Showing posts with label aurora. Show all posts
Showing posts with label aurora. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Ready Ranger Mobile Field Pack


Over the years I've had a lot of people tell the Aurora Ready Ranger Mobile Field Pack lived up to the hype and was a really fun toy. 

Did you have it as a kid, what was your experience with it?

Like Mego Knock-Offs? Join our Facebook group dedicated today, it's an intimate group that focuses just on vintage toys: 

Friday, July 10, 2020

Aurora Prehistoric Scenes: They're Eating Up the Competition

1973 Toy Industry Trade ad for the very iconic Aurora Prehistoric scenes kits.

Like Mego Knock-Offs? Join our Facebook group dedicated today, it's an intimate group that focuses just on vintage toys:

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Universal, and not so Universal Halloween Die Cuts!

Please enjoy another guest post by my pal Matt, who will take us to school on vintage Halloween decorations- BrAin.

Greetings boils and ghouls! 

Today's post features some of the rarest, best, and most sought after and valuable Halloween die-cuts ever made based on the universal monsters. 

Some of them are solid cutouts, and others are jointed figures. All of them are from that wonderful period of the late 1970s and early 1980s when, in my humble opinion, the golden age of Halloween die-cuts was occurring.

This is not the full extent of my Halloween die-cut collection. But I decided to limit today to just the die cuts that have a universal monster connection. Enjoy!

1) Eureka die cuts Eureka was a company famous for its holiday decorations, they would make cardboard die cuts as well as tissue paper accordion decorations for Valentines, Thanksgiving, St. Patrick's Day, Christmas, and of course, Halloween. 

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Monogram launches Movieland Monsters from the crypt

1983 saw the Aurora monster models rise again when Monogram brought six of them back for the first time since Aurora folded. I remember being pretty excited to see them again and they would return every decade after that.

You can't keep a good monster down.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Friday, December 11, 2015

Pod Stallions 38: Irwin Allen 1

This month's show starts off with Jason talking a little bit about his BAFTA Flash Gordon event but then segways into the works of Irwin Allen, primarily his TV work of the 1960s.

Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, Lost in Space, Land of the Giants and Time Tunnel as well as the busted pilot "City Beneath the Sea" and "The Man from the 25th Century".

Along the way we talk about Aurora Model Kits, Santa Claus Conquers the Martians, Nathan Juran, Gerry Anderson, Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers, Space Academy and Brian's preoccupation with Amazon Women on the Moon.

We also want to keep the conversation going on the Pod Stallions Facebook page, please drop a line as to your favourite Irwin Allen show and toys. We anxiously await your thoughts.


Show notes:

Plenty more content on the PodStallions Facebook page!


Friday, October 30, 2015

Aurora Monster Scenes Store Display!

We've got an incredible treat this Friday before Halloween in the form of this incredible Aurora Monster Scenes store display, courtesy of my pal Matt, who will take over from here with the editorial.

This was actually assembled and painted at the Aurora factory, and then shipped built up to hobby stores.

Frankenstein doesn't come with the set. He is a vintage one from my childhood

There is little I can say about the Monster Scenes that hasn't already been said except that, in my opinion, they are the single greatest monster toy line to come out of the 1970s. 

They surpass even the Ahi monsters, as far as I'm concerned. If ever a toy line typified the early 1970s, this was it. 

Only in that decade could you get a model kit that was an action figure with a diorama that you built in order to reenact scenes of torture. 

No other decade would dare market a toy to kids rated "X" as a double-entendre. No other toy was made in that decade that so simply and directly tapped into that pre-adolescent boy mindset-- that transitory period where one is on the verge of transitioning away from loving "kids stuff" like monsters, and starting to think about girls... 

No one else has ever released a toy with that same cheerful mix of innocence and sadism. One would consider such a feat to be near impossible. But Aurora did. And it was the rock upon which they sank.

Here is the set with a random assortment of boxed Monster Scenes-- including the rare package variant "Victim" renamed as "Dr Deadly's Daughter" for Canadian markets. 

Thanks to Matt for being so awesome and sharing this piece of 1970s gold. Happy Halloween Everyone!

Thursday, October 08, 2015

Full Colour Monster Kits!

Torn right from the pages of Famous Monsters, the Aurora Monsters of the Movies series is easily one of the "top five" monster kit series of all time.

Friday, October 25, 2013

PodStallions Episode 10: Glows in the Dark (Monster Toys)

Our second October episode, Jason and Brain try to cram in as many monster toys as they can into an hour and a half. 

Aurora model kits, Marvel comics, action figures by Tomland, Remco and Lincoln International get discussed as does Cracked magazine, Power Records, the number of times we rented "LifeForce" on VHS (I've never seen the end)

As usual, the topic tends to veer off into a disscussion first experiences with theatre jumping (with first movie nudity) and Lee Marvin fishing, it may look like those pieces fit together but they do, they do.....

Show Links:

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Kar-a-a-ate Men!

I had honestly forgotten that the correct spelling of this toy isn't "Karate Men" but "Kar-a-a-ate Men"  which is infinitely cooler. As much as I see this fun toy in the wild, I rarely see them in the box.  The box gives me goosebumps, it really connects into Christmas morning 1975, where I really could have used a brother....

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Victim Mystery Solved

For years now, it's been bugging me if this 6 inch fashion doll that has been dubbed "The Victim" and said to be part of the Lincoln Monsters line of toys was a real thing or not. I had heard from people over the years who claimed to have her as a kid or saw her in an obscure catalog. However, nobody could honestly place where.

That is until I met my pal Corey at last weekend's Megomeet toy show and he handed me the 1975 Spiegel catalog, a gap in my already over the top catalog library. And this is the first thing I saw:

There she was, the "girl victim", her size and outfit have always suggested to me that she was some sort of unsold Dawn knockoff,  merely added to the offering but she was marketed as something the monsters had their way with.

I still can't believe that this was a thing, part of me doubted it merely because it seemed so wrong headed,  especially when you consider all the trouble Aurora got into with their girl victim model kit in 1971. It seems weird that both the Spiegel buyer and the company repping Lincoln in the United States hadn't noticed a national boycott.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Nerd Therapy Sessions: Aurora Barfealis

This tale takes me to 1976  and it’s a tale of Superheroes, long boring car rides and toy loss.
More after the jump, warning to the first three rows, you will get wet...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Aurora Monsters on Sale

My love for the Aurora Monster model kits knows no bounds, I've bought and re bought them several times over during my life and I'm currently repairing the ones my kids and I did over the years.

I thought it would be fun to go through some old timey ads where they could be purchased with pocket change. Above we see the effect of the media blow back from the Monster Scenes kits, apparently parents groups got offended by the concept of torturing nubile victims, who knew?

$0.77 at Westons for some glow in the dark goodness seems like money well spent in 1973.

But the hands down winner of them all goes to aptly named "Giant Way" who in 1973 was blowing these bad boys out at half a buck. I can see it now.....

OK, it's recycled photo from the Vintage Toy store archive but it tells a great story...

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Cool Collections: Sammy

I got a cool Halloween Treat this week froim my pal Sammy from the Mego forum, he was kind enough to get into the Spooky spirit by sharing his collection of Aurora Monster kits and AHI Super Monsters. Both of these are like kryptonite to me, so check out all the fun after the jump:

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Create a Monster

Monogram really did create a monster when they reissued these classic Aurora Monster kits in 1983, unfortunately that monster was me and I still get crazy whenever I see these. I hope these kits never stop being reissued.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Big Frankie and the Monsters

Cheating a bit here as this item came out slightly before the 1970s but I've always been fascinated with Aurora kits and this wonderful item in particular. Basically it's a super deformed version of Boris Karloff and to my surprise, this wasn't a hit when released in the mid 1960s. I'm guessing the $6.49 price tag might have had a lot to do with it.

I can't imagaine how many of the regular Aurora Monster kits I've gone through in my 40 years on this planet. It's an annual tradition for my kids and I put together a set of these every October, I end up doing most of the work but it's a really fun way to spend a Saturday, if you have kids I highly recommend the experience.

This is from our display from two years ago, this year it's all about the Creature from the Black Lagoon, which I'm sure I'll share.

If you're into all things Aurora and monsters you might want to check out this recently released DVD  titled "The Aurora Monsters" Hosted by Zacherley the cool ghoul and features interviews with the people behind the cool kits like artist James Bama as well as famous Aurora Monster Model collectors.

I'd like to review it for the blog but I can't seem to find a way to get anybody to ship it to Canada. If anybody can enlighten me, drop a line!

Aurora Monsters Catalog and Gallery

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Toys & Games by Variety Product Sales

I had an epic day last Wednesday, what I thought would be a boring trip to a storage unit turned out to be an amazing discovery! When I found the records and remnants of my father's 1970s toy distribution business including these funky signs he used to use. I have been looking for one of these for years.

My dad's company provided toys and novelties to smaller chain stores (especially Mac's Milk locations) across Ontario and provided them with mostly rack toys and closeouts. While I haven't unearthed any physical toys (yet), I sure have some groovy artifacts in the many invoices and pay ables he had, VPS dealt with all the big names and carried all the Brands, Mego, AHI, Larami, Barton, Aurora, Parker Brothers, it's pretty extensive, here are a couple of examples:

This cool invoice from Grand Toys (distributor for Azrak Hamway and later Mego) shows an order of 576 Batman parachute figure figures, I'm salivating, I don't own one now! Looking at how much AHI Superhero stuff VPS carried, it's not surprising I'm totally obsessed with it now.

This invoice from Aurora shows a big order for the classic comic scenes kits, these are really happy memories for me. I remember putting every single one of these together as a kid and playing with them as if they were action figures.

I've got tons of this stuff and I've never been happier to go through a pile of boring old company records before!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Monster Model Day

A tradition in my house every October is Monster Model day, where I get the kids together and we paint a couple of Aurora reissues and use them as our centerpiece for the month. Above is last years, I had a lot of trouble finding kits locally so I actually bought this years kits when I first saw them in July and I'm glad I did, they sold out quick!

This year I chose these Revell reissues of Dracula and Frankenstein, my daughter actually hugged her Dracula kit box when she saw it, a big hit. The deal is, I do the gluing, they do the painting, occasionally helping with tough stuff like the eyes.

I've put together Frankenstein before and it's amazing that the molds are still holding up! My compaints are the same as they were 16 years ago when I put together the Illuminators versions, it's tough to make the guy stand properly and I had issues with the jacket but it was no big deal.

Dracula's headsculpt looks different somehow but I really ended up liking it, I'd love it if it ended up on an action figure again the way AHI did them.

Viola! Not bad considering they're four and seven, they even learned the magic of "Dry brushing" from their dad. What I found most interesting was the amount of blood the kids put on the characters, I guess some things never change. Next year I think we'll do the creech and wolfman or maybe the phantom..

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Halloween Pot Pourri

No real direction today, just a bunch of different things that didn't seem to fit anywhere else, above is an early 80s ad for a costume company called Topstone. I'm not really all that familiar with them but I know there are collectors out there.

matchobox freddy kruger article

For Maxx Fx Fans, here is a 1989 article (click on it for a larger read) about the problems Matchbox encountered when they attempted to market Freddy Kruger toys to children. This was more based on the cuddly talking doll (bad idea) but it eventually doomed Maxx as well. I don't give a toss about Freddy personally but find it a shame that those wonderful Universal Monster toys weren't released. If you haven't already, I insist you spend the next hour checking out creator Mel Birnkrant's fantastic Maxx Fx site.

And lastly, I found this postage stamp sized ad in an old Canadian newspaper, it's for a clearance of Aurora Monster Scenes kits (which got Aurora in a lot of trouble at the time) and I know that the Giant Insect kit is one thing a lot of collectors would have loved to have found for under a buck.


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