Sky Bucket No. 3
Sky Bucket No. 3 | 18 x 36 | oil on canvas
Karen, my brother Doug and I went to the North Georgia State Fair in t...
1 week ago
Jeremy, the colours are quite different from the earlier post, but I like this finished version just as much. Looking forward to more of them.
Thanks Peter, actually the earlier photo was perhaps a bit overexposed and this one slightly underexposed. It is really only the foreground tones of the painting that have changed but the colours are the same (or should be). I'm still not quite there yet in terms of getting perfect photos of my work in terms of colour and tone - but working on it!
No one else masters these dawn/dusk scenes like you can...and each one is so much your style. I'm so glad you're doing a series of them, I and I'm sure many others, look forward to more.
Hope all is great. My best...
Jeremy, if you feel frustrated when it comes to photographing your work, consider that I just paid a professional to do the same for me, with a view to releasing limited-edition prints. Despite the pro's specialised equipment, multiple polarised light sources, years of experience, etc., he still struggled to accurately match the digital images to the originals. It seems the best we can hope for is to approximate the colours and tones of the original work.
Pam, thanks for your wonderful comments, very much appreciated! I hope to have more landscapes up here soon. Have visited your blog often and I like the series you are working on, great references for future paintings too so I'm looking forward to seeing more. Didn't see anywhere to leave any comments though.
Peter, glad that I'm not the only one going through this! I certainly commiserate though. I have had some success photographing the work (digitally that is) in direct sunlight. Perhaps with just very light cloud cover then doing the usual photoshop etc. I'm still getting a lot of glare though and my darks really suffer. I have even been thinking of painting on board instead of canvas in the hope of cutting down on some of the reflected light from the weave of the canvas. Well, no one said it would be easy!
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