I smiled through the whole thing, and got excited every time I started to ID another artist. (I didn't do as well with the writers. I'm an avid reader, but these aren't the writers that have my heart.) I was sorry the credits rolled by so fast, because I was curious as to what artists I might have missed along the way. Meanwhile, it is an absolute Woody Allen film. In the spirit of his NY movies, that were all such a "love story" to a great city, he has moved his heart to Paris. I've never been to Paris, and never even had a great desire to go there, but I left the movie saying how much I'd like to go there. The movie will do that. Also, as with all of his movies, the movie has a constant backdrop of absolutely FABULOUS music.
Go see this movie! Call it educational/professional development if you need an excuse! And if possible, see it in a fun venue like we did, rather than in a typical popcorn smelling sticky floor theater.