Showing posts with label conversions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conversions. Show all posts

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Gamma Monstrosies of the Irradiated Lands

Converted from 1st-edition Gamma World creatures.

# Encountered: 1-4
Armor Class: 9
Movement: 3", fly 9"
HIt Dice: 3+1
Attacks: bite for 1-4 and constrict for 1-6
Special: invisibility; blinding flash; immune to radiation
Intelligence: Non-
Alignment: Neutral
Size: L (9', 30' wingspan)
This jawed, carnivorous worm is a sickly pus-yellow color, with six iridescent blue-green dragonfly-like wings. They are able to become invisible at will, as the spell, and  when they become visible from their wings emit a blinding flash of blue-green light that blinds all looking in it's direction for 1-4 rounds, unless they make a saving throw vs. paralysis.

# Encountered: 1-10
Armor Class: 8
Movement: 6", fly 15"
Hit Dice: 2
Attacks: bite for 1-6 plus radiation
Special: emits intensity 10(18) radiation when attacking in a 15-foot radius; immune to radaiation
Intelligence: Non-
Alignment: Neutral
Size: M (3' long, 6' wingspan)
These fearless, voracious carnivores are a variety of mutant moth-things, and emit glowing radiation from their abdomens when they attack.

# Encountered: 1
Armor Class: 10 on ground, 5 while flying
Movement: 1", fly 15"
Hit Dice: 2
Attacks: 2 claws for 1-4 or radiation blast
Special: immune to radiation, lasers, light and heat attacks
Intelligence: Sentient but completely alien and inhuman
Alignment: Unknown (neutral?)
Size: S (3' long)
These shaggy, black fungus-things resemble bats in their general form, with clawed appendages and a single large, gleaming black eye from which they can fire a radiation blast with an intensity of 8(16) and a range of 30-feet every 4 rounds. They will devour half of the body of their prey before implanting spores in the carcass; one day later 1-6 young Ubbuths (with minimum hit points) will emerge and fly away. They have been known to cooperate with other beings, but they are inscrutable with completely alien though processes.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Robot Monsters from Fomalhaut

With the kind permission of the talented Gabor Lux, I have posted conversions of two robotic monstrosities from Fomalhaut/Kard & Magic on the Referees' Resources sub-blog. Those of you who have played the excellent precursor to the Fallout series, Wasteland, may recognize one of these robots.