Showing posts with label William B. Allen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label William B. Allen. Show all posts

Monday, January 13, 2003

More on Race

Just read an article by William B. Allen entitled Why Race Atheism Fails. The article begins by saying, "Recurrent nightmares come to notice as opportunities for new dreams." I read that sentence some 10 times before finally giving up. I think it came from a fortune cookie. (Had chinese food today myself; my fortune-"You are given the chance to take part in an exciting adventure.")

Anyway the rest of the article is something about how the Conservatives, believing that race should not matter, don't adaquetly defend themselves when attacked by Liberals. They should instead embrace the label "Black Republicans," by which Allen means, "to pursue an aggressive strategy of calling upon American blacks in the positions of highest visibility and highest influence—not to deal with "black issues" but precisely to deal with the life and death issues of American democracy." It actually makes some sense, as the positions of Condeleeza Rice and Colin Powell demonstrate.