Showing posts with label Rebecca. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rebecca. Show all posts

{Rebecca} Sketchabilities Sketch 89

>> Monday, April 15, 2013

I know I'm a little bit prejudice, but I'm quite convinced that I have the most adorable little girl. I finally printed off some photos and am starting to scrapbook them. Sofia is only 8 months old, but I already feel like she is so big when I look at this photo from her taken at 4 weeks old. She was such a gorgeous little thing and she's grown up so much!

I loved this sketch from Sketchabilities and this may have been the quickest I ever finished a page. It took about an hour. Sometimes I can spend days on a page! But with a sketch like this, it just came together so beautifully.

"I just love this."

Thanks for looking and be sure to take a peak at the beautiful inspiration the rest of the design team has for you!


{Rebecca} Memory Maze April DT Reveal

>> Saturday, April 13, 2013

I'm back for with another round of fun cards with Memory Maze products! This month, I have a bit of a fun twist that I'd like to share and highlights the versatility of the product. Every couple of weeks I have some very special young ladies come to my house and we usually spend the afternoon crafting. This month, when I pulled out my supplies they spotted the Memory Maze Stack-Ums and were quite excited to try something new. 
3D Card Stack-Ums

Isn't this a fun card?! I love the chickens and the country feel. There is a bit of fussy cutting, but my 15 year old did a fantastic job with that, and layering the pieces together as well.

These cards were made by my girls, aged 15 down through 5. It just shows you how versatile the Satck-Ums are, whether you are an experienced crafter, or just beginning, they are great starting points for any project! We chose to embellish a few of the cards with a few extras, but for the most part, these are all included with the Stack-Ums when you purchase them.

This last card is made by an adorable 5 year old. She had so much fun cutting this out and putting it together. Isn't this darling?

"A Pirates Life for Me"

Of course I couldn't let the girls have all the fun. I joined in on the action as well with this adorable pirate themed Stack-Um as well as joining it with chipboard from Memory Maze as well. 

I cut 3 pirate layers out and with 3D tape stacked them one atop the other and adhered them to the card. The chipboard was sprayed with glimmer mist and even though its a boy card, I love the way it shimmers.


Memory Maze Products:
Just for You Chipboard
3D Card Stack-Ums 


"Happy 6th Birthday"

One last card to share with you all, a fun birthday card for my six year old brother. The chipboard adds a fun dimension and I added another layer by stacking the chipboards. 

I sprayed the chipboard with glimmer mists (again), its such a fun way to dress up the chippies and I can create perfectly matched embellishments for individual projects.

Memory Maze Chipboard: 

Other Materials:
Sassafrass Lass Paper, My Minds Eye Twine, Glimmer Mist


{Rebecca} Sketchabilities 88

>> Monday, April 1, 2013

I kept checking my blog this morning, waiting for my post to come live, but then realized that I had forgotten to even schedule a post for today, hence the quick post, because I didn't plan on making a post!

Thanks to another great sketch from Sketchabilities, I have my second page for the wedding album done. This was such a versatile sketch and just perfect for the page I wanted to accompany the first.

My brother and his wife were married at a heritage town so to using the vintage ribbons, buttons, and dictionary pages really helps to tie in the wedding theme to the pages a little.

I also used my Memory Maze chipboard and heavily misted it with some Glimmer Mist. Love the texture it adds to the page!

Be sure to check out the Sketchabilities site, the inspiration from the design team this week is incredible!


{Rebecca} Catered Crop : Flower Power

>> Thursday, March 21, 2013

  Love is the flower you've got to let grow.
   ~ John Lennon

I would be lieing if I said the first thing that popped into my head when this challenge was announced wasn't 70's pop music, orange and tie dye, peace and hippies, and VW vans. That was way before my time, but I still have always associated "Flower Power" with the generation that my parents were teenagers in. But of course, since that wasn't my generation, my card has absolutley nothing to do with 70's Flower Power. It took a much more shabby turn.

It has been a while since I crafted anything quite like this, but its a style I love and my pinterest boards are full of inspiration images that are more shabby and chic. I took the opportunity to create a girly card and pulled out my flowers and had a ball!

I can't wait to see what the other designers have created and encourage you to go take a peak, and if you have time, to play along with this challenge. Who doesn't love the prospect of getting to be Catered Crops guest designer? Fun, fun!
I'm so ready for Spring, aren't you? Let's celebrate with some Flower Power. Just include flowers somewhere in your project – as a stamped image, in your pattern paper, or as an embellishment – anyway you choose.

  • Just show us any project using a flower.
  • Include a link to us at Catered Crop or add our button, which you can grab on our sidebar or at our {button gallery}.
  • Link up and link often, but be sure you link up by 8:00 PM EST on Saturday, March 30.
  • Keep the party hopping by visiting the other players and leaving comments.
  • Check back with us on March 31 to see if you've won an opportunity to be a guest designer.



{Rebecca} Sketchabilities 87

>> Friday, March 15, 2013

With each sibling that has gotten married, I have added 4 pages to a scrapbook that I started for my Mom. Its been incredibly fun and rewarding project, and promises to be a long running book, as not even half my siblings are married, and the youngest is only 5. One thing I have very much enjoyed about this particular project is that it showcases my evolving style and scrapbooking growth, all in one book, and since it is my Mom's. Once I am done a page, regardless of whether I was fully satisfied with the results, I can't change anything.

There were 4 weddings in the book, and I'm started on the 5th. This is the first page, and I'm sure I will be sharing more with you in the future, especially since there are some gorgeous sketches coming up with Sketchabilities that I know will work perfectly for wedding pages.

I'm quite happy to introduce you to the first of (hopefully) many sketches from Sketchabilities.

Be sure to check out the Sketchabilities website for more great inspiration from the rest of the design team, and for a chance to win a spot as the March Feature Designer!


{Rebecca} Memory Maze March DT Reveal

>> Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I had a fantastic time working with the Memory Maze products this month, there is such a range of fun chipboard!

"Its a Girl"

The Memory Maze chipboard was the perfect accompaniment for the baby girl card that I created this month. I went all out with the pink and the brown complimented it perfectly.

The chipboard was the perfect colour already to compliment the pink theme, so I simply added a layer of glitter glue over the entire surface, it absolutely sparkles!  

Memory Maze Chipboard: 

Other Materials:
My Minds Eye Paper, Misc Antique buttons, ribbon, dictionary paper, Reflections glitter,


"Have Fun"

How much fun in this little vintage bike? I kept this card simple and tried to make the chipboard the hero hero, something that actually isn't very hard to do. Pairing it with October Afternoon paper made this a perfect duo.

I left the chipboard mostly original, but embellished it with some rhinestones. 

Memory Maze Chipboard: 

Other Materials:

October Afternoon Paper, My Minds Eye Rhinestones and twine, American Crafts rub-ons
I have another project using Memory Maze chipboard to share with you later this month!


{Rebecca} Catered Crop : Framed

>> Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I was framed, framed, I was blamed, framed
Well, I never knew nothin, but I always get framed
Oh, framed.
   ~ Framed, sung by Ritchen Valens

My Mom turned 50 this year and I knew that even though she is a huge fan of my cards, this year, that wasn't going to be enough. The older I become, especially now that I have a baby girl, the more I realize all the sacrifices my Mom has made and the love she has poured in my life. I wanted some thing a little more meaningful and lasting to say how much I love her.

So, I took this challenge quite literally and created a "framed" project. Quite conveniently we had a very recent photograph of the entire family from my brothers wedding and created a wall hanging based on Proverbs 31, specifically choosing the verse "and her children shall rise up and call her blessed". 

This (bi)week at Catered Crop, we want to see you frame your focal point or frame your project – just include a frame somewhere in your project. 

  • Just show us any project using a frame or mat.
  • Include a link to us at Catered Crop or add our button, which you can grab on our sidebar or at our {button gallery}.
  • Link up and link often, but be sure you link up by 8:00 PM EST on Saturday, March 16.
  • Check back with us on March 17 to see if you've won an opportunity to be a guest designer.


{Rebecca} Catered Crop Star Bright

>> Monday, February 18, 2013

For my part I know nothing with any certainty,
but the sight of the stars makes me dream.
   ~ Vincent Van Gogh

I knew right away that stars were going to len themselves perfectly for a baby boy card that was on my "to make" list. I love it when my commitments and my other to do lists coordinate so nicely!

My Minds Eye Paper, buttons
American Crafts Thickers, Floss
 Misc Ric Rac, buttons,

You have until March 2 to link up with this fun challenge! Be sure to check out the Catered Crop blog for more inspiration and all the details.

Catered Crop : Star Bright
Paper Players : Buttons and Bows for Baby


{Rebecca} Sketchabilities DT

>> Saturday, February 16, 2013

I'm excited to tell you that I'm now a designer for Sketchabilities, along with a wonderful group of international ladies! So glad to get a change to work with Karan and her incredible sketches. I'm so excited to be on a scrapbooking team, and not just cardmaking, going to love the push to get on top of all those photos that need to be preserved. If you've never been to the blog, you need to check it out, Karan has some wonderful sketches to work with.

Congratulations to all my fellow team members too!
Marit Calles- SWEDEN
Meishia Liu- U.S.A
Miranda Wedekind-THE NETHERLANDS
Palina Sakharuk- BELARUS
{Rebecca Mosher - CANADA}


{Rebecca} Catered Crop Polkadots

>> Monday, February 4, 2013

 Round, soft, colorful, senseless and unknowing.
Polka-dots become movement . . . 
Polka dots are a way to infinity.
   ~ Yayoi Kusama

I think it may be very apparent given the name of this blog, that we're very excited about Polkadots over here. So when Linda announced the theme for the current Catered Crop Recipe Swap was polkadots, there were no complaints here! I decided to make two cards for the swap because you can never have to many polkadots, right? :)

My Minds Eye paper, rhinestones
Chatterbox Rub Ons
K & Co Chipboard Cutout

My Minds Eye Paper, rhinestones
Scrabble Tiles



{Rebecca} Now We Are Family

>> Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Now that we are settled back into life after being gone for nearly 2 months, I'm finally finding time to sit down and get some crafting done. It feels so good! I used to be able to spend all day long at if it I wished, but now that Sofia is getting older, I'm finding that I am spending more evenings with my paper. She is so much fun that I have a hard time doing much else when she's up. We're busier than ever, but life is that much more fulfilling. I'm sure you all know what I mean!

My very best friend also happen to be a very talented photographer (see her site here) and came up in September to do family photos for us. I was thrilled with the result and so much fun turning the pictures into a layout.

I used the following challenges as inspiration for this layout :

Zeus and Zoe : Word Inspiration
Sketchabilities : Sketch #83


Rebecca : Scrappin Patch Pink Paislee

>> Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Hello again! I am back with some more inspiration for you in this chilly October! Here in Canada we have just celebrated our thanksgiving and Autumn over. Winter is right around the corner! I cannot help but envy those of you in New Zealand, I understand the weather is getting colder for you, but warmer! I might just have to swing by there one of these winters to escape the snow and ice, and of course I would have to visit my favourite scrap booking store while I was at it! There are so many goodies there, I am not sure where I would start filling my basket, so its a good thing Adrienne gets to choose, and look at the gorgeous product she sent me to work with!

The papers are from the Pink Paislee Nantucket line, such a versatile line and perfect for my little project. I paired it with some goodies from my stash, but mostly embellishments that were included in my DT kit.

Hope this inspires you to create something beautiful! 



{Rebecca} DYSU : Warm Colours

>> Thursday, October 4, 2012

A few months back DYSU had a cool colours challenge, and now that fall is in full swing its time for a warm colours challenge! I built this card a little backwards, starting with the rooster and building the rest of the card around him.

Thanks for peeking in and don't forget to check out the rest of the design teams work, there is some wonderful inspiration up on the DYSU blog.


{Rebecca} The Good Old Days

>> Monday, October 1, 2012

Its the beginning of a new month and that means it time for a new challenge at Scrappin Patch. With the arrival of my little girl, I took quite a few weeks off from my regular duties on my DT commitments, but I'm right back into the swing of things with this fun sketch!

I took a few liberties (as always!) and created a fun layout using photos from a family trip we took last year.


{Rebecca} Catered Crop : Knot Now

>> Friday, September 21, 2012

Another few weeks have flown by and I honestly can't tell you if I'm thrilled, or disappointing the Sofia seems to be growing just as quickly as time keeps passing. I'm pretty sure that at this rate she will be walking by the time she's 9 months old as she has already mastered sleeping through the night, smiling, holding her head up, and just generally falling into a routine and she's not even 6 weeks old. However, I'm not going to complain about any of these things, even though it means she's quickly leaving the newborn stage behind, though it does mean she's already not the itty bitty baby she once was.

Oh the hardships of life :)

Of course, with the passage of time that means its time for for another Catered Crop challenge! I had a lot of fun with this one (I always do!) : Know Now.

My Minds Eye Honey Cake and Lime Twist Paper
Lilly Belle Paperie Ribbon

Be sure to hop over to the Catered Crop blog for full details on how to play along! You have until the 30th of September.

Challenges : 


{Rebecca} Catered Crop : No Stress to Distress & vintage freebie

>> Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I ran across this adorable vintage tag download a few months ago and knew I wanted to use it when the Quickfire Challenge at Catered Crop was announced. Feel free to download it to your computer and use it on your own project! Click the link for a higher resolution file. 

"No Stress to Distress" was a perfect excuse to pull out the inks and just generally have fun with tearing and ripping and all around making things look a little more grungy, great fun!

My Minds Eye Paper
Prima Paper
Recolelctions Paper
Martha Stewart Butterfly Punch
Vintage rick-rack, ribbon, buttons, dictionary paper

I know you are going to love playing along with this challenge, there are some fantastic sponsors and Linda will be showcasing the rest of the teams projects on Saturday, you don't want to miss that reveal!