Today’s session of Watchfires & Thrones saw three of the characters deciding to foray into Stonehell to earn cash and experience while everyone else trained for next level. What was intended to be a simple sweep of the gatehouse turned into them getting dragged into the middle of the great Orc-Goblin War of Stonehell Dungeon.
The three 1st level characters (a fighter, magic-user, and fighter/cleric) led an attack into the orc lair, urging their war band of seven goblins (including their newfound friend “Schnot” from the gatehouse) and a mangy wolf against the orcs’ superior numbers. The result was fourteen dead orcs, six dead goblins (including their newfound friend “Schnot” from the gatehouse), one dead wolf, and one PC reduced to zero hit points. The orcs won the battle, resulting in the two mobile characters dragging their unconscious friend towards the exit of the dungeon. When one last wandering monster turned up SOMETHING coming their way, the PCs dodged into a side room where they are currently praying that whoever’s coming down the hall passes them by.
We’ll pick up with them next week to see if they escape the dungeon and meet up with the returning players’ alternate characters, or if they too will be rolling up new characters to play. Their reward for the brashness: 100+ silver pieces and slightly more than 500 experience points each. Two of them made second level due to their brashness—provided they make it out alive.
This was one of those classic sessions where I had no idea what to expect going into it and I was just as surprised and entertained as players while we watched the day’s events unfold before us. And it all hinged on a single reaction roll and the fact that the dice determined that one of the goblins spoke Hobgoblin, allowing the PCs and monsters to communicate. This session was one the best we’ve had so far. It had humor, suspense, PC-NPC interaction, funny voices, a big fight, and not a single railroad track in sight.
I love it when the dice know what they’re doing.
Showing posts with label landmarks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label landmarks. Show all posts
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Friday, October 2, 2009
Landmarks: Valley of the Stylites

Dwelling atop many of these pillars are the Stylites: ascetics devoted to various deities who’ve given up worldly comforts in order to connect closer with the divine. These men and women are ragged specimens of humanity who rely on offerings provided by pilgrims and devoted local residents for sustenance. Atop their lofty pillars and exposed to the deprivations of weather and the hallucinations born of hunger, the Stylites gain great insights into the mysteries of the cosmos. It is said that when the greatest of sages, priests, and wizards know not the answers you seek, it is best to speak with a Stylite.
However, getting a Stylite to speak is often a difficult task. Many survive their decades-long existence atop their stele by entering deep trance states, while others have long since succumbed to madness. A few have taken vows of silence in addition to their vows of poverty and suffering, sealing the knowledge they’ve gained behind shut lips. Some refuse to answers queries unless the seeker first proves himself worthy of the knowledge. This can lead to philosophical and theological debates that take days to complete.
Despite these impediments, finding a Stylite willing to speak is well-worth the difficulty. Stylites can produce the same results as the 6th level magic-user spell, legend lore, and the subject of their knowledge need not be well-known. The cost of such knowledge is usually a meal’s worth of stale bread and tepid water given to the Stylite to support them for another day. Although the cost is light, adventurers are advised not to seek out the Stylites regularly for information. Their primary obligations are to the gods and those entities become most upset with mortals who insist on vying with them for their servant’s attentions.
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