on my way to play academic at the library all photos in this post taken with iPhone I really must get out the dSLR |
I’m still here. Making important life changes. It’s like going to the dentist. You dread it but afterwards you are so glad you did, and if you put it off you wonder why you didn’t do it sooner. So much of these changes truly fall under self-care. Like the commercial… 'cause I’m worth it.
This would also fall under practice what you preach/teach. I’ve been teaching one or two sections of 30+ students in undergraduate Lifespan Development for the last 12 years. For each stage of the lifespan the students learn about what to expect for that age physically, cognitively, and socioemotionally. So here’s where this early middle age person is lately.
From Lori Portka's 2012 calendar |
the wish for January |
Physically—I get up each morning and walk quickly on the treadmill while watching something I’ve recorded on the DVR. It’s usually the Colbert Report or The Daily Show so I’m also literally LOL. Trying to eat better. Less bread, sugar, etc. More veggies and fruit. You know the drill. Smaller portions. Eating less. Not stuffing myself. Have tried to change my work schedule so I can attend yoga and pilates classes at least twice a week. My wish: to be strong and healty. And if I lose several pounds, that'll be nice too.
Cognitively—I’ve been educating myself more and more about politics and our political system. It seems quite depressing at times and I have fantasies of being some kind of activist and changing the world. I’ve been watching Bill Moyers new show on PBS and recommend Tavis Smiley’s Poverty in America special. My wish: never stop learning.
above the bar at the local joint |
play related journals via Instagram |
Work—planning my play therapy center’s 4th conference, supervising graduate students, teaching, attending committee meetings, seeing clients, and on and on. Not much new here.
Spiritually--I try to follow #spiritchat on Twitter on Sunday mornings. Virtual connections with people from all over the U.S. and the world. They make me think and inspire me. Some will even send me tweets throughout the week. It's nice to know someone's thinking of you.
Here's hoping you're doing the important work of self-care. And if you're not, what's stopping you?