So by now you’ve all heard that WotC’s re-releasing the trio
of core 1E books for D&D. There are of course caveats to the release
(limited release, available in North America only, new covers, quality and
quantity yet to be determined, etc.), but on the whole this seems to be a good
thing. Maybe it’s merely a publicity stunt by WotC to try and generate some
goodwill amongst older gamers or a test run to see if there’s a market for
similar releases in the months ahead. Frankly, I’m not privy to any inside
information, so this is speculation at best.
Others more versed is such matters have undoubtedly already addressed some of the issues I’m about to mull over, but I’ve been head-down trying to catch up on projects and haven’t had much time to wander the blogosphere and the forums to see so for myself. Please forgive me if you’ve seen this hashed to pieces already.
Others more versed is such matters have undoubtedly already addressed some of the issues I’m about to mull over, but I’ve been head-down trying to catch up on projects and haven’t had much time to wander the blogosphere and the forums to see so for myself. Please forgive me if you’ve seen this hashed to pieces already.
Having mulled over this news for most of the day, I’m
wondering what this means in the long term for the OSR and the retro-clones. If
this is indeed a limited run, never to be repeated again, the re-issue won’t
have much of an effect other than generating more interest in the “obsolete”
forms of gaming we’ve all been harping on for years now. That, I think we can
all agree, would be a good thing.
However, what if this is a sign that WotC is dedicating
themselves to finally getting their ducks in a row and cleaning up the mess
they made for themselves with the release of 4E? I’m not edition bashing, but I
think we can all agree that the release of 4E was a bit of a fustercluck whose
long term effect was to fracture the consumer base. The wide differences
between 3.5 and 4E systems made it difficult to use material across editions,
thus impacting sales. And as much as we like to harp on the fact that Paizo is
now at least equal to WotC in the market, can anyone dispute that Paizo’s
success was not predicated by WotC fumbling the D&D ball?
Unless you’ve been marooned on a deserted island for the
last few weeks (and if that’s the case, why are you reading this blog and not
out drinking your bodyweight in booze and chasing people with lax moral
standards?), you know that WotC’s plan for D&D Next is to end the edition
wars once and for all and bring us all back under the D&D tent. Obviously,
there’s been debate as to the feasibility of this goal. I’m not going to go on
record to say that WotC can’t do it, but it’s going to be a hell of a task to
do so.
Continuing in this vein (and remember this is mere speculation), what happens if the 1E books sell like hotcakes at a lumberjack competition? Wouldn’t the next logical step be to see if more out-of-print editions have a place in the market? Is the OD&D bookcase set we’ve been asking for, one to put in the game closet next to Monopoly and Trivia Pursuit, an inevitability? Again, this is a good thing.
Unfortunately, if this is indeed the future of things to
come, it’s going to have an impact on the OSR publishers out there, especially
those individuals currently responsible for the retro clones available. The
success of Labyrinth Lord, Swords & Wizardry, and OSRIC is based on the
fact that the rules they are reproducing are out of print and increasingly
difficult to acquire. There’s already a percentage of the player base that
shuns the retro clones on the grounds of “Why play this when I already have the
‘real’ books?” Admittedly, the intent of the retro publishers is to keep these
types of games available in a market that had no official support, to provide a
means for amateur and not-so-amateur designers to create material for the games
they love, and to keep this form of gaming alive. However, I think it’s going
to be hard going for these same publishers if WotC steps back into the
marketplace and re-introduces the real thing. Those of us active in the OSR
might continue to support the old school retro clones, but when push comes to
shove, the average gamer is going to pick up Basic D&D over Labyrinth Lord.
It’ll be a shame if the OSR did win the war as some posts have claimed in
recent months, only to succumb to its own victory.
Now assuming that WotC continues with an OGL with their
releases, the 3rd party market will survive. We must remember that
the original plan for the OGL was so that 3rd party publishers would
take up the slack and produce adventure modules for D&D that are notoriously
small sellers and don’t constitute a large part of the overall profit pie. WotC
could continue to concentrate on the big sellers and let the little guys nibble
on the crumbs. As we know, this isn’t the way things worked out, but this might
still end up being the case for the publishers currently supporting the OSR. I’m
not crying that the sky is falling, but I doubt anybody with a stake in the old
school market isn’t at least considering this possibility today. I sure there’s
been a few closed door conferences going on over at Paizo HQ in recent days as
I might be reading too much into this announcement entirely
and completely outside the realm of reality. Nevertheless, I think there are interesting
times ahead for us all in the months to come and I’ll be watching future
developments very closely. The reprints of 1E have certainly lit a fire under
my own ass in regard to getting Stonehell completed and out the door on the
off-chance we’re in for a very severe sea change in the hobby and the industry
that supports it.