Ovo mi definitivno nisu bolji swatchevi ali kako se rijetko sjetim napraviti usporedbe a sama ih volim vidjeti, ipak odlučih staviti ovih par slikica. Unaprijed se ispričavam za: debelo nanošenje, izliznuće na trećoj fotki, suhe zanoktice i sve ostalo... Znači, ovo su Catrice Put lavender on agenda i OPI Parlez-vous OPI ovim redom (s lijeva na desno): Catrice / OPI / Catrice / OPI. Razlika je stvarno neznatna i ja je vidim samo na prve dvije fotke - OPI kao da ima dašak više ljubičaste a Catrice malo više smeđe, tj. u opiću kao da ima kapljicu više plavog. S obzirom da je Parlez-vous OPI ukinut i kreće se od 15 $ na više a da je Catrice dostupan i da je bočica nekih 5x jeftinija (10 ml doduše), izbor je jednostavan. Meni je OPI četkica osobno puno bolja od ove nove Catrice, no možda sam ja dobila neku očerupanu, tko zna. Tu su dva sloja ('ko bi rekao :D) i sloj INM Out the door.
So these definitely aren't my most representative swatches but since I rarely remember to do comparisons and love checking them out on other blogs, I thought I'd post this one. I apologize in advance for: thick and sloppy application, tip wear on photo #3, dry cuticles etc. So these are Catrice Put lavender on agenda and OPI Parlez-vous OPI in this order (L-R): Catrice / OPI / Catrice / OPI. There is a slight difference but it's so subtle I can only tell it in first two photos - Catrice leans a bit more brown and OPI more purple. Since Parlez-vous OPI is discontinued and goes from 15$ up and that Catrice is available and the bottle is around 5x cheaper (although it's 10 ml / 0,33 oz), the choice is pretty simple. I personally prefer the OPI brush over the new Catrice brush but maybe I just got a weird one (from what I heard, many girls are raving about it). There are two coats (you'd never tell it's only two, right? :D ) and a coat of INM Out the door.
Na popodnevnom suncu...
In the afternoon sun...
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