Sunday, October 07, 2012


I got to thinking about this one this weekend because our friend and artistic director Jeff Nelson got hitched to his beloved Amanda Saturday. I was happy for them and proud to be part of the ceremony as the best man. They are off to Italy for a week of honeymooning fun so its time for an Italian horror film to speed them back home! 

Saturday, October 06, 2012

What I Watched In September

After the hideously bad 1995 attempt to turn the violent British comic book JUDGE DREDD into a big budget film starring Sylvester Stallone one would have been safe in assuming that the possibility of another movie based on the character rested somewhere in the realm of fantasy and could never happen. After all- that terrible cinematic waste bombed at the box office AND was freakin’ hated by the source material’s fans. It was everything you don’t want to be when making a film of its type- stupid, insulting, over-produced, poorly scripted, ineptly acted and wrong-headed in almost every choice made. And then they threw in shitty comic relief in the form of one of the most unfunny human beings on the planet earth. Disaster!

So I am stunned to report that a new Dredd film was made and released this past month and - even more surprising- it is completely awesome! This is exactly the kind of movie that anyone who has ever read the original comics has pictured. Its brutal, violent, slyly funny and smart in its depiction of a dystopian future that seems more likely than most presented onscreen. It is ROBOCOP  for a new generation. The wise choice was made to simply stage a day in the life of Judge Dredd as he takes a rookie Judge on her field test. This rookie is the mildly psychic Anderson and the fact that she is a female Judge doesn't stop her from being as tough and no nonsense as Dredd. The performances are perfect with the great Karl Urban proving that its possible to emote very well using just body language and his commanding voice. Dredd is never seen without his trademark helmet and Urban makes that possible limitation work for him as he advances through the mild arc his stoic character travels. Likewise Olivia Thirlby is excellent as Anderson showing a real skill at communicating an iron determination beneath an empathic face. And Lena Headey as the scarred drug lord villain continues to impress me as an actress worthy of bigger and better roles.

Mention should be made of the visual beauty of the film. DREDD is a truly rare thing- an action art film. All the dirty, grimy and nasty things shown in the movie are presented in a wonderfully artful and, dare I say it, beautiful fashion. The almost painterly deaths of certain characters and the energetic, stylized fight scenes are exciting and gorgeous to behold. I would love to see sequels to this film made if the same cast and crew could be enticed back.

The fourth in the BOURNE series ends up being one of the most satisfying. Focusing on a new character involved in the Treadstone debacle its story takes place during the events of the third film and fits very well with that one and the series as a whole. I'm becoming a huge fan of Jeremy Renner and Rachel Weisz is easily one of the best actresses of her generation. I'm not sure why she hasn't been more heavily praised over the last decade but her resume is incredible.

ABRAHAM LINCOLN: VAMPIRE HUNTER is just as silly, hyper-stylized, over the top and fun as I expected it to be. Indeed, to have gotten any other type of filmmaking from crazed Russian director Timor Bekmambetov would have been a disappointment. I was happy with its sharp period detail work as well as its amusing take on our 16th president. Its fun in a way that few films try to be these days by being straight-faced about its absurdities and never winking at the audience. It will be a very hated movie but only by folks with a tiny imagination.

The fifth RESIDENT EVIL film is a bit of a mess. It holds together quite well for about the first half and then becomes a series of video game like set-ups and shoot-downs that get repetitive and - sad to say- dull. None of the movies since the first have been something I can rationally defend as 'good' movies but I have enjoyed them overall until this one. It just didn't have a good enough through line for me to like the story being so sloppily told. Its a lazy film and, although it has its moments, a lot of them seem stolen from other, better movies. Like the previous one this film ends with a set-up for a sequel that actually intrigues me but I now hope the next is the final installment. Its time to wrap up the story of Alice and the Umbrella Corporation before I turn against the entire thing.

THE WARRIORS (1955)- 7  a.k.a. THE DARK AVENGER (fun 'Black Knight' period Errol Flynn adventure)
BLADE RUNNER (1982)- 8 (the famed workprint)
BLOODSPORT (1988)- 6 (Van Dammage!)
ESPIONAGE IN TANGIERS (1965)- 6 (breezy Euro-Spy adventure)
MISSING IN ACTION (1984)- 5 (rewatch)
JUSTICE LEAGUE: DOOM (2012)- 7 (What happens when villains use Batman's plans to take down the Justice League?)
RESIDENT EVIL: RETRIBUTION (2012)- 5 (weak but still not terrible)
MERRY WIVES OF RENO (1934) - 6 (fun pre-code divorce comedy)
ABRAHAM LINCOLN: VAMPIRE HUNTER (2012)- 6 (silly, over-the-top and entertaining)
THE CABIN IN THE WOODS (2012)- 9 (rewatch)
THE ADVENTURES OF GERARD (1970)- 6 (silly period comedy based on Arthur Conan Doyle character)
ROCK & ROLL HIGH SCHOOL (1979)- 8 (rewatch)
NIGHT OF THE DEMONS (2009)- 3 (lackluster remake)
THE MEPHISTO WALTZ (1971)- 7 (nice possession tale)
DREDD (2012)- 9 (now this is how you make a Judge Dredd film!)

Thursday, October 04, 2012

Dan Brereton Halloween Artwork!

For years now I've felt it just wouldn't be October without reading a few of Brereton's Halloween inspired comic books.

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

The Bloody Pit #3 - Another 10 Favorite movies!

After a two month wait I finally bring you Episode #3 of The Bloody Pit and I can guarantee two things- less terrible sound than episode #1 and a more comfortable host. Yes- I’m slowly getting used to conducting a solo show and I think it is evident here. As for the subject matter, I once again present a list of ten of my favorite films and speak a bit about each. This listing brought out a few surprises for me and was much harder to construct so maybe this is an even more interesting group of entertainments. Maybe. I can certainly hope so, anyway. I pretty much stay on topic even if the occasional digression does have to be curtailed especially when I get anywhere near a chance to talk about Howard Hawks, Sam Peckinpah or Antonio Marghertti films. I just love those gentlemen’s work so much! Oh- and I get to talk a little bit about Christmas movies. Or at least one particular Christmas movie.

Please drop the podcast a note, if you are so inclined, at You can take the opportunity to present your own list of favorite movies as faithful correspondent Mark did in the Mail Bag section of this episode. There is nothing more fun than talking about someone else’s taste in film! As always, the show can be grabbed at the link below or pulled down from the iTunes store. And if you can review The Bloody Pit over there it would really help get the word out that the show exists. Thanks for listening and now go watch something fun.

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Godzilla thoughts....

Because of the impending remake I've been thinking about Godzilla recently. Mostly I've been thinking that the sad-ass 1998 film should have been enough to show people that we should leave it up to the fine folks at Toho to make the Big G movies but I've had other thoughts as well. I've been wondering what my favorite giant monster movies might be, if it would be smart to sub-divide such a list into Japanese films vs American movies, whether tone should be a consideration for assessing the film's relative quality and which Godzilla movie I should try to watch this October. All of these questions will continue to swirl around my head as I eye the DVD shelf trying to decide.

Monday, October 01, 2012

Countdown to Halloween!

Its that time of year again! Let's all join together to celebrate the season by watching scary movies, eating bite sized candy and dressing in creepy fashions.