Showing posts with label Bazzill Basics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bazzill Basics. Show all posts

Monday, July 15, 2013

dude card...

Good morning everyone did you all have a fab weekend...what did you get up too? anything exciting...we didn't go on our picnic as I decided I would rearrange the garden furniture and of course after that's done you have to put the plants in the right place...I must admit it does look good now even if I do say so myself...I was sitting on the swing seat taking a breather and looking can tell I make cards as all the colours are co-ordinating and in sections...a little OCD in fact...I will take some more photos of the change and show you all on Wednesday as I have another card to show you tomorrow...yes I know all these cards are unexpected aren't they...I think my mojo has been kick started by the garden...thank goodness as I was beginning to think it wasn't going to come back...right now onto my card for today which is using this fantastic Skateboard Schoolboy from Mo's Digital Pencil...perfect for all those boy/teenager cards, he has that teenage stoop attitude doesn't he lol...Mo always has the knack of drawing images we really need doesn't she...a sign of a true artist. I coloured him with my usual distress inks and even used some of the dreaded red (it gets everywhere and I end up looking like I have poured it over my hands when I'm finished lol)...the fabulous papers are from the Bazzill Basics 6x6" Multipack - Freedom...I love this pad for men/boy cards its a great colour combo for them...I finished with a rub on sentiment from my stash and a few buttons...the pad and buttons are from Bunny Zoe's Crafts...the fab sketch is another from Tuesday Morning Challenge but I'm too late to enter it I think, but I'm also entering it for the Digi Haven Challenge and the Creative Corner Challenge too...we are heading out again today, well you don't waste days off work do you lol...haven't a clue where yet but I'm planning a sneaky trip to Ikea if I can convince Phil its essential (I hear you all saying good luck with that Mina lol) Im not holding out much hope of going really as its Phil s last day off before going back he might just fancy a chilling kinda day instead...whatever your up to today I hope your out and about and having a brilliant one
Mina xxx

distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose, spun sugar
hair - frayed burlap
outfit & skateboard - pumice stone, faded jeans, tumbled glass, Barn door, antique linen

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

follow your...flag...

Good morning everyone I hope your having a fantastic week...if there's no WiFi then I don't have much to tell except about my card as I'm not here...does that make any sense at all lol...anyway my card today is a little bit early but its too wish all our American Friends a Happy 4th July...instead of a usual stamp for it I used this little Diane Duda cutie from Sugar Nellie and placed a sentiment cut from the papers I used over the heart...this is the cute Follow Your Heart stamp coloured with distress inks and her dress is paper pieced too...the fabulous papers and sentiments are all from the Bazzill Basics 6x6" Multipack - Freedom paper pack...fab aren't they...I finished with some deep blue ribbon a scattering of buttons from the Big Red - 25g button pack and some punched stars the papers and buttons are from Bunny Zoe's Crafts...this sketch is one I found in a pad so it must have come from some challenge a while back but I don't know which I'm afraid...I still have a couple of cards to show you this week so will still be floating about...whatever your doing today I hope you have fun
Mina xxx
p.s. dont forget to join in with my candy if you haven't never know you might win

distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap
hair - pumice stone
dressand hat paper pieced
stockings - pumice stone, barn door

Monday, May 13, 2013

jump for joy...

Good morning everyone...did you have a fabulous weekend?, not too rainy I hope, it was a bit soggy here for the whole weekend, its so frustrating having all the new flowers for the decking and not being able to get going with them...Phil planted some but had to come in cause the rain got the best of him...there will be a flurry of activity when the sun does come out though lol, we did head out on Saturday though, had a little mooch around town then to look at some cars with my Dad (he still hasnt chosen which make he would like), then Sunday it was a lazy day with a yummy lunch of poached salmon, salad and hersey royal potatoes followed by fresh berries and tiramasu...yum yum despite the weather it turned out not a bad weekend...right now my card for today is fro our new challenge at Bunny Zoe's Crafts monthly Challenge...this month our Guest DT member chose the theme of Case The DT card is made using this super fantastic and perfect for a boy card Magnolia stamp...hes from the Magnolia Once Upon a Time collection and is called Game on Edwin...I loved using him hes fantastic to colour...I used my usual distress inks for him and cut him out so he could jump off the card

I teamed him up with a brand new paper collection from Bazzill Basics called Bazzill Basics 6x6" Multipack - Freedom...these are fantastic heavyweight papers perfect for 4th July, boys or girls will be seeing more of these I promise you, they are lush to use...I finished my card with a fab bow made with some Gingham Wired Edge Gold Thread Ribbon - Blue, a few buttons from the Big Red - 25g pack and some pieces of washi from the Section SMASH Tape roll...everything I used except the sentiment letters are from Bunny Zoe's Crafts...I made the sketch up as I went along but am entering this for the Papertake Weekly Challenge, Cute Card Thursday challenge and the Crafty Catz Challenge to...I'm going to have a bit of a crafting day today as I have loads to catch up on...whatever your up to have a brilliant sunny day (fingers crossed for you) and if you get some time hop on over to the Bunny Zoe's Crafts monthly challenge and have a look at the amazing work of our super talented DT and see which member you will choose to case...have a good one
Mina xxx
p.s. some good news with a sale on this and others too just click to go there

distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose, spun sugar
hair, shoes and moustache - black soot
hat - faded jeans, fired brick
dungarees - faded jeans, fired brick
gloves - fired brick
shading - pumice stone

Saturday, April 20, 2013

on the road...

Good morning everyone I hope you all have a fab weekend planned...well we are off on our trip, it should take us about 4-5 hours to get there as we are planning a couple of stop on route as travelling that long is a bit hard on my poor should have seen the car last night when we packed it, I think Phil thought it would burst, well I never said I travelled light did I lol...right now for my card for today...when I first saw this beautiful Hyacinth 1 from Janey's Digi Designs I knew exactly what sort of card I would make...its so pretty and makes a perfect image to add to the side of a sentiment or message don't you think?...I coloured the flowers with distress inks and cut it out...the sentiment is stamped with a stamp from my sentiment box, I keep all the sentiments I cut off stamp sets etc all in one box so I can find them easily, the lush papers although they are out of stock as I have had them ages is from the Bazzill Basics 6x6" Multipack - Antique Aged Papers pack from Bunny Zoe's Crafts...I finished my card with a lush deep purple ribbon from my stash and a pearl brad with the back prongs cut off...its so weird not entering any challenges, strange how you get used to something isn't it...I will be back tomorrow as usual and don't forget I have candy this week so keep an eye out for it...whatever your up to today I hope you wont be sitting in the car as long as us
Mina xxx

distress ink colours used
flowers - milled lavender, seedless preserves
stalk and centres - shabby shutters, peeled paint

Thursday, March 14, 2013

everyone loves roses...

Good morning everyone are you all managing to stay warm? was freezing cold here last night...oooohhhhhh will the weather ever get warmer winter this year seems to have lasted poor Dad is tuckered out after all his excitement over the weekend and last few days so stayed in yesterday and the workmen are changing all the pipes along the lane that runs beside our house and garden...goodness knows how long it will take them though as they don't seem to be in much of a hurry lol...I had a call from my Doctor last evening about 6pm saying the blood tests I had came back and a few of them had some problems so hes sending me for x rays, an ultrasound, I need more blood tests too....oooohhhhh brilliant more sky high blood pressure results lol...oh well these things are sent to try us aren't they and everything will be fine in the long run well as long as my head dosent explode from all that high BP that is lol...right now onto my card for today...whenever my mojo is struggling like it has been lately I always turn to Mo's Digital Pencil for the shot of inspiration I need and this stunning Mummu's Roses is perfect to colour, isn't she just wonderful and perfect for any Mums or older woman's cards...I coloured her with distress inks and added some papers from the Bazzill Basics 6x6" Multipack - Antique Aged Papers pack I bought from Bunny Zoe's Crafts to add some interest to the background but for a change I left a lot just white...I think it suits her don't you?...all I used to finish was a huge wide ribbon bow...I think this is the closest I manage to CAS lol...I didn't use a sketch of course but am entering it for the Creative Creations Challenge, Through the Craftroom Door Challenge and the Creative Card Crew Challenge too...its supermarket day today and I'm glad to be getting out of the house away from the digging and machinery noise from the lane to be the supermarket seems like a good idea for a change lol...oh and of course its 'put the world to rights coffee' afternoon too while we are there, well you need a treat after food shopping don't you...whatever your up to today have a nice warm snuggle one and stay warm
Mina xxx

distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose, spun sugar
hair - pumice stone
apron & slip - pumice stone
shoes - black soot
dress - stormy sky
roses - peeled paint, victorian velvet, barn door
wheelbarrow - frayed burlap
contents - spiced marmalade, scattered straw, barn door,
pumice stone, peeled paint

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

all you need is....

Good morning everyone, whats going on we had more wall to wall sunshine yesterday and our deck being the little suntrap that it is was actually warm enough to sit and enjoy it, even if it was only on the way back from the bin and for a few minuets but I still cant believe I was sitting out in the sunshine, what next flowers peeping their heads out too soon to be able to resist the snow that will probably arrive next week...don't do it flowers lol...our family dinner was fabulous last night we had Phil's homemade Ham & Egg pies, salad, garlic and shallot roasted potatoes and fresh blackberry's, blueberries and strawberry's with greek yogurt to finish and it was just as yummy as it sounds too...I love it when we all eat together it reminds me of when our Daughter lived at home even if it was many many moons ago...we enjoyed it so much we tried to get them to come for dinner tomorrow night but of course they weren't having any of it lol...right now onto my card for today and its an old favourite Sugar Nellie stamp I used...shes by Diane Duba and is called Believe...I used my usual distress inks for colouring and some lush papers from the Bazzill Basics 6x6" Multipack - Antique Aged Papers, I love this lush pack the papers are really like old aged paper...I finished with some large black letters, a cream bow and a splash of red to match her lips with the gorgeous Red Ruffle Rose, the papers and rose are from Bunny Zoe's Crafts...the fab sketch is from The Sweet Stop Sketches Challenge and also entering this for the Crafting By Designs Challenge and the Dream Valley Challenge too...I'm not sure what I'm up to today but I live in hope of a bit more sitting in the sun...whatever your doing have a great one
Mina xxx

distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose, spun sugar
all shading etc - antique linen, pumice stone
cats nose - black soot
eyes - tumbled glass

p.s. theres a new release from Sugar Nellie this put the date in your diary...11am Saturday for our hop...they are fab so you wont want to miss it

Monday, January 14, 2013

well you have to celebrate dont you....

Good morning everyone I hope your all well it seems like ages since we had a chat doesn't it...well I'm loads better, still not 100% but then I wasn't before lol...phew that infection knocked me for six and I'm still feeling a bit like a wrung out dish cloth but at least I have picked up my paint brush and have started creating which is a massive leap in the right direction...Phil seemed to have a massive burst of energy yesterday and spent most of the day in the don't get me wrong I'm certainly not complaining I promise you...he made pies, savoury mince and potato, small and large, a Victoria sandwich cake and a Balti sauce ready just to add meat too, that's a massive yuck from me for the balti though, I'm definitely not a curry girl I'm more an italian girl...give me any pasta dish and I will love you for life, but the rest of the family loves Phil's curry sauce so he shares it around...the whole house was filled with the most amazing smells and walking around the kitchen each area had its own individual one...I will be forever grateful to my lovely MIL who made sure that Phil was an excellent cook, looked after himself and didn't depend on a woman for anything...mind I don't think we would be together if he wasn't one of those men do you lol....right now onto my card for today, its for our new monthly challenge at Bunny Zoe's Crafts challenge...this month our challenge is an easy one, its Anything Goes...I chose this amazing fella...look at the face, just makes you wanna celebrate your birthday doesn't it lol...he's one of the new release from High hopes and is called High Hopes - Birthday Bob I coloured him with my usual distress inks and kept the colour pallet really simple to match these stunning Bazzill Basics 6x6" Multipack - Antique Aged Papers these papers are fantastic and really feel like old paper...I love them...I also used the High Hopes - Birthday Again (Sentiment) and a selection of buttons and a blue ribbon to finish...everything I used except the ribbon and buttons are from Bunny Zoe's Crafts the fab sketch is from Sketch Saturday and I'm also entering it for the Challenges 4 Everybody challenge and the Simon Says Stamp challenge too...well the whole family are coming for dinner tonight (to enjoy Phils pie and cake) so I'm off to prep the veg and then maybe a little bit more colouring...have a fantastic day and if you have time pop on over to Bunny Zoe's Crafts challenge to see the amazing work from the rest of our DT...have a good one
Mina xxx 
p.s. did you join in with the monthly Bunny Zoe's Crafts candy its on the post below this or click on the image in the sidebar

distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose
hair , cake, hat and sweater shading - pumice stone
blues are a mix of stormy sky & tumbled glass
candle rossettes - antique linen
flames - antique linen, victorian velvet

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

conspiracy theory...

Good morning everyone are you all having a brilliant week?...I did nothing yesterday and I don't mean a little bit I mean absolutely nothing at all...I did a bit of surfing on Pinterest which is fatal because I ended up with a pen and paper for writing ideas and three hours of looking...little wonder I didnt get around to it got to about 2pm and I thought right girl get your butt in gear and got all prepared to get started making decorations and doing a bit of crafting then the doorbell...just somebody doing marketing so a quick escape...back upstairs and the door bell rang...down again and this time the electricity guy to read the metre (ooooohhhhh goody an electricity bill before Christmas just what you need lol) a bit of nattering to the nice friendly leccy guy and back upstairs to the craft room again...settled down again and the door bell went again...I ambled downstairs muttering something like 'this is a bloody conspiracy' to be faced with another marketing person from the same company as the a few choice words with him including the words 'get your companies act together and your kidding right' then the ideas and inclination has gone so I settled for some tv, a cup of Lady Grey and a chocolate that was my day...but at least I got a bit of exercise up and down the stairs lol...but my creative mind is working overtime now so it will get done today...well barring any random door bell ringers anyway lol...right now onto my card for today which is using one of my all time favourite Sugar Nellie releases this is the stunning Rebecca from the Simply Adorables collection...I only printed her head to use and coloured her with distress inks...Im not sure I got her skin tones right though she looks a bit streaky to me...I teamed her up with some more of the super lush Bazzill Basics 6x6" Multipack - Believe pack I bought from Bunny Zoe's Crafts...I finished with a huge organza bow and a sentiment stamped from the Personal Impressions Warm Winter Wishes stamp set from Funky Kits set behind a metal framed from Tim Holtz...the lush sketch is from The Sugar Bowl and I'm entering it for the The Crafty Pad Challenge, Stamping Sensations challenge and the One Stitch At a Time challenge too...right I have my crafting head on now and I'm not answering the door or phone for a while...whatever your up to today I hope its a peaceful one
Mina xxx

distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose
eyes - tumbled glass
hair - antique linen, frayed burlap
dress and button - pumice stone
coat - barn door

Saturday, November 17, 2012

I so want that dress...

Good morning everyone are you having a fab weekend...anything nice planned?...we had loads of plans for this weekend we were going out to lunch then off to Belfast to the Christmas market opening then a visit with my Sister and her lovely family, all shot down in flames though as Phil's place have a massive audit starting on Monday and he has to work this weekend now...oh well it cant be helped can it so instead I'm off to a car boot sale with our beautiful Daughter and her other half never know what bargains you will pick up do you, I'm looking for some picture frames, different sizes and shapes, I have a feature for my hall wall in mind, I will show you if it works out...for the first time in a long long time I'm going to Phil's office works Christmas night out and I'm so so nervous, not about meeting everyone, I'm a friendly person I think and get on with most people, its what to I dress up because I'm always nervous I go overboard or do I go with trousers , high heeled boots and a nice top....aaaaarrrrgggghhhhh help...I asked Phil to ask some of the girls in the office what they were wearing but he refused saying he isn't going around asking everyone what they are wearing for it...I maintain they will know exactly why I'm asking don't you think so?...I can kinda see his point though, might come over just a tad creepy the dress this little beauty is wearing would be so wonderful to wear wouldn't it, so festive and feminine...although I don't have her legs lol...this is the beautiful Kraftin' Kimmie - Lola Lollipop and shes on sale for this weekend...all Kraftin' Kimmie and Magnolia stamps are a massive 20% off and there's a huge 15% off everything else across the whole store for this weekend at Bunny Zoe's Crafts so hop on over and pick up a massive bargain or two...I coloured Lola with distress inks and paper pieced her dress and bow with the same lush papers I used for the background and the cut out sentiment...they are from the Bazzill Basics 6x6" Multipack - Believe...I finished my card with some fabulous aged gingham ribbon, a piece of lace and a button to mimic her lollipop...the lush sketch is from Mojo Monday and I'm also entering it for the Lady Anne's Challenge and the Craft Punked challenge too...right I'm off to wrap up warm, I have a feeling I will need it at the car boot sale...whatever your up to today I hope you will be warm and cosy
Mina xxx

distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose
hair - frayed burlap
lollipop - frayed burlap, barn door
dress shading - pumice stone
tights - pumice stone, frayed burlap
shoes - barn door

Thursday, October 18, 2012

hop hop hopping along...

Good morning everyone are you all having a great has turned very cold here and I have my fluffy socks out of storage...oh no that means winter has arrived...its time for our monthly blog hop at Mo's Dreamteam and if you have popped over from the fabulous DEBBIE'S blog then your on the right road...if you haven't and want the chance to win one of two $5 credits for Mo's Digital Pencil, then pop on over to the start of the hop to the talented GRETHA who chose our theme this month of adding an animal to a Christmas card which is an easy theme using a Mo's Digital Pencil image

theres loads of images with animals for Christmas cards so I was kinda spoilt for I used one of my all time favourite animal images from Mo...this is the fantastic Bismarck, look at that face isn't he amazing...I coloured him really softly with distress inks and paper pieced that huge bow on his bone...I teamed him up with these lush papers from the Bazzill Basics 6x6" Multipack - Believe I'm totally loving this gorgeous pad from Bunny Zoe's Crafts, the colour combo's are fantastic and so perfectly Christmas...I finished with a big red satin bow...the sketch is from The Sweet Stop challenge and I'm also entering it for the Crafty Sentiments challenge and Bearly-Mine Challenge too...ok now your next stop on our hop is the fabulous
who I'm sure will have something beautiful to show you...don't forget your comments for a chance to win and enjoy your day
Mina xxx

p.s. I haven't forgotten about the Bunny Zoe's Crafts blog hop candy draw I will be back a little later to announce our winner
distress ink colours used
Bismarck - pumice stone
scarf and hat - barn door, peeled paint
shading on bow - pumice stone
bone - antique linen

Saturday, August 11, 2012


Good morning everyone have you got anything fantastic planned for the weekend, I would love to know what your up to...Phil rang me yesterday afternoon to say he would be home early and did I fancy going to Town for coffee, aaaahhhhh I thought brilliant because I needed to get a Hello Kitty Birthday present for my we were walking around Tesco looking for hello Kitty stuff (which we didn't find) and this stupid woman who was totally oblivious to everyone and everything else picked up her basket and whacked me on the arm with it so hard it almost knocked me over, how ignorant is that...she didn't even say sorry or even acknowledge I was there either...well that was until I said to her as she was walking away 'I'm so sorry was my arm in the way of your basket there' (I know a bit cheeky but she asked for it)...I now have a huge red welt on my arm and four bruises, that shows how hard she hit me doesn't it...why are some people ignorant like that, if I caught someone with my basket I would be gutted and so apologetic...where have all the simple good manners gone...I think it makes it worse too that she was of my generation and age, didn't her parents teach her manners...ok rant over now lol...onto my card for today, I love love love this image she looks so tired doesn't she...she is of course from Saturated Canary and is called Pack Light, I used my usual distress inks to colour her and these lush coloured papers from the Bazzill Basics 6x6" Multipack - Vintage Marketplace from Bunny Zoe's Crafts, I love this pack so much I might have to buy it again when its finished...I added some fantastic wooden letters and heart (I bought these in a pack for £1.99 from The Works...bargain) and finished with a pink satin ribbon and blue bow...the fab sketch is from Sweet Sketch Wednesday challenge and I'm also entering it for the Creative Inspirations challenge ...btw I did find a fab Hello Kitty teddy and a cute little umbrella for my Niece at another shop just in case you were worried lol...Im packing (yes that again lol) a bit more today so nothing exciting for us this weekend...whatever your up to this weekend, I hope its something exciting and fun
Mina xxx

distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose
hair - antique linen
outfit - shabby shutters, pumice stone, worn lipstick
suitcases - pumice stone, worn lipstick, wild honey, broken china

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

first of many I think....

Good morning everyone I hope your all well and having a great the weather here yesterday was brilliant and last night there was the most intense sky I have ever seen, it actually looked like it was on fire, of course after spending about 15 minuets watching it in awe, Phil says did you take a photo...oops I was enjoying it to much and totally forgot, if its the same tonight I will get one to show you all...I have put my first ever mood board below, I know its kinda pointless because I cant show you the kitchen yet but you will get a gist of what I'm heading for I kind its my first one ever card for today is for our new challenge at Crafts and Me challenge, the theme this time is Anything Goes so why not have a go and don't forget you don't have to use a Crafts and Me image for the challenge either...I used this beautiful Sara Burrier image called Larkspur, I don't think shes in the shop just yet but should be in the next few days...shes stunning to colour and I coloured her with a darker skin tone than normal...I still don't think I have the knack of colouring darker skin tones yet but I will work on it...I used my normal distress inks for her and teamed her up with some of my favourite Bazzill Basics 6x6" Multipack - Vintage Marketplace I bought from Bunny Zoe's Crafts, I love love love these papers...I finished my card with some lush cream and pink gingham ribbon and bow and a couple of punched butterflies...the fab sketch is from the Willow Sketchie Challenge and I'm also entering it for the Creative Craft Challenge and the Stamp Man challenge too

well whats you thought on my mood board, I love vintage white furniture and ladder back chairs...and I know the shoes are a bit random but I love that pattern on them...I saw some Kath Kidston cushions in the garden centre we went to on Sunday and that's what gave me the idea of the red and grey scheme...another crafting day today and then I have all the boxes made up that Phil brought home from work so I guess I need to pack some of them so at least I feel like I have done something this week lol...whatever your up to today I hope you have a bright sunny one and when you have time dont forget to pop on over to the Crafts and Me challenge to see what the rest of our fab team came up with
Mina xxx
distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, vintage photo, tatered rose
hair - frayed burlap
clothes - spun sugar, tumbled glass, shabby shutters
flowers - tumbled glass

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Happy 4th July to all our American Cousins...

Good morning everyone and happy 4th July to all of you who celebrate it, I hope you have a fantastic day, I would love to know what you all do to celebrate the 4th July...well I decided to take your advice and chill and go with the flow where my mojo is concerned, I just grabbed the first papers I came to and the first image and made a still mojoless but at least making something...I got a lovely surprise yesterday, Phil arrived home at 11am and said get ready I'm taking you out for lunch, its things like this that make him being home for good so special, I still cant believe how lucky we are to be together full time now...don't get me wrong his little ways take some getting used (as I'm sure mine do for him) lol but we are getting there and enjoying each others a little moan why on earth would an estate agents advertise a house and then tell you that you cant view it until the 1st September, seriously what is the point of putting it on now then????...does that make no sense to you either or is it just me being picky lol...right now onto my card for today how cute and pretty is this sweetie from Mo's Digital Pencil, shes called Big Shoes B and is the ethnic version, I told you I would do more darker skin tone images didn't I...I don't think I did her skin dark enough and although they are darker skinned I still used the same distress inks as usual to colour her...I teamed her up with more of these lush Bazzill Basics 6x6" Multipack - Vintage Marketplace from Bunny Zoe's Crafts, I love these lush papers, I finished my card with some lush coloured seam binding and a layered flower from my stash (I think its K&Co)...the fabulous sketch is from Mojo Monday and I'm also entering it for the Creatalicious challenge and Digital Tuesday challenge too...haven't a clue what I'm up to today but I'm not going to stress about creating anything at all...will just go with the flow be laid back and chill, am I sounding convincing yet lol...whatever your up to today have a fantastic stress free day and have fun if your celebrating
Mina xxx

distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose
hair - black soot
clothes - spun sugar, shabby shutters
hat - pumice stone, spun sugar, victorian velvet, tumbled glass, shabby shutters
shoes - pumice stone, spun sugar
bad - spun sugar, tumbled glass

Monday, June 11, 2012

Cows are girls too...

Good morning everyone did you all have a fantastic weekend, I hope so...I'm feeling a bit better today...I slept all the morning away yesterday, I think you were all right about sleep being the best treatment, I felt a little better when I got up so we went out for a little walk around the shops and ended up buying a new 'us' dinner set, teacups and saucers, teapot, creamer and sugar bow, casseroles well just about everything actually, then poor Phil cleaned everything else out and stacked it all up to take to the charity shop...we are now the proud owners of a complete dinner set for 8 picked by us...mind when I got back I was shattered and had to have another will be pleased to know my lovely Dad got to Sicily ok and is well and enjoying the sunshine in their huge villa, isn't he the lucky I'm feeling a bit better I AM going to do some crafting today, well that's the plan anyway but you know what plans are like lol...right now onto my card for today which is for our new challenge at Bunny Zoe's Crafts monthly challenge, this month the theme was chosen by our lovely Maria Theresa and she chose the fab one of Girls, Girls, remember cows are girls too lol, my card is using this stunning Magnolia Summer Memories - Little Miss MuuMuu stamp, how cute is she and fantastic to colour, I coloured her with distress inks, the lush papers are from the Bazzill Basics 6x6" Multipack - Vintage Marketplace paper pack, I love this amazing pack so colourful and fantastic weight of paper too great to distress, I finished with some pink seam binding and a beautiful flower from the Prima Flowers Primmers - White Cotton pack...I had to use some of my favourite Wooden Ornaments - Alphabet letters for my Moo sentiment...I'm entering this for the Lets Ink It Up Challenge, The Ribbon Girl challenge and Allsorts Challenge too...right I'm off for a lock in the craft room and I'm not coming out until I have created at least three cards...whatever your up to today have a fantastic one and if you get the time pop on over to Bunny Zoe's Crafts monthly challenge and see the amazing makes from our fab DT
Mina xxx

distress ink colours used
little MuuMuu - antique linen, frayed burlap, spun sugar, black soot
flowers - shabby shutters, broken china, peeled paint

Friday, June 01, 2012

talk to the bear cause the face aint listening...

Good morning everyone I hope your all well, have any of you anything exciting planned for this long weekend, any parties or anything?...we are heading to Donegal on Saturday morning to visit one of our favourite places, Glenveagh National Park and instead of driving there and back we have decided to have a romantic break in a hotel in Letterkenny for a few days...I'm looking forward to it, Glenveagh is a stunning place it has such spectacular scenery and the gardens are stunning at this time of I got a real bargain break...oooohhhdon't you just love getting a bargain...I went for a little mooch in Town yesterday and found nothing but was quite sad that almost all of my favourite clothes shops have close over the last year and now two more stores have close, a sign of the times I guess but its very sad that our Town centres are going downhill so fast isn't it...I got my hair cut then out with Dad to get him some shopping for while we are away, back home and I even managed to get some crafting time before dinner...I love busy days like that don't you...right now onto my card for today...I love love love this sweetie from Mo's Digital Pencil, look at that face its so cute and funny isn't it, shes called Talk to the Bear and I coloured her with distress ink, these amazingly stunning papers are from the Bazzill Basics 6x6" Multipack - Vintage Marketplace pack I bought from Bunny Zoe's Crafts gorgeous isn't it and they are those fabric feel type of papers too, do you know what I mean sorta cotton like and rip brilliantly...I used some lush pink seam binding and a few cut out roses from the papers to finish...the fab sketch is from Sweet Sketch Wednesday and I'm also entering it for the Simon Says Stamp challenge too...I'm off to make a couple of cards for while I'm away so you have something to look at when you come by and then sort out something to wear when we go out to dinner (I need a lot of luck with that job lol)...whatever your up to today have a fantastic one and if anyone gets at you just tell them to 'talk to the bear' lol
Mina xxx

distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose
hair - antique linen
top - broken china, shabby shutters
trousers - spun sugar, shabby shutters
shoes - shabby shutters, pumice stone
bear - pumice stone, spun sugar

p.s. theres a 10% off Bank Holiday Special starting lunchtime at 12pm today. This will run until Midnight Tuesday 5th June to celebrate the Jubilee, so pop on over and grab a bargain...just click on the logo below

Friday, May 04, 2012

a cutie in green...

Good morning everyone I hope your all well and not getting any of the virus that are floating around atm (btw whats the plural of virus?)...we went shopping yesterday and put the world to rights over a pot of tea and a coffee so you are all safe to leave your homes and enjoy the fresh air lol...I love those chats with my Dad he gets so animated about some things and if we could just get him around a table with the world leaders he would send them away with red ears, maybe that's all they need lol...he was talking about going away to Sicily in June and is so looking forward to it although he does find air travel harder and harder it will make it much easier that hes travelling with my Sister and Brother in Law this time, at least he wont be tucked into a corner by a porter and left there for hours until he is due on the know if I was a porter and I know they are busy, I would at least push him to a cafe to get tea or a newsagent to get something to read wouldn't you...I guess they just don't think about it...right now onto my card for today which is for our new challenge at Just Magnolia & hAnglar & sTanglar challenge...this time its our monthly challenge and our fabulous Sara's turn to chose an added option and she chose Swirls and Pearls, although of course you don't need to use this option and can just go with the Anything Goes monthly challenge instead...I used this fantastic new Summer Flower Tilda from the new Magnolia Summer Memories collection, I'm loving this collection and bought three of the new stamps and loads of the papers too, well I couldn't resist could I lol, I coloured my Tilda with distress inks and the fantastic papers I teamed her up with are from the new Bazzill Basics 6x6" Multipack - Vintage Marketplace (this jumped into my basket too lol)...this is a fantastic heavyweight paper with lush summer designs on, the stamp and papers I bought at Bunny Zoe's Crafts...I finished my card with a few white swirl rubon's in the corners, a fab coloured seam binding, pearls and a flower charm I bought at the last craft show...the fab sketch is from the Sunday Sketch and Stamp challenge and I'm also entering it for the Stamptacular Sunday challenge and One Stop Craft challenge too...I'm going to do some clearing out of drawers today I now don't all swoon, me clearing out things lol...well I have to make room for Phil don't I...whatever your up to today have a brilliant one and try your best to squash the urge to clean
Mina xxx
distress ink colours used
skin-antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose
hair - frayed burlap
wings - pumice stone, spun sugar
dress - shabby shutters
shoes - worn lipstick, shabby shutters
bow in hair and flower - worn lipstick
tights - pumice stone
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