Showing posts with label motivation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label motivation. Show all posts

Monday, February 13, 2012

Life is just like Cupcake

Posted by Fauziah Abdullah (poja) at 9:49 AM 0 comments

Have you heard it? Life is just like cupcake. My stomach is calling for it, the delicious cupcake of Wadies Delights. It is a statement that people rarely heard or never heard of it. It just comes out to my mind when I carefully studied the Wadies Delights’s album.

Cupcake is sweet, beautiful or can be adorable sometimes. So do life, we are born to be beautiful. Beautiful inside and outside, it just a matter of how we value it. But to me, Allah makes us beautiful and perfect. Our life is beautiful and full with sweet memory to be remembered.

When you eat cupcake, you can feel the sweetness. If you feel that the taste is not good enough, you can just remake it. Just add the sweetness, add the colours, and make it in any form or design you want. Isn’t it the same for life?

If we can remake cupcake, then life also can be remake or simply said rebuild. We can change our life by adding the colours of love and peace on it. Make it as beautiful and sweet as cupcake. Make life beautiful by adding the flavour of gratefulness to Allah. Life can be beautiful and colourful by experiencing every problem in such patient. Make our past as sweet as we can. just like cupcake.


wanna have a delicious cupcake? 
contact Wadies Delights facebook. click on the link below

p/s: live your life (^_^)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Life Lesson: Perfect!

Posted by Fauziah Abdullah (poja) at 8:18 PM 0 comments

People always wanted to be perfect. They want everything come as the way they aspect it to be. But, you know life rule, everything is not perfect.
  • You want him, but you get “him”.
  • You want to score A’s in the exam, but it turns out to be “other”.
  • You want your friends to understand you, but they want you to understand them.

Life is all about making things perfect and lives it as the way you are. You will find the perfection if you are doing things wholehearted.

Of course, in a way for perfection you will find the real satisfaction and you will get close to Him (The Creator). He will always test us over and over until we totally understand what life means is.

So let’s make things perfect without hoping the result to be perfect. Be honest and thankful that will be the best way for perfection.

*Live your life =)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Just some lesson

Posted by Fauziah Abdullah (poja) at 11:10 PM 0 comments
We know who we are.
We decide who we want to be.
We should always remember where we come from
and why we are here.

Remember who I am!
Best motivation video ever.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Let's Move Forward.

Posted by Fauziah Abdullah (poja) at 9:04 PM 0 comments

Let’s move forward. That what people always do. As human being we are not a robot who can keep everything in heart and act like the world is never end. I know, some people love to hide their feeling from others but the fact is people nearest she or he know that deep down in her or his heart is sad. When we need to share it, we must share it unless it really something that is personal. To move forward we need a supporter, like family, friends and boyfriend or girlfriend. It depends with whom we want to rely on.

For me, in university time, I learn a lot of things and I really appreciate it. As we grown up, our mind also grow. It continuously process of learning where knowledge is everywhere. I’m not only learning how to be an expertise in human resource, but I learn everything that is important to life. I appreciate my friends more, I appreciate time, money and the most important thing is I appreciate myself. I thank to Allah especially who always open up our heart to learn.

Here in university, I also observe people behaviour and take it for my learning process. What are goods we kept, what is bad we throw away? The same case when we are looking for a real friend. Real friend who always come to us no matter what we are. Our parent not always there for us as we are far from them. My parent once told me “bile kat tempat orang, cari kawan yang baik, jaga diri dan belajar jangan leka”. I told them “mak, ayah janganlah risau. Percaya la kat orang sebab orang tak suka dipersoalkan”. I told them more that “kalau mak tak percaya kat orang, orang yang susah”. For me what I need is for them to trust me and thank to Allah they always trust me and accept me as the way I am. The only thing I want to do is to be independent and to be trusted by my family and friends.

I appreciate them for always trust me. It is true that when we trust people, people will trust to us. The same goes when we are doing our job or assignment. We should let our friend finish their job and don’t interfere their task if it not good. What we need to do is to tell them their mistake and let them learn it. We not always right and we not always know our mistake. So open up your heart and let others tell their opinion.

“Learning process is to be open and express all out so that we will have a happy future”. Peace!!

Monday, August 15, 2011

positive is good and I really want to always have it~

Posted by Fauziah Abdullah (poja) at 12:01 AM 0 comments

Just read the story below, then you will understand why we have to choose to be positive.
Jerry a Restaurant Manager...

Jerry is the kind of guy you love to hate. He is always in a good mood and always has something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "If I were any better, I would be twins!" He was a unique manager because he had several waiters who had followed him around from restaurant to restaurant.
The reason the waiters followed Jerry was because of his attitude. He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a bad day, Jerry was there telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation.
Seeing this style really made me curious, so one day I went up to Jerry and asked him, "I don't get it! You can't be a positive person all of the time. How do you do it?" Jerry replied, "Each morning I wake up and say to myself, Jerry, you have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood".
I choose to be in a good mood. Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or I can choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it. Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can choose to accept their complaining or I can point out the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of life.
"Yeah, right, it's not that easy," I protested. "Yes, it is," Jerry said. "Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice. You choose how you react to situations. You choose how people will affect your mood. You choose to be in a good mood or bad mood. The bottom line: It's your choice how you live life."
I reflected on what Jerry said. Soon thereafter, I left the restaurant industry to start my own business. We lost touch, but I often thought about him when I made a choice about life instead of reacting to it.
Several years later, I heard that Jerry did something you are never supposed to do in a restaurant business: he left the back door open one morning and was held up at gun point by three armed robbers. While trying to open the safe, his hand, shaking from nervousness, slipped off the combination. The robbers panicked and shot him. Luckily, Jerry was found relatively quickly and rushed to the local trauma center. After 18 hours of surgery and weeks of intensive care, Jerry was released from the hospital with fragments of the bullets still in his body.
I saw Jerry about six months after the accident. When I asked him how he was, he replied, "If I were any better, I'd be twins. Wanna see my scars?" I declined to see his wounds, but did ask him what had gone through his mind as the robbery took place. “The first thing that went through my mind was that I should have locked the back door," Jerry replied. "Then, as I lay on the floor, I remembered that I had two choices: I could choose to live or I could choose to die. I chose to live."
"Weren't you scared? Did you lose consciousness?" I asked. Jerry continued, "...the paramedics were great. They kept telling me I was going to be fine. But when they wheeled me into the ER and I saw the expressions on the faces of the doctors and nurses, I got really scared. In their eyes, I read 'he's a dead man.'
Jerry lived thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his amazing attitude. I learned from him that every day we have the choice to live fully. Attitude, after all, is everything."
I knew I needed to take action." " What did you do?" I asked. "Well, there was a big burly nurse shouting questions at me," said Jerry. "She asked if I was allergic to anything. 'Yes,' I replied. The doctors and nurses stopped working as they waited for my reply. I took a deep breath and yelled, 'Bullets!' Over their laughter, I told them, 'I am choosing to live. Operate on me as if I am alive, not dead.'

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