Showing posts with label my garden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label my garden. Show all posts

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Pretty Pink Peonies From My Garden :)

Hi All :)

I hope you are well and life is treating you kindly :)

Well, again the weather here in the Pacific Northwest has been frustratingly wet :(

It is always challenging for me as a Gardener seeing, earlier in the season, first my Daffs and then my Tulips bashed by the rain and then over the past few weeks seeing my Poppies and now my Peonies smushed. After all the hard work it is sometimes almost soul destroying. 

Usually I hope that there will be a dry spell and the flowers will get to bloom to their full glory in the garden but watching the weather forecast on the local news the other night it was predicting rain for days and my Peonies were just about to hit full bloom, so I got out my trusty pruners and decided I was going to enjoy these gorgeous flowers in the house!!! (Shaking my fist, with pruners attached, at the menacing clouds above, as I went on my way, LOL! :)  

So, of course I couldn't resist taking some photos of the Beautiful Pink Peonies to share with you all :) 

They smell amazing too :)

Enjoy!!! :)

This Weekend it is going to be 84 degrees and so I need to go shake off all the raindrops from the flowers so they don't scorch! Seriously, they are more demanding than little kiddies, LOL!!! :)

Have a lovely Evening :)

Happy Painting/Creating! :) T.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Oh, What a Night!

Happy Friday Everyone! :)

Well, we are truly grateful that the Tsunami that was headed for the Oregon Coast was mild. Our Son is a counsellor at ODS (Outdoor School) right now at the coast and so they have spent a rather disturbed night with Tsunami sirens going off all the time and moving the campers to higher ground. Not much sleep and now, they are just waiting for the All Clear, so they can come home. :)

As I watched the news last night with the live shots of the Tsunami in Japan I was overwhelmed.

We are truly saddened by the tragedy in Japan. We are keeping them in our thoughts and our hearts go out to them :)

As I switched on my Computer this morning I thought maybe some photos of the beautiful Purple Crocus in my Garden would bright our lives a little.

I change the colour on this one photo, which one do you like the best?

1). Original shot, no changes at all.

2). Slight brightness and contrast added.

3). A little Colour Balance

4). Colour Balance and a Little Colour Mix

5). Just Colour Mix.

Leave me a comment and let me know :)

If you are interested to see some lovely SEWIING photos check out my blog post on fPOE (Female Photographers of Etsy)

Have a wonderful Weekend :)

Happy Painting/Creating! :) T.

Friday, August 27, 2010


Happy Friday Everyone! :)

I really hope you have all had a wonderful week :)

I have had a really weird bug and I have not felt good at all but I am feeling a little stronger now and so hopefully (fingers crossed :) I will be able to go for a nice walk and out for lunch over the weekend and who knows maybe take some more photos ( He! He!)

So, to get us all in the mood for a relaxing Weekend, here are some photos of my container plants in my Garden. I hope you Enjoy Them :)

I really like these "Busy Lizzies" or Impatiens, the white running thru the red makes them so vibrant. Oh and say "Hi" to the many little "Friends" that are visiting on these plants, it is amazing anything survives in my Garden given everything that eats there daily but that is the ecosystem and I do not like pesticides. :(

View of our front door from our driveway.

The Impatiens that line the entryway :)

Container Garden opposite the Front Door and Entryway.

Variegated Geranium.

Coleus, I love the colours and varieties of this plant, we can only grow these outside during the summer but they make great house plants too!

Flowering Tobacco plant, I love the deepness of colour in this plant, I have never had one this red, usually I have only found pinks and whites before, which are gorgeous too!

Nasturtiums, these come in so many bright colours and planting these from seed is a very easy and rewarding plant to have in the garden during the Summer. :)

I love that Geraniums come is such a vast variety of shapes and colours. They always hold such a powerful place in a Summer Garden :)

And what I would do without my Lobelia, I have no clue, love, love this plant! The vibrant, deep blue with the bright white centres, it grows well and fast and complements lovely pink Geraniums very nicely. :)

Dusty Miller, this plant is gorgeous and so I plant it all by itself. Even though they are sold as Annuals, my plants I cut back every year and they come back year after year. The 8 I have now, have been coming back for 10 years. Depending on the time of day and how the light reflects off them, they show beautiful shades of greens, silver and gold. :)

Osteospermums or African Daisies are one of my Favourite Flowers. I love the complexity of the centres and the long smooth flowing prettiness of the petals.
I really hope you enjoyed my Friday Flowers! :)
If you haven't entered my Summer Giveaway on my blog, there is still time, you can do that HERE!

Have a Wonderful Weekend :)

Happy Painting/Creating! :) T.

Friday, August 20, 2010


Happy Friday Everyone! :)

I hope you have all had a wonderful week and ready for some R. & R. over the Weekend. To help get you in the mood here are my Friday Flowers! The Beautiful Hydrangeas that grow in my Garden. I hope you Enjoy them :)

I want to say a BIG "Thank You" to NAN from My Heart and Mind Blog
for her lovely Blog post "Poppy Place Appreciation Day" WOW! What a wonderful person and such kind words it totally made my day! Please share the love and check out her wonderful blog and her Etsy Shop, she has some beautiful fabrics and gorgeous items in her shop. :)
If you haven't entered my Summer Giveaway on my blog you can do that HERE!

I really hope you enjoyed my Friday Flowers! :)

Have a Wonderful Weekend :)

Happy Painting/Creating! :) T.