Showing posts with label update. Show all posts
Showing posts with label update. Show all posts

Thursday, October 4, 2012

{ lately... }

A hydrangea commission off to it's new home this week! 

These seashells are one of three pieces that are going to a lovely customer's Straddie house...

... and these are some of mine....

The hydrangea earlier on...

Some very sweet peas - a housewarming gift and beautiful addition to our new living room...

I did a lily a week or two back... I often enjoy the 'pre' paint piece as much as the finished one.

And for good measure, some Spring time lavender.

Here's a few things that have been keeping me busy lately. Pretty shells, blooming hydrangeas a lily and more... 

I have a bit been absent these past few weeks as we've just moved house; and let me tell you that amongst all the odds & ends of (re)organising your life, a shifty Internet connection has got to be up there as one of the most time-consuming and frustrating glitches to have! 

Technology aside though, I am head over heels in love with our new home. It's been not two weeks but already I feel so settled and happy here..... it's a very wonderful feeling. I will do a proper post soon and show you some more pics, but here are a few details from around the house this week in the meantime. 

It's well and truly Springtime here - but what's even better is that Summer is peeping its bright and sunny head around the corner. I love this time of year so much and can't wait for what's going to be a busy but very fun lead up to Christmas!

By the time most read this it will be in time for a 'Happy Friday' - here's to the first week of October , down, and have a great weekend everyone.

Pip x

All images taken by me; images 1,2,4 & 6 artwork & images by Pip Boydell.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

{ ivy & piper mag feature + work for sale }

I'm excited to let you know that I've been featured in the latest edition of Ivy & Piper Magazine which launched online today. Brimming with beautiful things, reads and inspirations for a stylish home and life, it's always a treat when Ivy & Piper mag comes out; and the May/June 2012 edition doesn't disappoint! So I was very flattered when Elizabeth & Melanie (the very talented creators & editors of IVP) asked me to be involved - and of course couldn't be happier to be keeping company amongst the pages of this fabulous edition. Click here to have a read, the snippet on me is on page 9 and then the work appears on the following two spreads.

So as part of this, I've created a couple of pieces exclusively for Ivy & Piper which are now available for sale. Below are the two appearing in the mag - 'Chanel Exclusifs' and 'You can never be overdressed...' plus a third piece that is also now for sale, 'Lotus Flower'. Product details and prices are as follows (and each one also come professionally custom-framed in a white deep set box frame):

1. Chanel Exclusifs - features five of the limited edition Chanel scents. Watercolour & pigment ink on paper. White deep-set box frame; framed dimension 580mm w x 430mm h. $550.

Here was this one in progress....

2. "You can never be overdressed..." - Watercolour, pigment ink & gold leaf on paper. 
White deep-set box frame; framed dimension 350mm w x 450mm h. $350.

3. Lotus Flower - Watercolour & pigment ink on paper. 
White deep set box frame; framed dimension 405mm x 405mm. $350.

If you're interested in purchasing any of the above just email me - but be sure to get in quick as it will be a case of first-in best-dressed (mind the pun!). Please note prices are quoted in AUD and are for fully framed works; but exclude any shipping or handling required (this can be quoted separately and would be from Brisbane, Australia).  If there are any other details or additional images that you are after let me know - and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. 

I hope you like them!!

So again a huge you to Elizabeth and Melanie from Ivy & Piper for including me in their fabulous magazine, and congratulations to them again for curating a unique yet utterly on-trend and covetable mix of all things interiors. I can't wait to re-read again.. and again.. and again!

Enjoy the read, have a great week.

Pip xx

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

{ new artwork! }

'The Pineapple'

'The Pineapple'... hanging on the 'Round & Round the Garden' wallpaper

'Fruito Weis' - hanging on 'Round & Round the Garden' wallpaper

'Mango Weis'

'Pattern No. 1 in Taupe' - hanging on Rosey Posey Trellis wallpaper

And 'The Blue Bikinis' before heading off to the framer... these didn't manage to stay in the shop long enough for me to photograph them on display, but thought I'd show you anyway!

I am happy to finally share with you my latest work which is on show in Black & Spiro in conjunction with the launch of Anna's signature wallpaper range for Porters Paints. 

There are four pieces hung the display rooms, pictured here from top to bottom: 'The Pineapple'; 'Fruito Weis'; 'Mango Weis'; and 'Pattern No. 1 in Taupe'. For anyone who is in Brisbane you must pop by Black & Spiro as the rooms look absolutely wonderful all papered in the new wallpaper and are bursting with beautiful things. And of course you can see the artworks for real while you are there! The Blue Bikinis were snapped up before the display officially opened by one of Anna's clients who negotiated them into her home that day - so these are already off the floor! actually whisked it away to her home! I hear it's a beautiful one at that though and it was a lovely surprise for it to sell so quickly. 

So, what's for sale? Well as I mentioned the Bikini's are already gone and the two Weis Bars were also sold the day they were put up, however 'The Pineapple' and the 'Pattern in Taupe' are both available. For anyone interested in prices or purchasing you can email me at

I must say, this has been my favourite lot of work to complete yet. As I am still so green in this 'art' world I am constantly learning and changing every day; but I think the big thing I have taken from this is that you really truly must do what you love. Weis Bars might sound an odd subject for a painting to some - but to me, there's nothing better! - so I just did it, and I loved doing it, and they turned out just how I wanted. Plus, the lawyer who purchased them has decided to hang them in his chambers - kinda cool, hey!

I am now working on a few more pieces to replace those sold and these will be ready for later in May. In the meantime I hope you like what you see here and of course any enquiry on the above email away.

See you soon,
Pip xx

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

{ sneak peek... }

I'm excited to let you know that later this week, I will have a number of new pieces featuring in the soon-to-be-launched display of Anna Spiro's wallpaper range for Porters Paints at her Brisbane store, Black & Spiro.

Over many months, Anna has been feverishly working behind the scenes with Porters to develop concepts, designs and colourways for her signature line of wallpapers. And can I tell you - they are all absolutely stunning!! So when Anna asked if I could paint some pieces to hang atop these beautiful designs, I was obviously thrilled to oblige. The official launch will be in a few weeks time but the display rooms will be open to the public in the next couple of days; as will my artwork (which will be available for sale). 

So I must keep it under wraps for the minute but thought I would share a few sneak peeks here with you.... even though Winter is approaching, can you tell I am a Summer girl at heart?!

I'll post proper pics in a few days time. Stay tuned. 

Pip xx

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

{ woops! } seems with the busy week that's been I forgot to blog! Sorry about that. But between moving house, painting both the walls of my new studio and of course pretty things for clients, the week has flown by.

It's been raining and drizzling today, but it was also the first official day working from my new space. I love it to bits!!! I know have plenty of space and a beautiful outlook to draw and paint to my heart's content. There are great big timber benches, french doors and a big barn window that opens up to our quaint courtyard... and a camelia bush! Now I love many kinds of plants and foliage, but I really love camelias. This is going to be the perfect spot for me and I am so looking forward to settling right in to my new home and to have this wonderful place to work from. A feel refreshed already. 

Have a great week.

Pip xx

PS - Yes I am hooked on Instagram.... are you, too? If your not already your best off getting the app, but you can follow me here.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

{ back to the drawing board }

After a very long and relaxing summer holiday I am now back home, back to work really energised to get back into painting. I've just completed a couple of botanical commissions and other bits and pieces, and then I'm also starting on some new subjects that I've been looking forward to painting for a while. 

Here's a glimpse of my latest agapanthus...

And some words I did in gold leaf. This one makes me smile. 

On a sad note for me I've already managed to make my workspace a bomb-site in just a matter of days - it seems no matter how hard I try I just cannot keep it tidy! I put it down to efficiency as I don't believe it's worthwhile to spend half an hour of good painting time setting up and packing up each day... this is why I need a real studio! Speaking of, I just love everything about this gorgeous space below which belongs to Sydney artist Cherie Curchod. Her art for one is divine, but that desk and the light flooding in - and what's more, this place (located on Sydney's Pittwater) is only accessible by boat - what a dream.

In other dreams, I am still clinging to the memories of lazy beach days while I can...

Home Beach @ Stradbroke (taken by my friend P)

Tea Tree @ Noosa

... but for now, it's back to this!

Hopefully see you soon.
Pip xx

Thursday, January 5, 2012

{ happy new year! }

Happy, happy new year to everyone! 

This is just a short post to check in for the new year and to thank you for your support in the year just passed - particularly over the last month or so, through which my posting has been sporadic to say the least!

At the moment I'm enjoying a few very rejuvenating weeks away at the beach, but from mid-January I will be back on board and getting stuck into 2012. Already it's feeling like a great year so I'm looking forward to sharing the journey with you all. 

See you in a few weeks.

Pip xx

PS. This image is a snippet of the latest window drop I painted for Black & Spiro.... I'll be sure to show you a full pic later this month!