Showing posts with label black swan event. Show all posts
Showing posts with label black swan event. Show all posts

Monday, August 27, 2012

This Time Will Be Different

[Update: August 27th, 2012]
Central Banksters meet in Jackson Hole this week to debate another round of monetary dopium.  Wall Street is making the usual (self) destructive threats as to what will happen if they don't get their next fix on time.
Historically the Fed doesn't act this close to an election, so the junkies on Wall Street may be forced to go cold turkey...

When I say things will be different, I am talking about the public's inevitable "response" to the ongoing greed-orgy at Main Street's expense.  No surprise, the overpaid gamblers on Wall Street and their proxies in Washington are oblivious to the seething rage lurking just below the surface - a dry tinderbox that they keep feeding...merely in need of a random spark...

Nothing has Changed
Just last week (under the radar), it was announced that the Volcker Rule, intended to put an end to banks speculating with depositors' money, has now been pushed back to the end of this year.  Meanwhile, full implementation won't be due until July, 2014, almost two years from now !  In other words, best case scenario (assuming it ever happens), it will take over 5 years from the depths of the largest bailout in U.S. history to finally get Wall Street to stop gambling with public money.  Wow, anyone who calls me a pessimist  at this juncture, either has a frontal lobotomy or is free-basing Prozac...

[Original Post: May 10, 2012]