Showing posts with label Honolulu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Honolulu. Show all posts

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Pegge Hopper

Pegge Hopper via facebook
Pegge Hopper via facebook
Pegge Hopper detail via facebook
A Pegge Hopper classic--was in the film "The Descendants"
vintage Pegge Hopper poster for Italian department store, La Rinascente
vintage Pegge Hopper poster via Pegge Hopper Gallery facebook page
vintage Pegge Hopper poster via facebook page
Pegge Hopper seascape via facebook page--love this!
Pegge Hopper via facebook page
Pegge Hopper via gallery facebook page
Pegge Hopper via gallery facebook page
the gallery (with my piece in the center)
the Pegge Hopper Gallery--another one of my pieces on far right
Honolulu-based artist--and my good friend--Pegge Hopper--much loved for her paintings of iconic Hawaiian women. But I also love her paintings of the sea and sky. Her work really captures the essence of Hawaii. I found these images on the gallery's facebook page which shows some of her early graphic work, posters for the Italian department store, La Rinascente.  

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tropical Pillows by Kaypee Soh of So'mace

Artist and designer, Kaypee Soh of So'mace, his shop in Honolulu where he sells linen cushions in lovely tropical designs  which can also be found online at Tonic Home.