Showing posts with label wooden ornaments. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wooden ornaments. Show all posts

Friday, July 20, 2012

one for my wee darling...

Good morning everyone I hope your all well and having a brilliant week, did you all enjoy the fabulous hop yesterday? oh and did you join in my lush candy too, if not the hop is below there's loads of time to join in for a chance to win and the candy link is at the top of the sidebar...I have had a super busy this week, I dont know why though its been one of those two steps forward one back kinda weeks, do you know what I mean?...oooohhhhhh btw our beautiful Daughters Sumo cat isn't very well, its developed a funny sideways kinda walk thing as if its back hips are hurting, we were wondering if it had been hit by something or someone, so I'm going to the vets with them today I don't our Daughter wants to go on her own, just in case...shes a huge fluffy sweetie but she is 14 year old and our Daughter is terrified something will happen to her that cant be put right...poor lamb I'm not sure shes taking the right person with her to the vets for strength I would probably go to pieces too...then after that its a visit to an estate agent (yet again) then we are heading off to our local craft shops (all being well) as she fancies having a go at making jewellery (our Daughter not the cat lol)...oooohhhh how I would love for her to get into something crafty that we could share...right enough waffle for today I think lol, my card for today is the one I made my darling Phil for his Birthday, I know shock horror there's no colouring on it but its Phil's taste and that's what counts isn't it...I used a sentiment stamp from the new Whimsy Definitions Notables 4 stamp set, this is a brilliant set with something for most occasions, I teamed it up with one of the amazing papers from the Graphic 45 8x8 Paper Pad - Olde Curiosity Shoppe pad, I love these Graphic45 pads so much I bought both of them, I couldn't resist lol...I finished with a black ribbon knot and a selection of the buttons I bought at Denelm Mill...the sentiment is using the Wooden Ornaments - Alphabet set coloured with a black waterproof pen, I love these wooden letters they add a real dimension to a card, the pad, stamp and letters are all from Bunny Zoe's Crafts...I'm entering this for the Mema's Crafts challenge, Tuesday Alchemy challenge and the Simon Says Stamp and Show challenge too, well what did you think of my non colouring card? did you like it or miss the colouring, be honest now I have a very thick skin lol...right I'm off to put my face on for heading to the vets, wish us luck please...whatever your up to today I hope its a peaceful relaxing one
Mina xxx

there were no distress inks hurt in the making of this card lol

Thursday, September 01, 2011

I want hair like this...

Good morning everyone how are you, you enjoying the wintry cold is it, I'm sitting here in my winter jimjams and fluffy dressing gown, fluffy socks and the heating on and its only the 1st September...hasn't the weather been strange this year, in fact I expect to see the snow fluttering at any second...well my wonderful Dad is off on his international jet setting again the lucky thing, we have noticed whenever hes going to fly he gets an upset stomach, I think its just flying nerves which is weird for how many hundreds of times he has flown...poor thing I hope hes ok flying today but at least one of my Sisters is with him and I got him some tablets to calm his poorly tum down...I'm going down to the farmhouse this weekend, well surely you knew I would when we got the carpet cleaner lol...cant resist, there's something really satisfying about getting something really dirty clean isn't there and that's coming from someone who would rather paint a room than clean it lol...right enough waffle Mina on with today's card, now I really like how this turned out (I know that's not like me lol), I think there's something about those colours together isn't there...beautiful...this gorgeous beauty is a Michelle Perkett Studio digi shes called Angelica Mermaid, I loved colouring her with distress inks and I paper pieced her hair ornaments in different papers from Kaisercrafts Secret Bird Society paper pad, the background papers, borders and sentiment are from the same pad, I added another of these stunning Flower Fantasy Wooden ornaments and finished with a few teeny tiny pearls in her hair, all my goodies today are from Bunny Zoe's Crafts...the fab sketch is from Sketchy Colors challenge and I'm also entering this for the Make it Monday challenge and Creative Card Crew challenges too...I'm off to catch up with some DT work for while I'm away today...whatever your up to today I hope you keep warm
Mina xxx

p.s. dont forget the Sugar Nellie Jingle Bells and Tinkle Bells two day hoppity hop starts today (Im in tomorrows) hop on over to follow along today and tomorrow for a chance to win xxx

Friday, July 29, 2011

just because your paronoid it dosent mean they arent after you...

Good morning everyone, I hope your all well, there's loads of summer colds and sniffles going around atm, I think its all this mixed up weather, one second its roasting hot then cold and raining our poor systems don't know if their coming or going do they...well I went into my craft room yesterday got everything set up to start making cards and thought I better get some clean water, you will never guess what I found floating in my colouring glass...only an earwig...they are defo out to get me...and I took a photo to prove it, its as the very end of this post so be warned...I cant believe that can you and since the beastie episode my windows are closed and the room was sprayed so where on earth did it come from at this rate I'm going to have to start each day spraying myself....right now onto my card for today which is for our new challenge at Just Magnolia & hAnglar & sTanglar challenge which this week is the fabulous Dawny's choice and a fab choice she made...button, bows and blooms...I used this fabulous sitting Tilda I think shes called waiting Tilda but I'm not sure, I coloured her with distress inks and paper pieced her hat and dress...I teamed her up with these super gorgeous papers from the new Kaisercraft Blea and Ivy paper pad that I bought from Bunny Zoe's Crafts, beautiful aren't they...I used some of these lush Wooden Ornaments-Flower Animal 1, I love this set and the flowers are so unusual, I finished with a scattering of buttons, some green ribbon and a bow and gems...the lush sketch is from Cute Card Thursday and I'm also entering this for the Truly Scrumptious challenge of buttons and bows too...I'm off down to the farmhouse on Sunday for a week so I'm rushing round like an idiot at the min trying to get things organised and scheduled for posting on here, oh now there's a thought do you think THEY will follow me down there...uuuurrrrrgggghhhh...whatever your up to today have a fantastic time
Mina xxx


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

summer fun and one of last weeks mishaps...

Good morning everyone I hope your all having some glorious sunshine, the weather (hang on until I find a piece of wood to touch) is lovely here, not roasting hot but sunny and bright...I have to tell you something that happened to me while I was away and hand on heart these things really do happen to me, I haven't a clue why but they happen very often...I think someone up there is taking the mickey you know lol...on the drive to the farmhouse we found a warehouse that sold old furniture and you all know how I like a rummage, so we parked and off we went for a mooch...I should have guessed really when I saw the state of the stone stairs leading down to the place that it wasn't a good place for me to be really...there were a few nice pieces but all the things I liked someone with the same taste had nabbed before we go upstairs to look at stuff that had just come in the fella who owned the shop told us...wandering round not a care in the world then the earth moved as my foot and leg up to my calf went through the I don't know who got the biggest shock, me, Phil or the fella below, luckily I wasn't fully on that leg if you know what I mean or I really would have gone through the floor...the guy had the nerve to shout up asking if I was ok, I will be fine I shouted when I have recovered from the heart attack that caused me, needless to say we didn't look anymore and left with Phil shaking his head like he does when these things happen to me...right onto my card for today which really should have gone on yesterday but never mind its here now, its for our new challenge over at Bunny Zoe's Crafts monthly challenge which this month is fun in the sun and I thought this fantastic new stamp from the new release by Whimsy stamps called Fairy Daydreams fit the bill playing peek a boo in her flower, I coloured her with distress inks and teamed her up with these beautiful new papers from the Basicgrey 6x6 Sweet Threads paper pad, lush colours aren't they, the beautiful little dragonflies are from a set called Wooden Ornaments Flower Animal No 1, I stained them with distress inks and glittered aren't they so gorgeous, the sketch is from The Corrosive challenge and I'm also entering this for the Stamp Something Bugs or Butterflies challenge, Stampin for the weekend Wings and Things challenge and the Stampalot anything goes challenge too...right I have taken up enough of your time today so will pop off to my craft room to get a bit more colouring done...have a wonderful day whatever your up to
Mina xxx
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