat Wisdom 101 up nekst
Andd Henry has drove righyt in speshul fur tooday! heehee!
Henry |
Nina tha chow-hound ( a black & tan coon hound and Chow mix ) summtiymes gets a shottie at bloggin own her mums blog at http://birdbrainsanddogtales. Herre she is
Nina |
Lookie att Winnie hoistin da Union Jack andd compeetin fur Engerland! Yuupers! Oh n she blogs at http://winniethegreyhound.
Winnie |
Now wee haz thfree cats fromm http://wendys3-dcats.blogspot.
Dante |
WOWSIES, is effurywun enjoyin da paraydey so fur?! Sooo manny handsum pets n pretty wuns n happy afthletic pawtissypants! EEes grayte! Andd too top eet awll owf I can see da sunshiyn commin froo n I iz gownna need to get ma sunglassers own....
Muuuutch bettir! Ees troo! |
Now, wherr waz I?! Got sun in ma eyes, needed doggles, ooh yess, parayde.. who is comin next?
Lassiter Chase & Benjamin the Shelties arr veryy excitiyted to be pawtissypants! Theiy say theyy arr "proud to be representatives of Team U.S.A." Aaaand ees Benjamin's 1st Birtfhday own Augusht 4th, andd theyr gonna sellybrayte wiv the "Keep Away" Blogville Olympic Event thatt daiy!
Lassiter Chase n Benjamin |
Magic ( http://www.lifeinthedoghouse.
Magic |
Ma furrends George n Tess herre, check dem owt
George |
Tess |
Shiloh'n Shasta arr lookin athfletic n rarin to go now
Shiloh n Shasta |
Eees ma verriy furry good furrends Dip, Bridge n Elliot, n they iz awll walkkin along togetthir fur da paraydey
Elliot Bridge and DipDip |
Nowz, http://annienpaulsworld.
Paul andd Annie |
Thfree doggies frumm arr chompin att da bitt to get gaming Olermpik stylee! yeah!
Daisy, Roxy andd Bella |
Mason Kern (http://bigstinkydog.blogspot.
Mason |
Eeees Barnie ... dum di dum...
Barnie |
OOOOPS Sorry, I was erm...
oooh Barnie!! |
Still lookin at Barnie... he's ma boyfurrend ya knows! heheehee! Kisses Barnie! heeheehee!
Sorry... prowfesshinul aiyr, professhunul...
Yes, so erm, we has up nexst...
Betty the Bichon frum http://bettythebichon. She's team USA and looks like shees well done paraydin befurr now! heehee!
http://thechronicleofwoos. is home to fowr loverly doggies, knownd as da OP Pack, n heer they arr
Now sum speshul gessts kus theyy arr nutt dogs orr cats, noosiree, they ar little guinea pigs, yuppers!!! Frum andd reprezenttin teem Canada ees Darwin and Einstein
Noww da skyies arr openinn andd da raiyn is startin to fall, thiz wethir is lookin a little bit chancey,... yeah... well this downpoor is certainly gonna havv to putt a bit owf a slow-downn on fings... waiyt till I gett ma...
Betty the Bichon frum http://bettythebichon.
Betty |
Phantom, Lightning, Thunder, and Ciara |
Now sum speshul gessts kus theyy arr nutt dogs orr cats, noosiree, they ar little guinea pigs, yuppers!!! Frum andd reprezenttin teem Canada ees Darwin and Einstein
Wowsies, lookie awll of yas, ees Frank da Tank paraydin froo dat long grassy patch:
Frank the Tank |
Snoopy, the yung therappiey dogg whoo liykes a littel mishcheef (frum is herre wifvth us tooday
Snoopy |
Noww da skyies arr openinn andd da raiyn is startin to fall, thiz wethir is lookin a little bit chancey,... yeah... well this downpoor is certainly gonna havv to putt a bit owf a slow-downn on fings... waiyt till I gett ma...
YEAH, ees ok, fur shure, I cayme preepared fur dis, yuppers!
We will carry on in da raiyn fur a mintiie...
Stella and Rory arr frum Austraaailiya n they arr lookin jusht wunderful n standin pretty fur da paradey!
Stella |
Rory |
HEY, now Corbin herre coodnt look morre afthetic iff he triyed hehee EES TROO
Corbin |
Sorry effurywun furr interruptin agen butt dis raiyn is gettin too mutch, I fink we is gonna hav too moove eet indoors furr a bitt, kus we will awll get soakerd, look
Let's moove it indoors!!! |
Willow of Devoted to Willow from http://willow-tortiewillow.
Willow |
So, Willow is armed wivv a brolly jusht incayse dat we go backk outsiyde agen! I fink if wether permitts we will hop bakk outsiyde n if it showerrs agen we will jusht have to comme in doors, we will tayke eech athflete as they comme eh?! In owt in owt shakey shakey awll abowt, n ya doo da hokey Posie n ya turrn arround, dat ees whot eets awll abowt, heeeey, ooooooh da hokey cokey Posie, Oooooh da hok....... erm sorriiiee agen, I'z gonna behaaave nows n carry on!
Now, Miss Mindy frumm http://hoodshappenings.
Miss Mindy |
http://winesomewinston. andd http://chloeandcecil.blogspot. com arr home to tha followerin three furrends
Chloe |
Winston |
Puddles is herre fur teem USA, n she dresserd up as a DEVIL jusht fur da parayde! N I fink she loooks fabb, deverlishly deeviyne evin! yeah! Yuppers!
Puddles |
Here iz Guido furr Katz Tales at He reprezints the Malaysian cat team Au, Target and Guido! YEAH!
Guido |
Now thees nekst athfleetes hav a fyoo bloggies, thees can be checked out here: Grab A Book From Our Stack (Always Looking Up) (Right Where We Belong) (My Funny Dad, Harry Sooo, there's Spunky Doodle tha Tuxedo cat, Abby Dabby Doo annd Manny Boy thee Tabby
Spunky |
Abby |
Manny Boy |
Keisha says " O hai! I am Keisha, a spaniel dog from Flory-dah" So heer she iz
Keisha |
Annd we awll knows da nekst thfree, no!??! Well I cann tell yoo thatt they arre Chip, Anna andd Tasha
Chip n Anna Rose |
Tasha |
Heers fthree pawsum pets frumm http://alasandra2003.blogspot.
Scylla |
Fenris |
Socks |
China Cat and Willow |
Look how cyoot Buttons ees, frumm http://busy-buttons.
Buttons |
Herre goes Big Dog Zola, whoo ees flyerin da flaggiy fur Grayte Britaiyn, yeah, ees troo! Annd her bloggy is
Zola |
Lookie lookie at tha nekst 6 afthleets whoo arr awll frumm da sayme housey
Armani |
Charli |
Chester |
Gaia |
JB |
Stoppin by tha mascots fur a kwikk pic we has Gracie frumm http://gabbygracie.blogspot.
Gracie and Tamir |
Mango n Dexterr arr lookin mighyty fiyne herre, theyy arr frumm http://mangosgreatadventures.
Mango n Dexter |
Ooooh we has sum nyoos jusht in...
Yupp, mmmhhmhh.. yeah, EES TROO?!! |
WAIYT TILL YOO HEER DIS!!! Eees sooo impawtint dat yoo awll heer eet!
Oooh erm, sorriee, did yoo fink eet was sumthin parayde-relaytid, wooops, sorriy! heehee!
I'll get bakk to eet, n eet ma snorsages layter! heehee!
Clemmie |
Maverick |
Samantha |
http://derbysassycat.blogspot. com/ is da homme owf Derby andd Ducky andd herre they iz nows
Derby |
Ducky |
Wowsies, heer gows Savannah NanaMo frum da bloggy
Savannah NanaMo |
We awll know The Florida Furkids and Lexi at www.friendsfurevercatblog.
Allie |
Cliff |
Cousin Trooper |
Cubby |
Ellie |
Lexi |
Tamir |
Herrs Sweepy frumm da Philippines whose bloggy iz
Herr goes da Critters in tha Cottage frum Vancovuer, B.C. Canada. Theyy blogg at : Noww therrs heeeps owf dees guyz, so they cood really has a parayde awll owf theiyr own! heehee!
Esme |
Duffy |
Issa |
Malou |
Levon |
Mitalee |
Leo |
Tulip |
Cinnamon iz showtin "TEAM USA" awll da way frum
Herre goes Norwood frumm
Eees ma furrends frum Andd ees a Speshul day fur little Dusty tha Borderr Terriorr, yeah, eees his Birfdaiy!!! He is gownna be tha BIG WUN!!! heehee! Yeah 1 yeer old tooday! Bless his little bordery facey! Happy Burfdaiy furrend!
Keisha is lookin awll snugg owt of that rain showwr therr!
Keisha |
And here's Garth Riley, Trick Dog/Philosopher frum http://
Garth |
Poppy |
Cody |
Herre's Marley whoo iz ethnically German, but waz borned and raiysed in China, annd livvs with an American mom in India! Basikkly Marley's a worldliey dude andd iz wearinn red for China. He liykes red! hehehee!
Marley |
Nora B. Webster frumm is upp noww
Nora |
Frum K9 Katastrophie therrs a fyew afthletes paraydin by
Turkle |
Peaches |
TG |
Buddy |
Ruthie |
Lookin absolooterly pawfekkt in these nekst pics we has Knuckles and Bugsy frum da blogg
Kunckles |
Bugsy |
Lookie lookie, herre is a verri "fetch"ing paradey pose frum Goose
Goose |
Ees nutt harrd to guess which countriey Susie n Bites andd Shaadow arr compeetin furr
Susie n Sidebite |
Shadow |
Nicki |
Derry |
Jazzi |
Shawnee is joynin us too (frum http://shawneetheshep. ) and he has brott along his pawsome digger brother Chuckie the groundhog!
Shawnee |
Chuckie |
Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus frumm theiyr bloggy arr full owf kissy faces fur tha parayde!
Fiona and Abby |
The Mayor's first ladies arre herre in support owf Canadar, yuppers, ees Ruby n Penny
Eees Brinksey Winksey Puddie and Pie and Bella frum tha houston pittie pack at
Brinksey Winksey Puddie and Pie and Bella |
Wowsies, lissen up folks, furr teamm GB ees Ginger Jasper frum http://pughysgingerfurball.
GJ |
Katy and Bailey frum http://sheltietimes.blogspot.
Katy annd Bailey |
Buddy is awll smiyles kus ees parayde tiyme! YEAH!
Buddy |
Rubie frum http://rubieadventures.
Rubie |
The next athfletes are kaniyne n feliyne siblings Oskar, Moe and Chloe. Oskar's bloggy is butt we all kno dat he runs da show at too! heehee! Ees troo!
Lily Belle and Muffin frum are verri prowud to bee in da parayde:
Murphy and Stanley frumm http://murphyandstanley. arr awll brighyt eyed n bushie tailyed furr da parade:
Hey hey, if it isn't Sally Ann andd Andy frumm http://bigbubbaandbabyblogger.
Herre commes Tucker da grayte dane, and his recycled kitteh brudder Vader frum http://www.greatdanetucker.
Well lookie herre effurywun ees Mona and Weenie! They shayre a bloggie att http://justustexasdachsies.
http://dachshundnola.blogspot. com is homme to Nola and shee is joynin us tooday too see:
Andd a fiyne Border terriorist, awll da way frum Canardar, ees mister Wiggles hiself: Zack
All ready fur da parayde in this nekst pic we has Katie Isabella frum http://katieisabella.
Echo is commin up next in the line upp:
Nowwz frum we haz thfree pawtissypants! Meester Sarge COP and his twoo little crabby sisterrs Beachnut and Shelldon ( I peed maselff wheen I sawd tha girrls pic! heehee! Mummer did too - EES TROO!!)
Goin awll out USA-stylee is Duncan Breazeale whoo I blogs att
Lookin good, ees awll I can say relly kus he is sooo dapper in his Uniion Jackk! heehee! Herre goes Deccy:
Next upp we haz Madi in disguiyes kus she wannted to warre a mask kus eet was a parayde! heehee!
Noww itz Maggy (left) annd Zoey (right), whoo livve at ZOOLATRY --
Asta da fuzzbutt says: "I am wepwesenting Manhattan and Budapest cause that's who I have in my heawt". So, herre iz Asta:
Heeeere's Molly tha Wally, who has ever so mutch gownn awll out Olyerpikk stylee! YEAH!
Now we has Finn at marchinn at highh speed therr!
If thiss grinn is anyfing to go by, eet looks liyke Stormy frmm http://charleneandstorm. is enjoyin da parayde! YUPPERS!
Look effurywun, our bloggin furrends Mitch n Molly frum http://northfordmaggie. arr herre too
Dougall and Floyd (whose bloggy is http://the-dougall-diaries. arr jusht so happy to be sellybraytin today, jusht look at dem wiv da buntin:
All dresserd up speshul fur da parayde we has dadoggies frum The Kresty Krew ( http://ro-uj-iz.blogspot. )
Noww appering in da Paraydey nekst we has Reuben of withh a veriy nobell piktyoor of hisself
Nows effurrywun diss wun mayde me titter, looks eets Sasha frumm http://chicamom85-sassysasha. sittin own a USA flaggiy
Up neykst arr Luna and Cynder, see
Noww appeeering is Sweet William The Scot frumm
sportin his USA flaggie
Herre is da fouwr guyz frum http://randomfelines.blogspot. com
Woooowsies, Bert is parayding it upp bigg stylee heehee! Bert iz compeetin with his girlfurrend Charlotte frum Austria in his harrt! How sweet is dat!?!?! He is pikkin upp da torchy att da endd ower paraydey herre!!!
Oskar |
Moe |
Ryker |
In purrfekt parayde mode, we has Elsa tha Cavalier King Charles Spaniel whoo bloggs att
Elsa |
Lily Belle and Muffin frum are verri prowud to bee in da parayde:
Lily Belle |
Muffin |
Murphy and Stanley frumm http://murphyandstanley.
Murphy and Stanley |
Hey hey, if it isn't Sally Ann andd Andy frumm http://bigbubbaandbabyblogger.
Herre commes Tucker da grayte dane, and his recycled kitteh brudder Vader frum http://www.greatdanetucker.
Vader |
Well lookie herre effurywun ees Mona and Weenie! They shayre a bloggie att http://justustexasdachsies.
Mona |
Weenie |
Nola |
Bouncing Bertie frumm m
Bertie |
Andd a fiyne Border terriorist, awll da way frum Canardar, ees mister Wiggles hiself: Zack
Zack |
Rama tha 19 mo old Cane Corso is commin alongg herre neykst
Rama |
All ready fur da parayde in this nekst pic we has Katie Isabella frum http://katieisabella.
Katie Isabella |
Echo is commin up next in the line upp:
Echo |
With the bloggy at http://mariodacat.blogspot. com/ , herre is Mariodacat, smiylin! Ees troo!
Mario |
Mister Applegate is commin along noww
Mr Applegate |
Nowwz frum we haz thfree pawtissypants! Meester Sarge COP and his twoo little crabby sisterrs Beachnut and Shelldon ( I peed maselff wheen I sawd tha girrls pic! heehee! Mummer did too - EES TROO!!)
Sarge |
The Crabby Girls |
Goin awll out USA-stylee is Duncan Breazeale whoo I blogs att
Herre arre Indigo (the big mommy) and thenn therre is Malach (her 3 month old son) from http://cheshiredanes.
Indigo |
Malach |
Lookin good, ees awll I can say relly kus he is sooo dapper in his Uniion Jackk! heehee! Herre goes Deccy:
Deccy |
Next upp we haz Madi in disguiyes kus she wannted to warre a mask kus eet was a parayde! heehee!
Madi |
Noww itz Maggy (left) annd Zoey (right), whoo livve at ZOOLATRY --
Maggy n Zoey |
Asta da fuzzbutt says: "I am wepwesenting Manhattan and Budapest cause that's who I have in my heawt". So, herre iz Asta:
Asta |
Heeeere's Molly tha Wally, who has ever so mutch gownn awll out Olyerpikk stylee! YEAH!
Molly |
Now frumm http://savetheboxers.blogspot. com we has fowwr luvvly furrends:
Casey |
Cinderella |
Pigeon |
Scribbles |
Tha nekst athfletes commin along arr Shelle's thfree doggers:
Milo |
Dixie |
Newby |
Now we has Finn at marchinn at highh speed therr!
Finn |
Storm |
Look effurywun, our bloggin furrends Mitch n Molly frum http://northfordmaggie.
Molly and Mitch |
Dougall and Floyd (whose bloggy is http://the-dougall-diaries.
DOugall andd Floyd |
All dresserd up speshul fur da parayde we has dadoggies frum The Kresty Krew ( http://ro-uj-iz.blogspot.
Ziggy |
Uji |
Missy |
Izzy |
Noww appering in da Paraydey nekst we has Reuben of withh a veriy nobell piktyoor of hisself
Reuben |
OOh lookies, herre ccommes Roo wiv da biggiest flaggie I has evirr seed. Go on ovirr to Roo attt theee endd of tha paradey to see his bloopers! Eees THE PLAYCE TO BE!!...After tha paradey off coursse hee heee!!
Hey guys I can see Brulee and Truffle frum http://sweetpurrfections. Truffle ees standin own herr tippy claws n everyfin heeheehee:
Roo |
Hey guys I can see Brulee and Truffle frum http://sweetpurrfections.
Brulee n Truffle |
Nows effurrywun diss wun mayde me titter, looks eets Sasha frumm http://chicamom85-sassysasha.
Sasha |
Up neykst arr Luna and Cynder, see
Luna and Cynder |
Noww appeeering is Sweet William The Scot frumm
sportin his USA flaggie
William |
Tim |
Mozart |
Junior |
Ivy |
Woooowsies, Bert is parayding it upp bigg stylee heehee! Bert iz compeetin with his girlfurrend Charlotte frum Austria in his harrt! How sweet is dat!?!?! He is pikkin upp da torchy att da endd ower paraydey herre!!!
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWSAROOONIES! I is flabberghastin n lefft speechyless effurywun! that was tha looooooongist paraydey evirr! N filled with sutch pawsumness, I cood jucht BURST wifth priyde n happeryness!
I iz deliyghtered n CANNURT WAIYT furr awll da evints, butt furr nows I is gownna checkk owt Roo's bloopers att Andd be shurre to be presentt fur Mayor Frankkie's speech at
Andd alsoo, therrs a linky tool bein setupp fur awll da evints, n this below, at da verriy bottom! YEAH EEES TROO!
Happery times fellow furrends!! I is sooo brimmin witfvh emotshun I thinkk I need a lye down!
Love to ma furrrends! I has metted so manyy lovliie nyoo wuns, n I is verry mutch now lookin furrward to has a roam ovirr to yoor pageys n say herlo propir!! Ees troo!
Likks n wuggies n nuggies n kissies ,N havv fun froo da games! YEAH!
PDorg Nyeews Corryspondint fur da Pett Olermpiks 2012!
I iz deliyghtered n CANNURT WAIYT furr awll da evints, butt furr nows I is gownna checkk owt Roo's bloopers att Andd be shurre to be presentt fur Mayor Frankkie's speech at
Andd alsoo, therrs a linky tool bein setupp fur awll da evints, n this below, at da verriy bottom! YEAH EEES TROO!
Happery times fellow furrends!! I is sooo brimmin witfvh emotshun I thinkk I need a lye down!
Love to ma furrrends! I has metted so manyy lovliie nyoo wuns, n I is verry mutch now lookin furrward to has a roam ovirr to yoor pageys n say herlo propir!! Ees troo!
Likks n wuggies n nuggies n kissies ,N havv fun froo da games! YEAH!
PDorg Nyeews Corryspondint fur da Pett Olermpiks 2012!