Showing posts with label haul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label haul. Show all posts

Spectraflair, finally :)

Konačno je tu!! :x Moj vlastiti gram Spectraflair 1500-35 pigmenta.... Toliko sam uzbuđena da ne znam uopće što bi prije smućkala :D. (ako netko želi naručiti, nabavila sam ga s More Nail Polish, sve pohvale blogerici).
It's finally here!! :x My own gram of Spectraflair 1500-35 pigment... I'm so excited I have no idea where to start... :D (if some of you are interested, I got it from a lovely blogger from More Nail Polish).
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Lynnderella haul

Konačno su stigli!! :x :x Otkad sam vidjela swatch Lynnderellinog Snow angela koji je stavila Solveig na Nailin' it blogu, znala sam da moram imati ovog ljepotana. Ako još niste čuli za Lynnderellu, ona je franken majstorica koja mućka najgenijalnije glitter lakove koje možete zamisliti. Na njenom blogu možete pratiti što se novo "kuha" a ovdje pročitati i intervju s Lynnderellom. Ali budući da šalje samo u SAD, minimum za narudžbu je 5 lakova a shop otvara povremeno, ove sam lakiće morala naručiti od jedne resellerice ali, bez obzira na paprenu cijenu (ne pitajte koju :"> ), nisam im mogla odoliti. Nakon što nađem još neki dobar mliječni bijeli lak za bazu Snow angelu i Fingerpaints Asylum, čeka me strogi no-buy bar do rođendana B-) .
Yay!! They are finally here! :x :x. Since I first saw Solveig's Lynderella Snow angel swatch, I knew I had to have this beauty. If you haven't heard of her yet, Lynnderella is a franken master who makes some of the most fabulous glitter polishes you can imagine. You can follow what's cooking on her blog and there's an interview here if you'd like to know more about her. Since she only ships to USA, has a minimum of 5 polishes and only opens her store from time to time, I had to order these from a reseller. I couldn't resist them, regardless of the price (please, don't ask what it was... :">). Now I only have to find a good milky white to use as a base for Snow angel and Finger paints Asylum and then I start a strict no-buy at least until my birthday B-) .

Lynnderella: Gotta love brains, Very pretty vampire, Snow angel.

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Kleancolor haul

Stigli suuuuu! :x  I mene je uhvatila Kleancolor manija pa naručih par komada. I istina, smrde grozno, ali bar su svi u komadu i izgledaju predivno! :D Nokti su mi u komi ali nadam se da ću uspjet pofotkat koji uskoro...
Yay!! :x My Kleancolors have arrived! True, they smell awful, but they're gorgeous to look at! :D My nails are a mess but I hope I'll manage to swatch some of them soon...
Holo Chrome, Chunky Holo Purple, Chunky Holo Bluebell, Chunky Holo Black

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Zoya haul (no-buy fail)

OK, moj no-buy je opet neslavno propao :"> . Ali toliko je divnih Zoya izašlo u zadnjih par mjeseci i jednostavno se previše nakupilo na wishlisti i morala sam popustiti. No mislim da sam se s ovim opskrbila za ljeto i da neću uskoro opet puknut :D.
OK, here's the result of my another no-buy fail :"> . But there are so many gorgeous Zoyas out there, my wishlist was growing and I had to give in. But on the other hand, I think this haul will keep me happy for the summer and I won't go crazy again :D.
Caitlin, Phoebe, Apple, Danii, Faye & Sara.

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Paris haul

Hmm, ne znam... može li se ovo nazvati haulom?! :D Sorry na nedostatku postova ali dok mi se nokti oporavljaju od uništenja poliranjem (osim ako imate ultra-čvrste i zdrave nokte, svakako preporučujem da izbjegavate ovu aktivnost!), mogu jedino staviti fotkicu lakića koje sam uzela u Parizu. Mogu reći da sam ponosna na svoju samokontrolu - samo tri lakića sam uzela za sebe. Budući da sam već prvi dan našla Peggy Sage Tulipe glitter koji si želim od dana kada sam vidjela fenomenalne fotke na blogu od Jellynat, srce mi je bilo na mjestu i mogla sam u miru švrljati gradom bez da sumanuto tražim lakiće. Još jednom hvala Ruxi i Nathalie na savjetima!  Ako imate kakav savjet, kako oporaviti izlistane i tanke nokte, please podijelite! :-<
I'm not sure... does this qualify as a haul?! :D Sorry for the lack of posts recently but while my nails are recovering from a nail buffer caused destruction (unless you have super strong nails, I strongly recommend you avoid it!), the only thing I can post is a photo of the polishes I got in Paris. I can say I'm quite proud of my self control - I got only three polishes for myself. And since I found  Peggy Sage Tulipe glitter, my long-time lemming (started by this Jellynat's post) the very first day, I could relax and enjoy Paris without being in a lemming frenzy. A big thank you to Ruxi and Nathalie for their advice and guidance >:D<. If anyone has some advice on how to rescue split and thin nails, please share! :-<

Tu su H&M Blue my mind (za rezervu), Peggy Sage Tulipe glitter i Splendid gray (ovaj je poklon, ali lijepo mi se uklopio u fotku), H&M Hunt me down.
These are H&M Blue my mind (a backup bottle), Peggy Sage Tulipe glitter and Splendid gray (this one is a gift, but it goes with the others nicely), H&M Hunt me down.

Na ovoj fotki se malo bolje vidi ludilo od šljokica i flejkija u Tulipe glitteru. =P~
This pic shows the insane glitter and flakies in Tulipe glitter a bit better. =P~
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Cherryculture haul and nubbins again

Konačno mi je stigao paketić s Cherryculture s dugo priželjkivanim Milani glitterima i isti dan mi pukne nokat na kažiprstu. :( Nadam se da ću ponoviti ove swatcheve s normalnom duljinom, ali evo par ćevapčić-svočeva za prvu ruku. 

The day the package from Cherryculture with my Milani glitters finally arrived, the nail on my index broke. :( Hope I'll redo these when  I reach normal length again. In the mean time, here are some nubbin-swatches.

NYX Lime sparkle, Milani Purple gleam, Photo flash, Silver dazzle i Blue flash.
NYX Lime sparkle, Milani Purple gleam, Photo flash, Silver dazzle and Blue flash.

Milani Blue Flash je prava ljetna plava i stvarno se nanosi skoro u jednom sloju. Ja sam ipak stavila još jedan budući da se na fotkama obično pokažu praznine koje se ne vide uživo. Meni ovaj lakić lijepo izgleda i bez nadlaka ali na dodir je hrapav pa sam ga ipak dodala tri sloja INM Out the door nadlaka. Sechea bi vjerojatno bilo dosta dva sloja jer je gušći.
Milani Blue flash is a summer blue shade that's almost a one-coater. I applied a second coat because pictures usually tend to show gaps that aren't really noticable in real life. I like the look of this polish even without a top coat but I added 3 layers of INM Out the door top coat since it felt a little too scratchy. Guess you could get away with two layers of Seche because it's much thicker.

Milani Silver dazzle je miks crnog i srebrnog glittera koji daje tamnosivu boju i meni najdraži od svih. :x Mrak!
Milani Silver dazzle is a mix of black and silver glitter which gives this gunmetal or charcoal gray color. :x This is my favorite of the bunch. :x Awesome!

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Ready for the holidays :)

Upoznajte China Glaze Jolly Holly, Novu, Party Hearty i Phat Santu.Božić još nije ni blizu a božićne kolekcije lakića su još malo pa rasprodane. Zato sam iskoristila zadnju priliku da ugrabim ovaj ludi glitter, pa makar i u paketu. Iako imam par božićnih lakova poput OPI Smitten with mittens, China Glaze Ruby pumps i Emerald sparkle, mislim da je Party hearty ipak najblagdanskiji od svih blagdanskih lakova (znam, ne postoji takva riječ :D ). Nova i nije iz božićne kolekcije ali svejedno odlično paše (osim čepa. Zašto crni??). Phat Santi ću vjerojatno naći novi dom (ja i crveni krem lak?!) ali morala sam ih pofotkati ovako slatke zajedno. ;) Koji ćete vi lakić nositi na Božić?

Meet China Glaze Jolly Holly, Nova, Party Hearty and Phat Santa. Christmas is more than a month away but most of the Christmas collections are almost sold out. So I took the opportunity and grabbed this crazy glitter, even if it meant I had to buy the whole Party Hearty pack. Although I have a few holiday polishes such as OPI Smitten with mittens, China Glaze Ruby pumps and Emerald sparkle, I must say Party hearty is the most festive of them all. Nova isn't a part of the collection but it matches nicely (except for the cap, that is. Why black??). Phat Santa will probably find another home (me and red cremes?) but I just had to take a picture of them together like this. ;) What polish will you be wearing for Christmas?
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Austria mini blue haul: H&M and Claire's

Moj mali plavi Austrijski shopping... :) - H&M Blue my mind (činilo mi se da sam jedina ovisnica na svijetu koja nije imala ovaj lak) i Claire's bezimeni tamnoplavi glitter (nadam se da je sličan Nubar Night sparkleu). Nakon  par sati švrljanja po Ikei i ravno pola sata po H&M-u (roba je užasna, btw - 90% Polyacryla! Bljak :-S), bar sam uhvatila ova dva slatkiša. Po izgledu bočice, čini mi se da je Blue my mind baš ta nijansa plave koju tražim odavno, jedva ga čekam isprobati! :x U stvarnosti ova boja ima dašak ljubičaste, no to se na mojim fotkama ne vidi, naravno.
My little blue Austrian haul... :) H&M Blue my mind (it seemed to me I was the only polish addict in the world who didn't have this one?!) and Claire's No-name darkblue glitter (I hope this is similar to Nubar Nigh sparkle). After a few hours I spent in Ikea and less than half an hour in H&M (the clothes are horrible, btw - 90% is made of Polyacryl, yuck! :-S), at least I grabbed these two cuties. By the look of it in the bottle, seems Blue my mind could be the shade of blue I've been searching for ages (cerulean?), can't wait to try it! :x It actually has a hint of purple the pics don't show, of course.
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Nail mail

Još novih lakića! :x (jasno je da je moj no-buy neslavno propao :D ). Transdesign se vratio, što baš nije dobro za moj novčanik ali je bolje od kupovanja po par lakova s Ebaya. OPI Let Me Entertain You!, China Glaze Frosty i OPI Show It And Glow It! (koliko uskličnika, zvuči kao da vičem).

More new polishes... :x (by now, it's pretty clear I had failed at my no-buy attempt miserably :D). Transdesign is back, which isn't so good for my wallet, but it's still better than Ebay. These are OPI Let Me Entertain You!, China Glaze Frosty and OPI Show It And Glow It! (with so many exclamation marks, it sounds like I'm yelling).

I šećer na kraju - Seche Vite. Znam, kvocala sam zbog skupljanja laka (tzv. shrinkagea) i gadnog mirisa ali, nakon što sam bila bez njega gotovo tri tjedna, ostavljena na milost i nemilost očajnim nadlacima iz DM-a, neizmjerno sam ga se oželila! Dobrodošao, najdraži Seche!>:D<

And last, but not the least - Seche Vite. I know, for the past few months I nagged about it's shrinkage and vile smell, but after I ran out of it, left at the mercy of awful topcoats found in local stores for almost three weeks, I started to miss it terribly! Welcome back, dear Seche! >:D<
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October haul: Barry M, Art de Lautrec

Još jedan haul (toliko o mom nekupovanju lakova, trajalo je možda dva tjedna :D ). Barry M Dusky mauve (navodno duplić Chanel Paradoxala), Art de Lautrec 07B i 10B, Barry M Cobalt blue. Naravno, bočice nisu deformirane, samo ja uvijek zaboravim da nabiti širokokutni objektiv par centimetara do objekta obično i nije najbolja ideja. Jedva čekam isprobati ove slatkice, posebno Art de Lautrec! Zar nisu preslatke bočice? Jedino što mi se na njima ne sviđa su imena - 07B &10B. Zvat ću ih sedmica i desetka ;).

Here's another haul (so much for my no-buy, it lasted barely two weeks :D). These are, in order of appearance, Barry M Dusky mauve (which is supposed to be a Chanel Paradoxal dupe), Art de Lautrec 07B and 10B and Barry M Cobalt blue. The bottles aren't really crooked, sometimes I forget that sticking a wide-angle compact camera a few inches to the object usually isn't a good idea. I can't wait to try these, especially Art de Lautrecs. Aren't these bottles adorable? The only thing I don't like so far are their names - 07B and 10B. Guess I'll just call them Seven and Ten. ;)
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Little big haul

Mali jer ne sadrži baš puno lakova, a veliki jer su tu tri lakića koji su na mom popisu oduvijek! :x Mislila sam da nikad neće doći! Nfu Oh 61, Nfu Oh 52, OPI DS Glamour + Nfu Oh Aqua base coat. Šteta zbog loše prognoze, morat ću ih pod umjetnim svjetlom slikati.

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