Sarah's tag:
What I was doing 10 years ago...November 1998...I was having a nervous breakdown. I was really busy with school and preparing for finals. And I was going a little bit insane with excitement, nervousness, and anxiety about Andrew coming home from his mission in a few weeks. I was also preparing for my semester abroad to Jerusalem and very excited but also a little bit stressed/nervous about how everything was going to work out. Thank you to my roommates Sarah, Trish and Jen for putting up with me!
5 Things on my "To-Do" list: I have a thing for making lists. I don't know why. Sometimes I think I spend more time writing stuff down than actually doing it. But it helps me clear my mind and feel a little more organized. My lists tend to go on and on and on though. I rarely have one with only 5 items. But here are a few things I'm working on accomplishing right now.
1. Addressing & mailing Christmas cards 2. Finish putting up Christmas lights & decorations 3. Sending thank you notes (I am SO bad at this. If I should have sent you a thank you note months or years ago, which is probably all of you, I'm sorry and Thank you!) 4. Fold the ten loads of laundry that are all over my bedroom right now. 5. Finally finishing breaking down our boxes from moving so they don't take up so much space in the basement.
3 bad habits I have:
1. Procrastinating 2. Biting my nails (I finally quit doing this when I was about ten, but if I get nervous or anxious now, I have to work hard not to do it again. Gross, I know.) 3. Spending too much time on the computer
Day of choice:
Right now I'm loving Thursdays because that's my date night with my handsome husband. But Fridays are fun too because I really enjoy our field trips, and what's not great about Friday night?! And Saturdays are often my favorite because that's usually the most time we get to spend with Andrew.
Places I've lived: Maryland, Utah, Jerusalem, Texas (for a summer internship), Virginia...and I think that's all folks!
Places I wish to live: I've been pretty happy in all the places I've lived and realize that there is something wonderful and not so wonderful about every place in the world. I don't imagine I'll be spending the rest of my life in a place different than I've already lived (typically Maryland comes to mind), but we've had a few surprises already, so who knows. We would really enjoy living for a year or two somewhere in Europe, probably France.
Favorite indulgence: Getting a massage and time alone...although neither of those beat out a week away with my husband! :)
Phobias/fears? My biggest fear is someone hurting my children. I have a phobia about loosing things. Like whenever I stay in a hotel I have to check the drawers and under the bed about three times. And I always look all around on the ground after I've pulled out of a parking space to make sure I didn't drop something while getting in the car. Weird, huh? Oh, and I also have a constant fear when I'm on call for a birth that somehow all three phone numbers I've provided will loose service or be turned off or I won't hear them or something crazy will happen to make me miss the birth. I even wake up in the middle of the night sometimes and have to check for a dial tone on my phone. I've never missed a birth yet, but it still freaks me out a little.
Reason to smile: The hilarious things my kids say to me every day that I just wish I could remember long enough to write them all down! Seeing Andrew's smile always makes me smile too. Oh, and Christmas time is almost here!!!
Season of choice: I can't choose. The activities of summer are the best, the beauty of spring is amazing, Christmas is by far my favorite holiday and I think a snow covered world is divine, and there is absolutely NOTHING like the smell in the air and the breathtaking beauty of an east coast autumn.
Oranges or Apples? The best oranges I've ever eaten in my life were from Jericho when I lived in Jerusalem. It made me quite picky about my oranges, and so I don't buy them very often anymore. I mostly buy apples, but I only buy Fuji (and occasionally Granny Smith for my hubby & kids). (although I'll always pick orange juice over apple!)
# of brothers/sisters: 3 sisters, 4 brothers.
Esther's tag:
3 joys (my kids and hot husband, obviously, but also...)
laying out on a raft in a pool on a hot day
digging my feet in the sand or running barefoot on the beach
curling up with a good book by the fire
3 Fears
someone hurting my kids
loosing Andrew
guns (that's for you Rob!)
3 Goals
to spend my time better (on the BEST, MOST important things)
not loosing my temper with my kids or Andrew
writing in my journal and making a journal for each of my kids
3 Current Obsessions
getting ALL Christmas preparations done BEFORE Thanksgiving
decorating my house in inexpensive ways
3 Random surprising facts about myself (probably only random or surprising for people who didn't know me in high school or don't know my family, sorry, can't really think of anything more surprising!)
I played field hockey for four years in high school and ran hurdles on the track team
I was in 17 magazine my senior year of high school (they did one of those school specials on my school, and it's only a side view of me with my field hockey team) and to not focus just on a magazine that I don't highly recommend, I did have an article published in the New Era that same year that I wrote about a friend of mine who had passed away.
My baby sister is 6 weeks older than my oldest son
Erin's tag:
the fourth picture of the fourth folder on my computer (why do these pictures always end up being so random? I mean, there are HUNDREDS of darling pictures of my kids, but this is the one I ended up with)
Becca, I LOVED reading all this stuff about you! Some of the things I knew, a LOT I didn't, so it was fun! Thanks for posting the pics of the art center too. I've heard of it for years, but have never seen it! Do you remember the Streadbeck's from our ward? Scott works at the art center. Anyway, it was fun to learn more about you!
Thanks Amber. Like I said, I feel self conscious writing so much about myself, so I'm glad if you enjoyed it. I totally remember the Streadbecks. I didn't realize he worked there. It was a really fun place to visit. Very impressive!
Yes it's always fun to read these things.... :) That's funny - Scott Streadbeck was our home teacher for a long time when we were in the ward! I think he does sculptures out of bronze or something. Thanks for the doing the tags it's fun to read about you!
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