Showing posts with label Etsy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Etsy. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

A Few Items I Recently SOLD in my Etsy Shop :)

Hi All :)

I hope you are all doing well and having fun in the Summer Sunshine :)

WOW!!!!! I really can't believe how long it has been since I blogged :(  But I guess given everything that has been going on in my life it isn't really much of a shock that I haven't been around. I apologize for not commenting as regularly as I have in the past :( Hopefully, life will sort itself out here soon and I will be able to get back to some of the more fun things in life like blogging more regularly, YAY!!!! :)

Briefly, My Hubby and I are in the middle of a transition from Oregon to California, I would call it a move but.............well.............I think I will have to come back when I feel up to it and fill you in on all the details............................

So, in the meantime, I thought I would share with you a few of the items I have sold in my Etsy Shop recently :)

I Hope you enjoyed the collection :) 

I am truly grateful that people like my work and buy it :)

I Hope your Week is off to a Great Start :)

Happy Painting/Creating! :) T.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

I Won a Lovely Giveaway :)

Hi All :)

Hope your Day is off to a great start :)

I wanted to share with you this wonderful thing that happened to me just before Christmas :)

Yep, I know again, I am so far behind on posting events but this was really such a lovely thing that I wanted you guys to know about it :)

Like most of you, I have a list of blogs that I follow and also, like most of you, I have my fav. bloggers who I go to check out on a regular basis and of course comment as much as possible, which I know isn't a lot right now but............anyway, I feel like over the years we have become good "Blogger Buddies":)

So, I'm not a big one for entering giveaways, unless it is for something I am truly interested in, call me picky, I know!!! :)  But when one of my "Blogger Buddies" was hosting a giveaway of her beautiful artistic work I couldn't resist :)

So the giveaway was for a set of five sheets of Western Red Cedar print gift wrapping paper :)

Isn't it beautiful!!! :)

Photo borrowed, with permission, 

from Clare at TIGER FOOD PRESS

Clare, with the help of Clea, the studio cat, picked my name in the Giveaway you can see in this blog post :) (clever kitty)

I was (am) so excited :) 

I felt like I was being welcomed home to Oregon (after the long, long wet and cold drive from San Diego to Portland, yep, still milking that one, lol :) and there was a gift waiting for me :)  

Then I got to wrap some special gifts in these beautiful pieces of creativity. It was perfect for me; I will admit to keeping one sheet, I couldn't part with them all. So when I do eventually have another studio up and running I will be able to hang this lovely work of art on my studio wall and see it everyday which will remind me of our beautiful, beloved Oregon, that I am so going to miss when I leave next month.

Thanks so much Clare :)

If you want to see more of Clare's work you can go to her website; 


Some of Clare's work from her website HERE ;)


Visit her Etsy Shop Here  :)

(BTW, I have also purchased some work from Clare in the past and plan, in the near future, to purchase more, she is an Awesome Artist :)

I Hope everyone has an amazing Weekend :)

My Hubby is coming home, yay!!!! (long list of jobs for him to do though, shhh.........don't tell him :)

Happy Painting/Creating! :) T.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

My New Artwork :)

Hi All :)

I hope your week is going well :)

As some of you may remember I had to pack up my Art Studio space well over a year ago as we were planning to remodel our kitchen (where my art studio was a part of) but (because of other life plans) that never happened completely and so I have been slowly dragging things back (from all corners of the house) to my Art space but it just doesn't have the same feeling anymore and I am reluctant to unpack everything or even hang up much of my stuff back on the newly painted walls (at least we got that part done) or splash them 'cuz if you saw me painting, well, let's just say I'm pretty messy when I paint, lol :)

So, I had been working on smaller art pieces (ones that will fit on the table top) and that has been a challenge for me as I like to paint BIG! 
Well, I got tired of that and bought some larger canvases, the Girl really has to have a larger surface to paint on, that's all there is to it, lol :)

My poor easel, has done a major tour of the house multiple times  (depending on who was home or what rooms were needed for people visiting at the time) but just before Xmas I decided "She" needed to be back in my Art Space, well, you know how Xmas is, always so busy and crazy, so no painting got done at all. With one thing and another I didn't get a larger canvas onto my easel until March :)

But, look what happened, I am so excited :)

It feels like I have my ART MOJO back, YAY!!!! :)

I Hope you enjoy my new artwork :)
and yes, most of them are larger canvases, lol :)

click on photos to see larger images:)

"Northwest Spring" 30" x 40" Acrylic on Canvas

"Ocean" 30" x 40" Acrylic on Canvas

"An Evening Walk" 24" x 36" Acrylic on Canvas

"Rain Drops" 30" x 40" Acrylic on Canvas

'Awaken" 20" x 20" Acrylic on Canvas

"A Rainy Morning"  30" x 40" Acrylic on Canvas

"Flying High" 12" x 12" Acrylic on Canvas

"Dizzy" 30" x 40" Acrylic on Canvas

So, these were all created in the past few months and now I have managed to get them photographed I need to start entering them into some local juried shows. Wish me luck :)

Hope you enjoyed these, let me know what you think :)

Have a wonderful Tuesday :)

Happy Painting/Creating! :) T.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Some Little Gift Ideas :)

Hi All :)

I hope you are all well :)

 I can't believe we are well into November and gearing up for the Holidays :)

So, in that vain, I wanted to share with you a few gift ideas from my Society 6 Store :)

Some stocking stuffers perhaps; Mugs, Cards with envelopes, Smart phone covers or skins and cute totes bags :) And then there are; Art prints matted and framed, laptop, ipad and ipod covers and skins, pillow covers with or without inserts and even hoodies and T's  :) 

Check out my SOCIETY 6 STORE and see for yourself the great gifts at affordable prices :)

And right now there is FREE SHIPPING until midnight Nov. 17th for anyone using this LINK :)

Hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday :)

Happy Painting/Creating! :) T.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Sharing a Few New items for Fall/Autumn :)

Hi All :)

WOW!!! Who would have believed Autumn would have come around so quickly ;)

I have been working hard getting my Etsy Shop in a Fall/Autumn mode, it is my very favourite time to take photos in the Northwest :) The light is amazing (oh, when it isn't raining, lol :) And there are so many different flowers, textures, lighting and surprises to take advantage of :)

So here are a few of the items I have been stocking my Etsy Shop with to excite my customers :)

(well, I just had to throw in one Springtime one, lol :)

I Hope you enjoyed seeing some of the new Fall items in my Etsy Shop :)

All the Phone Covers have corresponding Throw Pillows and vice versa (you know I lOVE all the items I can put my photography onto, so I have to put them everywhere, lol! :)
(but they are all available as Photos in my SHOP too :)

I've even seen Photography on Shower Curtains recently, that is so cool, might have to think about that :)

I Hope everyone is having a Wonderful Week :)

Happy Painting/Creating! :) T.