Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Friday, 28 December 2012


We had a wonderful Christmas/Holiday

 I hope you all did too, whatever you did.

We stayed at a hotel in the Lake District shown in the photograph.  Well, I put a snowman on the door handle outside of our room.  Thought it would make people smile.  Well the joke was on me, because on Christmas Day he disappeared, legged it, was gone, kidnapped, half inched (pinched) in other words!!!  I was sad then angry (stupid really he only cost £1) it was just so sad someone had taken him

Whoever took Mr Snowman,
can I have him back....
So I put my thinking cap on and thought what happens when someone goes missing.  I know, make a 'missing' poster.  So henceforth, notwithstanding, I made an aforementioned notice forthwith, with a picture of the missing person emblazoned on it and put it on the door handle. I reported it to reception! Yes I really did.  My snowman has gone missing.  Housekeeping remembered seeing it 3 hrs before.  The following morning, well you'll never guess what, he was back!!!!!  Did I prick someone's conscience, or did someone spot the little snowman where he shouldn't be.  I decided to thank whoever took temporary care of him. So left that notice on the handle.  Reception were pleased when I told them.  I wonder what they really thought of me?

Thank you! He's promised not to
wander off again........

Friday, 14 December 2012


"Bet you've forgotten my pressie again this year Dad!"
Ho, ho, ho - No, my daughter!  In the past I have given you the gift of being called Carol, so that people sing your songs every year, also in the past I gave you the gift of tenderness when I presented  you with Rudolph a baby rheindeer, and you have trained him well, he adores you.  This year I have given you the gift of generosity, to personally send to adults presents they so badly need.  Like Fag Ash Lil who needs nicotine patches to help her stop smoking.  Del & Dan who need new white niblicks to improve their golf.  Willie Eckerslike who needs another tv so that he can watch two sports at the same time, and Annie Arkwright, bless her, who needs a red and black basque for who knows what!  So now what do you say my precious daughter?
"///**!!!!!~~~xxxxx"  Translated - I wonder what excuse you'll come up with next year!!!
I have changed the ending of this tale to protect Carol Christmas's squeaky clean reputation.
The characters above are from previous posts (Meet my friends).
Remember - yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift that is why we call it the present.
Seasons greetings to you.